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Author:( Ahamed Jiffri Ahamed MACKIE)

1.Management of liver trauma in RIPAS Hospital

Ahamed Jiffri Ahamed MACKIE ; Kenneth Yuh Yen KOK

Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(1):41-47

2.Evaluation of the RIPASA Score: a new appendicitis scoring system for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis

Chee Fui CHONG ; Amy Thien ; Ahamed Jiffri Ahamed MACKIE ; Aung S TIN ; Sonal TRIPATHI ; Mohammad Addy A AHMAD ; Lian Tat TAN ; Firdaus Mohamad MAT DAUD ; Caroline TAN ; Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE ; Swee Hui ANG

Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(1):17-26

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