1.Ocular Thermometer Utilizing Thermistor.
Jae Myung KIM ; Sang Min KIM ; Jae In HA ; Won Shik YOUN
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1965;6(2):7-9
A sensitive thermometer utilizing thermistor as a sensing element has been constructed in order to measure the temperatures in various ocular tissues. The Wheatstone bridge was used to detect the changes in thermistor resistance. The out-put of the bridge was fed into a single-stage differential DC amplifier and read by an micro-ammeter. There was a linear relationship between temperature and meter scale. The thermistor was inserted into the inferior conjunctival sacs of 158 healthy normal human eyes. The average temperature was found to be 35.14 +/- 1.08 (in C). No difference due to sex and age distribution was found to exists. Preliminary temperature measurement has been done on rabbits. Their results are shown graphically in Fig. 3.
Age Distribution
2.Clinical Study on Urethral Caruncle.
Korean Journal of Urology 1976;17(4):277-282
Clinical observation was done on the 23 cases of urethral caruncle which were confirmed pathologically during the period from January 1965 to August 1976 and the following results were obtained. 1. Age distribution was between 8 and 81 years, showing the highest incidence in 31 to 60 years (18/23, 78.3%) and the mean age was 45.2 years. 2. Among them, 16 cases were telangiectatic type (16/23, 69. 6%), 4 were papillomatous type (4/23, 17.4%) and 3 were granulomatous type (3/23, 13.0%). 3. Most common location was posterior lip of the urethral meatus (20/23, 87.1%) but anterior lip 1 and combined 2 respectively. 4. Excision and electrofulguration were performed in all cases and one case of recurrence was noticed.
Age Distribution
3.Clinical Features of 27 Cases of Ingrowing Toenails and Treatment with Flexible Plastic Tube Insertion.
Min Young YOU ; Jae Ho CHONG ; Han Uk KIM ; Chull Wan IHM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 2001;39(7):782-788
BACKGROUND: Ingrowing toenail is one of common dermatological disorders causing significant daily disability. Clinical study of the disease seems not to be enough. OBJECTIVE: To elucidate clinical aspects of the disease and to evaluate the plastic tube insertion method for the treatment. METHOD: In 27 cases, clinical stages, sites and duration of lesions, duration and previous treatments were examined. The plastic tube insertion method was done in all of the cases and its results were evaluated. The method ws consisted of insertion of a longitudinally slitted soft flexible plastic tube between the lateral edge of the nail plate and the inflamed soft nail fold. RESULT: 1. Age distribution showed 96% (26 cases) were between 15 to 36 years with mean 25 years. 2. Average duration of illness was 18 months. 12 cases(45%) was previously treated with various operative methods. 3. 9 cases wre involved in both feet and 18 cases in unilateral foot. Among the unilateral 18 cases, 12 cases were in right foot and 6 cases in left foot. 4. In each involved toenail 8 cases showed both side lesions and 19 cases showed one side lesions. Among the 19 cases 6 cases had medial side lesions and 13 cases lateral side lesions. 5. By the plastic tube method, 96% (26 cases) had immediate relief of the pain. But 63%(17 cases) showed recurrence and needed other treatment within 6 months. CONCLUSION: Predilection age of the ingrowing toenail was between 15 to 36. The most common site is the lateral side of the right great toe. The rate of the cure by the plastic tube method was only 37%.
Age Distribution
4.Relative Signal Intensity Changes of Frontal and Occipital White Matters on T2 Weighted Axial MR Image: Correlation with Age.
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1998;38(4):741-744
PURPOSE: To assess relative signal intensity changes in frontal and occipital white matter with age, as seenon T2 weighted axial MR images. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty eight normal adults (20-29 years old) and 114children (0-11 years old) were investigated. All had nonspecific neurologic symptoms and their MR images, obtainedusing a 1.5T system (Signa, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, U.S.A), appeared to be normal. The signal intensitiesof frontal and occipital white matter were evaluated on T2 weighted axial images at the level of the foramen ofMonro. When the signal intensity of white matter was higher than that of gray matter, grade 0 was assigned ; whenthe opposite situation pertained, this was graded I_III. Grade I indicated that the signal intensity of occipitalwhite matter was lower than that of frontal white matter ; grade II, that the signal intensity of white matter ofboth lobes was similar. When the signal intensity of frontal white matter was lower than that of occipital whitematter, grade III was assigned. We divided the children's age by six months before 2 years of age, and by one yearafter 2 years of age, and then determined grade according to age, age distribution according to grade, and theages at which signal intensities were similar to those of adults. RESULTS: All 38 adults showed a grade IIIpattern ; this grade was apparent as early as 1.5 years of age and by 3 years of age, it was seen in over 50% ofchildren. After 8 years of age, all children were grade III. The age distribution of grade 0 was 0-0.5 years ofage, for grade I this was 0.5-2 years of age, for grade II it was 1-7, and for grade III, it was 1.5-11. CONCLUSION: On T2-weighted MR images, the signal intensity of frontal white matter ultimately shows a lowersignal intensity than that of occipital white matter.
