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MeSH:( Age Factors )

1.Average age of Olympic champions

Ly Gia Thanh

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;0(1):33-34

2.Some remarkable on percutaneous laser disc decompression results according to age

Ha Viet Hien

Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;472(2):40-42

3.Osteoarthritis and some related factors in farmers at the age of over 40 years old in Cam Giang district, Hai Duong province

Doan Van De

Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;512(5):23-25

4.Study on the oral contraceptive pill use in Ha Noi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh city

Tran Hoang Giang

Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;494(11):40-42

6.Aging, exposed history with peticide chemicals and breast cancer

Khuong Van Duy

Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;474(3):7-11

7.Dementia in the elderly

Pham -- Thang

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;10():2-5

8.Establishing the reference values of ventilatory function on healthy Vietnamses

Bui Quang Phu

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2004;305(12):1-5

9.To evaluate the results of the use of Megestron contraceptive injection for women of reproductive age in HaiHung province

Do Ngoc Tan

Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;481(6):36-39

10.To remark physical strength of young men 18-19 years old in Can Tho province

Do Chi Linh

Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;456(7):23-25

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