1.Damage control resuscitation: A case of thoraco abdominal impalement
Nur Abdul Karim ; Mohd Amin Mohd Mokhtar ; Izzat Ismail ; Abdul Halim S ; Nor Elayni Borhan
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2016;71(2):77-78
Damage Control Resuscitation and Surgery is the concept of
controlled hypotension, haemostatic resuscitation and
abbreviated surgical procedures following severe trauma;
the practice of which has resulted in improved mortality and
morbidity. We describe a rare case of thoraco-abdominal
impalement successfully managed based on the concept of
Damage Control Resuscitation.
2.Validity and Reliability of the Malay Version of the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI-M) Questionnaire among Malaysian University Athletes
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2021;15(No.1):32-42
Introduction: This study was designed to produce a
validated and reliable Malay version of the Identification of
Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI-M) questionnaire.
Materials and method: The cross-cultural adaptation was
conducted based on standard guidelines to produce the
Malay version of the Identification of Functional Ankle
Instability (IdFAI-M) questionnaire. The reliability and
validity testing were then performed among one hundred and
twenty-three physically active University of Malaya
students. Among them, twenty-two students also participated
in the second return of the questionnaire over a two-week
interval, which was then evaluated for test-retest reliability
Results: The content validity for item-level (I-CVI) and
Kappa values for all items were more than 0.7, respectively
and the all scales-level (S-CVI) values were 0.983
(consistency), 0.967 (representativeness), 1.00 (relevance)
and 0.983 (clarity). The questionnaire also demonstrated
excellent reliability with an intraclass correlation coefficient
(ICC2.1) above 0.850 for all items. It was observed that outer
loading of most items were more than the minimum
acceptable value (0.7). Fornell-Larcker criterion demonstrate
all values for each reflective construct was larger than the
correlations with other constructs, indicating discriminant.
The cross-loading values of each item has shown a weak
correlation with all other constructs, except for the one to
which it was theoretically associated.
Conclusions: The Malay version of the IdFAI (IdFAI-M) is
a reliable and valid instrument that can be readily utilised to
subjectively assess ankle instability.
3.Incidence of Football and Futsal Injuries Among Youth in Malaysian Games 2018
Ahmad-Shushami AH, MBBS ; Abdul-Karim S, MSpMed
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2020;14(No.1):28-33
Introduction: Football and futsal were the main sports in the Malaysian Games. However, they were associated with a risk of injury. The purpose of the study was to analyse the incidence, circumstances, and characteristics of football and futsal injuries during the Malaysian Games of 2018. Materials and method: During the tournament, 14 teams participated in men's football, 12 teams in men's futsal and 11 teams in women's futsal. The biannual event involved athletes aged under 21 years. A medical report form used by FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre (F-Marc), was provided to the physiotherapists and team doctors of all the teams to report all injuries after each match. Results: The response rate was 84.62% in football and 59.76% in futsal. A total of 48 injuries were reported from 26 football matches, equivalent to 64.64 injuries per 1000 match hours (95%CI 46.35 to 82.93). In futsal, a total of 48 injuries from 41 matches were reported, equivalent to 292.42 injuries per 1000 match hours (95% CI 209.7 to 375.14). The rate of injury in women futsal players was higher compared to men: 358.21 versus 247.04 injuries per 1000 match hours (p=0.224). Futsal recorded higher injuries per 1000 match hours than football (p<0.001). Conclusion: The rate of severe injury in futsal and football recorded in the study as compared to previous studies gave rise to serious concerns. Hence, there was an urgent need to pay more attention to injury prevention strategies.
4.Validity, Reliability and Responsiveness of the Malay Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (M-SPADI) for Patients with Shoulder Pain
Abdul-Karim S ; Abdul-Hamid MS ; Ho CA ; Ling JCY
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2023;17(No.1):160-171
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to determine the
validity, reliability, and responsiveness of the Malay
Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (M-SPADI) in Malay
speakers suffering from shoulder pain.
Materials and methods: The M-SPADI, the Numerical
Rating Scale (NRS), and measurements of shoulder active
range of motion (AROM) were completed by 140 patients
with shoulder pain (68 with rotator cuff pathology and 72
with other shoulder pathology). Thirty-four patients were
retested for test-retest reliability with M-SPADI after an
average of 9.2 days. M-SPADI was performed on twenty-one
individuals three months after completing treatment for
rotator cuff disorders to assess response.
Results: The results of exploratory factor analysis revealed a
bidimensional structure for M-SPADI. M-SPADI disability
score was significantly greater in patients with rotator cuff
pathologies (median = 31.87, IQR 82.50) than in patients
with other shoulder pathologies (median = 20.00, IQR
23.84). In multi-group factor analysis, measurement
invariance revealed no significant difference between the
two groups (p>0.05). There was a significant positive
correlation between M-SPADI and NRS (Pain = 0.86,
Disability = 0.75, Total = 0.82, p=0.005), and a significant
negative correlation between M-SPADI and shoulder AROM
(Pain = -0.34 to -0.67, Disability =-0.44 to -0.73, Total =-
0.43 to -0.72, p=0.005). M-SPADI had a high degree of
internal consistency (Cronbach's 0.92 for pain and 0.95 for
disability). Test-retest reliability was moderate to excellent
(ICC Pain = 0.84, ICC Disability = 0.78, ICC Total = 0.81,
p=0.001), and the smallest detectable change ranges (Pain =
8.74, Disability = 3.21, Total = 3.83) were less than the
minimal detectable change ranges (Pain = 21.57, Disability
= 6.82, Total = 8.79). The area under the receiver operating
characteristic curve (AUC) for M-SPADI was greater than
0.90 (Pain = 0.99, Disability = 0.94, Total = 0.96).
Conclusion: The M-SPADI has established construct
validity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and
responsiveness. The M-SPADI is a reliable and valid
instrument for evaluating shoulder pain among Malayspeaking individuals. In addition, the M-SPADI disability
subscale may be useful for monitoring functional score
changes in patients with rotator cuff pathology.
A Hamid MS ; Shariff-Ghazali S ; Abdul Karim S
Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2019;22(2):49-55
Background: Studies on the anthropometric, physical and physiological characteristics among Malaysian Paralympic powerlifters are limited. This study examined the sociodemographic, clinical information and anthropometric physical parameters of Paralympic powerlifters in Malaysia.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted during a Powerlifting Workshop and National Championship in 2016. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on powerlifters’ sociodemographic, sports participation history and medical information. All participants underwent a structured physical medical examination and anthropometric assessments. Results: Fifty-two powerlifters participated in this study. Mean age of participants was 24.50±SD8.25 year. The majority of the participants were men (82.7%) and most had spinal cord injury (34.6%) or amputation of the lower limb (26.9%). Most of the powerlifters competed at district and state level championships and 42.3% had represented Malaysia at international competitions. Women powerlifters had a significantly higher amount of body fat compared to men (35.61% vs 19.80%; p=0.003). Male power-lifters had significantly longer arm and forearm length (30.10±IQR3.00 cm vs 23.00±IQR2.13 cm; p=0.020). A significantly positive relationship was found between age, experience, weight, BMI, LBM, arm circumferences (relaxed and tensed) and the powerlifter’s best lift. Age, experience, body weight, BMI, lean body mass, body fat, hip circumference and arm circumferences (relaxed and tensed) met the criteria for inclusion in a multivariate model. Years of experience and non-dominant arm circumference (tensed) were significant predictors of best lifts among powerlifters. Conclusion: In conclusion, assessment of anthropometric measures could be useful in monitoring athletes’ progress with training and have a role in the talent identification program for Paralympic powerlifters