Age Distribution
Neurologic Manifestations
5.Statistical Observation on In-patients of the Department of Urology in the Past 3 Years.
Korean Journal of Urology 1979;20(6):618-623
A statistical observation was made on 267 in-patients with age distribution and operative procedures in the Department of Urology, National Seoul Hospital, during the period from January 1. 1976 to December 31, 1978.
Age Distribution
Surgical Procedures, Operative
6.Vesicovaginal fistula: 20years of experience.
Sang Sung LEE ; Chun Il KIM ; Sung Choon LEE
Korean Journal of Urology 1991;32(6):970-975
A clinical observation on the vesicovaginal fistula repair was done on 46 cases admitted to the Department of Urology, Keimyung University Hospital, during the period from 1971 through 1990. The incidence rare of recent 10 years has decreased in comparison with that of the previous 10 years without change of age distribution, size and location of vesicovaginal fistula. Success rate of vesivocaginal Fistula repair was 60%. 89% and 100% with suprapubic transvesical. transperitoneal transvesical and trensvaginal repair, respectively. Although the management of vesicovaginal fistula still remains controversial in regard to the timing of repair and type of approach, transvaginal approach has the distinct advantages of simplicity, ease and less morbidity. Transvaginal repair with jackknife position can be performed successfully by better exposure and easier access.
Age Distribution
Vesicovaginal Fistula*
7.Surgical Result of Unilateral Medial Retus Recession and Lateral Retus Resection in Esotropia.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1996;37(9):1513-1520
To determine the effectiveness of unilateral medical rectus recession and lateral rectus resection in esotropia, surgical outcome was reviewed. We excluded paralytic strabismus, refractive esotropia and nonrefractive esotropia with high AC/A. Of 128 cases, 60 cases were male, 68 cases were female. At the amount of surgery, age distribution was from 11 month to 55 years. Preoperative angle of deviation was from 12 delta to 95 delta. We treated the patients with varying amount of unilateral medial rectus recession from 2.5mm to 8mm and unilateral lateral rectus resection from 2.5mm to 10mm. Following 31 months in average, 102(79.69%) showed successful alignment(orthporia +/-10 delta). The average amount of correction amount was 30.42 delta.
Age Distribution
8.Surgical Result of Unilateral Medial Retus Recession and Lateral Retus Resection in Esotropia.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1996;37(9):1513-1520
To determine the effectiveness of unilateral medical rectus recession and lateral rectus resection in esotropia, surgical outcome was reviewed. We excluded paralytic strabismus, refractive esotropia and nonrefractive esotropia with high AC/A. Of 128 cases, 60 cases were male, 68 cases were female. At the amount of surgery, age distribution was from 11 month to 55 years. Preoperative angle of deviation was from 12 delta to 95 delta. We treated the patients with varying amount of unilateral medial rectus recession from 2.5mm to 8mm and unilateral lateral rectus resection from 2.5mm to 10mm. Following 31 months in average, 102(79.69%) showed successful alignment(orthporia +/-10 delta). The average amount of correction amount was 30.42 delta.
Age Distribution
9.Clinical Observation on Undescended Testis.
Myoung Kiu KIM ; Young Taik HAN
Korean Journal of Urology 1982;23(8):1179-1182
A clinical study was made on 47 cases of undescended testes during 9 years, from March 1973 to February 1982. The results obtained as follows: 1. The age distribution varies from 3 to 35 and 12 cases (26%) were between 21-25 years old. 2. Bilateral undescended testes were found in 8 cases, and in the cases of unilateral, right in 27 cases and left in 12 cases. 3. Of the 57 undescended testes, most popular location was inguinal type in 31 testes. (56.4%). 4. Hormonal therapy was done on 11 cases and among them only 2 cases of unilateral type responded with partial descent. 5. Orchiopexy was performed on 45 cases and orchiectomy on 2 cases. 6. Of the several methods of orchiopexy, dartos pouch method revealed high success rate (91%).
Age Distribution
10.Clinical Analysis of Anesthesia for Emergency Operations.
He Sun SONG ; Sang Kyi LEE ; Jong Gwan PARK
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1985;18(1):58-62
We have made a clinical analysis of emergency operations which were performed from January to December 1983 at the Chonbuk National University Hospital. The Clinical analysis compared sex and age distribution, physical status, frequency of emergency operation, department, anesthetic method, time, and seasonal distribution. The results were as follows: 1) About forty-eight percent of emergency patients were between 20 to 40. 2) Emergency operative cases were about forty-one percent of all anesthetized patients. 3) About forty-three percent of emergency operations were performed by the Department of General Surgery and the most common surgical operation was appendectomy. 4) Emergency operations in the winter were significantly less common than those of other seasons. 5) About forty percent of emergency operations were performed during daytime office hours.
Age Distribution