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Author:( Aguilar Angela S.)

1.Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: A case report.

Elises Kristine Therese R. ; Aguilar Angela S.

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2011;35(2):88-95

2.The XY female: A rare case of Swyer syndrome with dysgerminoma.

Asto Ma. Rosielyn D. ; Aguilar Angela S.

Philippine Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility 2016;13(1):14-21

3.A cross-sectional study of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome consulting at a tertiary hospital from February - July 2004

Pacioles-Flavier Carol Marjorie H. ; Aguilar Angela S.

Philippine Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility 2007;4(1):1-6

4.Validation of readings of locally made cardiotocogram (RxBox 2) model 2 compared with standard equipment

Serines Virian D.C. Decano ; Angela S. Aguilar

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2018;42(2):1-8

5.The effectiveness of evening primrose oil gel capsule as a cervical ripening agent during labor induction as measured by bishop score on term singleton pregnant patients.

Nina Nonette DIANSUY ; Angela S. AGUILAR

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017;41(2):1-4

6.A proof of concept study on the comfort and usability of a supportive pillow for pregnant patients with COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Maria Antonia E. Habana ; Maria Julieta V. Germar ; Angela S. Aguilar ; Louis Angelo M. Danao ; Mary Ruth A. Padua ; Albert B. Jr. Albay

Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(11):13-21

7.Knowledge, attitude and practices of college students in a public university on microplastics and its health effects: A cross-sectional study

Angela S. Angela ; Veronica M. Acejo ; Nur Haron A. Adiong II ; Jerome R. Morgan ; Gabrielle Alexandra L. Aguilar ; Bea Camille G. Agustin ; Dean Lotus C. Alano ; Alyssa Aindrea S. Alarilla ; Aelijah Julliane P. Alcantara ; Ixzi Thia T. Alforque ; Elyka Charlette E. Antonino ; Alyanna Teresa Q. Apostol ; Ainjelou Marie E. Arce ; Kenneth Von B. Areta ; Kiara Rossanne F. Aroza ; Joshua Noel Fernando C. Arzadon ; Donaliz R. Garcia ; Milagros B. Rabe

Health Sciences Journal 2024;13(2):87-96

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