1.Drumstick fingers
Zulhairi MOHAMAD ; Norhayati AHMAD ; Vui Heng CHONG
Brunei International Medical Journal 2012;8(2):86-86
2.Drumstick Fingers - Answers
Zulhairi MOHAMAD ; Norhayati AHMAD ; Vui Heng CHONG
Brunei International Medical Journal 2012;8(2):107-107
3.A case of dysphagia
Norhayati AHMAD ; Edwin Chyi Chyuan LIM ; Vui Heng CHONG
Brunei International Medical Journal 2012;8(3):135-135
5.Ethnobotanical review and pharmacological properties of selected medicinal plants in Brunei Darussalam:Litsea elliptica, Dillenia suffruticosa, Dillenia excelsa, Aidia racemosa, Vitex pinnata and Senna alata
Basri Maryam Aida ; Yasin Hartini ; Taha Hussein ; Ahmad Norhayati
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2017;7(2):173-180
The aim of the current study is to review the medicinal properties of the plants found in Brunei Darussalam namely Litsea elliptica, Dillenia suffruticosa, Dillenia excelsa, Aidia racemosa, Vitex pinnata and Senna alata. The known phytochemical constituents of these plants and their ability to bring about a range of biological activities are included in this review. These plants have been used traditionally for a multitude of diseases and illnesses. There is a lot of untapped potential in these medicinal plants which could cure multiple diseases.
6.The Experiences And Challenges In Caring For HIV/AIDS Patients: A Qualitative Exploration Among
Pei Lin Lua ; Norhayati Mustapha ; Ramle Abdullah ; Ahmad Kashfi Abdul Rahman
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2014;15(2):120-130
Objective: The family caregiver has a pivotal role in the management of HIV/AIDS patients and their well-being is consequently crucial as it could impact negatively on the quality of caregiving. This preliminary qualitative
investigation intended to explore and describe the challenges and experiences of HIV/AIDS family caregivers in Terengganu, Malaysia. Methods: A convenient
sample of family caregivers of HIV/AIDS patients who were aware of the diagnosis was enrolled. Recruitment was conducted in Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia and semi-structured interviews were
used. Results: Results were transcribed into verbatim before being subjected to analysis. Twelve Muslim caregivers consented participation (age range = 18.0 -
81.0; female = 75.0%, mother/wife = 50.0%; married = 83.3%; ≤ primary school = 50.0%; and self-employed = 66.7%). The four major themes that emerged
were challenges of caregiving, financial issues, stigma and discrimination, and support for caregivers. Additionally, caregivers did mention several positive
aspects of their caregiving role including satisfaction from helping family member and improved family relationships. Conclusion: A variety of life aspects
were negatively affected by caring for HIV patients, thus requiring a multidisciplinary approach to address such issues.
Life Change Events
7.Phonological Awareness And Global Visual Spatial Ability Among Malay Speaking Children With Specific Learning Disorder With Dyslexia
Agnes Chong Shu Sze ; Normah Che Din ; Mahadir Ahmad ; Norhayati Ibrahim ; Rogayah Abdul Razak ; Pheh Kai Shuen
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (1)):115-124
Children with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) faces challenges in academic areas and are often negatively labelled. The learning problems in SLD children were mainly due to poor phonological skill but not much was known about the contribution of visuospatial difficulties. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between phonological awareness skills and global visual-spatial abilities among Malay speaking children with SLD, and to compare children with SLD and typical readers on intellectual functioning, phonological awareness and global visual-spatial ability. An equal number of typical readers (n = 36) and children with SLD were recruited. Data were coded and analysed using Kendall’s Tau-b, independent samples t-test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results showed phonological skills have strong negative correlation with global visual-spatial ability (r = .55). The typical readers have significantly higher IQ and better phonological skills and better global visual-spatial skills as compared to the group with SLD. However, there is no conclusive evidence due to specificity of more than one area measured by the assessment tools. Nevertheless, it provides a direction for future research to look into global visual-spatial aspects of SLD to aid in educational instruction in the future, in addition to the long-standing phonology deficit theory.
Specific Learning Disorders
phonological awareness, global visual-spatial ability, intellectual functioning
8.White mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with calcium chloride dihydrate: chemical analysis and biological properties.
