Objective To investigate the size and diversification of peripheral nerve measured by high frequency ultrasound in di-abetic peripheral neuropathy patient .Methods The endings of the medial branch of deep peripheral nerves(DPN) were interrogated by high frequency ultrasound and nerve electrophysiology ,and the nerve conduction characters were studied in a cohort of 150 clini-cally diagnosed diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients and a control group of 100 healthy volunteers .At the sametime these cases underwent electrophysiological examination .Results Distinct echoic appearances were consistently detected between the DPN nerves of diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients and healthy volunteers .The sensitivity rate of high frequency ultrasound and nerve electrophysiological examination in diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy were 91 .33% and 74 .67% ,and the specificity rate were 91% and 82% .Conclusion High frequency ultrasound may play a role in the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy .