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MeSH:( Acute Disease)

1.An acute diarrhoea outbreak at Thai Binh province in 2000

Lich Dong Nguyen

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2000;10(4):49-51

2.Evaluation of the factors which impact on efficacy of the treatment of acute diarrhea at home in Thanh Hoa

Quang Thanh Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):25-27

3.Comment about treatment of acute diarrhea in children admitted to the Pediatric Department of Military Hospital 108 during 7 years (1987-1993).

Yen Thi Hoang Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):6-7

4.The cardiac rate disorders of acute myocardial fraction patients treated in Thanh Nhan Hospital in period of 3 years (2000-2002)

To Van Hai

Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;472(2):78-82

8.Recent Research Advances on Pediatric Myelodysplastic Syndrome.

Wei LIN ; Run-Hui WU

Journal of Experimental Hematology 2015;23(3):898-902

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