Hany Mohamed Aly AHMED ; Norhayati LUDDIN ; Thirumulu Ponnuraj KANNAN ; Khairani Idah MOKHTAR ; Azlina AHMAD
Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 2017;42(3):176-187
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the chemical and biological properties of fast-set white mineral trioxide aggregate (FS WMTA), which was WMTA combined with calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl₂·2H₂O), compared to that of WMTA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Surface morphology, elemental, and phase analysis were examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The cytotoxicity and cell attachment properties were evaluated on human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPLFs) using methyl-thiazol-diphenyltetrazolium (MTT) assay and under SEM after 24 and 72 hours, respectively. RESULTS: Results showed that the addition of CaCl₂·2H₂O to WMTA affected the surface morphology and chemical composition. Although FS WMTA exhibited a non-cytotoxic profile, the cell viability values of this combination were lesser than WMTA, and the difference was significant in 7 out of 10 concentrations at the 2 time intervals (p < 0.05). HPLFs adhered over the surface of WMTA and at the interface, after 24 hours of incubation. After 72 hours, there were increased numbers of HPLFs with prominent cytoplasmic processes. Similar findings were observed with FS WMTA, but the cells were not as confluent as with WMTA. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of CaCl₂·2H₂O to WMTA affected its chemical properties. The favorable biological profile of FS WMTA towards HPLFs may have a potential impact on its clinical application for repair of perforation defects.
Calcium Chloride*
Cell Survival
Electron Probe Microanalysis
Periodontal Ligament
X-Ray Diffraction
9.Responding to the Potential of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Importation into Malaysia
Wan Noraini Wan Mohamed Noor ; Sukhvinder Singh Sandhu ; Husna Maizura Ahmad Mahir ; Devan Kurup ; Norhayati Rusli ; Zainah Saat ; Chee Kheong Chong ; Lokman Hakim Sulaiman ; Noor Hisham Abdullah
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2014;21(6):3-8
The current Ebola outbreak, which is the first to affect West African countries, has been declared to have met the conditions for a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO). Thus, the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Malaysia has taken steps to strengthen and enhanced the five core components of preparedness and response to mitigate the outbreak. The National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) commands, controls and coordinates the preparedness and response plans for disasters, outbreaks, crises and emergencies (DOCE) related to health in a centralised way. Through standardised case definition and mandatory notification of Ebola by public and private practitioners, surveillance of Ebola is made possible. Government hospitals and laboratories have been identified to manage and diagnose Ebola virus infections, and medical staff members have been trained to handle an Ebola outbreak, with emphasis on strict infection prevention and control practices. Monitoring of the points of entry, focusing on travellers and students visiting or coming from West African countries is made possible by interagency collaborations. To alleviate the public’s anxiety, effective risk communications are being delivered through various channels. With experience in past outbreak control, the MOH’s preparedness and response plans are in place to abate an Ebola outbreak.
10.UKM Medical Graduates’ Perception of their Communication Skills during Housemanship
Abdus Salam ; Ahmad Faizal Mohd Perdaus ; Siti Harnida Md Isa ; ZulkifliZainuddin ; Azian Abdul Latiff ; Ng Soon Pheng ; ; Zauyah Yusuf ; Ima Nirwana Soelaiman ; Nabishah Mohamad ; Norhayati Moktar
Medicine and Health 2008;3(1):54-58
The art of talking to patients and their relatives does not come naturally to most of us and
the ability to put oneself in the patients’ predicament is difficult particularly for the young
doctors. To identify the communication abilities of the young doctors, a cross sectional
study was carried out on 32 house officers who graduated from UKM in 2004 during their
house jobs at different hospitals in Malaysia. A standardized questionnaire was used to
collect the data. Fifty nine percent respondents claimed that they had communicated very
well with patients while 69% with support staff and 88% with peers. On the other hand 38%
and 41% of the respondents claimed they communicated very well with their superiors and
families of patients. Only 22% of the graduates’ skills of communication in breaking bad
news were very well, while 50% and 81% were very well in counselling patients and taking consent for procedures. Curriculum planners need to emphasize the importance of
developing good communication skills in all aspects for the future doctors.