1.Posterior Restoration Selection Among General Dental Practices in Malaysia: A Preliminary Study
The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2019;18(2):53-58
Introduction: Tooth restoration is a common, routine procedure among dentists but still has its own
difficulties especially for posterior teeth. As it is a straightforward procedure, some dentists are not aware of
the difficulties that may contribute in reducing the longevity of the filling. The aim of the study is to
determine the difficulties encountered during and after placement of restorative materials in deep cavities.
Materials and methods: Standardized questionnaires were divided randomly among general private
dental practitioners in Kuala Lumpur. Chi-square test was used to determine any significant factors
associated with difficulties of material placement. Results: This study showed that the most frequent
difficulties encountered among practitioners were to obtain good moisture control (39.0%). No significant
association was found between obtaining good moisture control and year of clinical experience (p= 0.286)
and also place of graduation with the manipulation of the materials (p= 0.542). Conclusion: Dental
practitioners claimed that it was difficult to obtain good moisture control in placement of posterior
restoration. Thus, it is an obligation of dental practitioners to practice proper isolation and good
manipulation of materials on posterior restoration.
2.Air in the kidney: between emphysematous pyelitis and pyelonephritis
Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2008;4(4):1-4
Presence of air in the kidney can be problematic as the location of the air in different parts of the kidney greatly affects the subsequent management and outcome of the patient. We present here a case of a patient who had
emphysematous pyelitis, in which CT scan was able to display presence of air only in the collecting system, thus
differentiating this condition from the more fulminant emphysematous pyelonephritis. This leads to a more favourable prognosis and outcome to the patient.
3.Noise exposure Among Maintenance Crews Of C130H Air-Craft Lead To The Hearing Impairment
Aziizur Rahman Abdul Aziz ; Saardin Abd Aziz ; Mohamad Zaki Hassan
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;Special Volume(1):89-94
The objective
of the research are
noise sources
noise level
inside C130H aircraft
produce nois
e mapp
to identify hearing status of C
130H aircraft
maintenance crews
and suggesting the noise
control measure that can be applied.
A field
survey on noise level by using
digital s
level m
and producin
g noise
earing test
carried out in
Institute of Aviation Me
Royal Malaysian Air
Force (
Reviewing the literature and
nalyzing some control measure
to be taken.
Hearing test result
shown 41.2% of the MC
are having hearing impairment. The highest
noise level
at the central of the hanga
r is 92.2 dB
time) and 94.2 dBA (night
time) when there is a C130H aircraft starting its engine
50 meter
from the centr
al of the
r, 95.3 dBA (day
time) and 97.3 dBA (night
time) when there is a C130H a
ircraft Engine Ground Run
at 150 meter
om the centra
of the hanga
r. Besides,
Auxiliary Power Unit
is producing the highest nois
e level which is 125.7 dBA
time) and 127.7 dBA (night
The application of Personal Protective Equipment
is the very likely control
measure to be taken while engin
eering control is ve
ry costly but
can be considered.
recognized as
hearing protection as
will not be the ultimate solution as a control measure. Hence, the Engineering Control must be
identified and studied to be implemented
as an ultimate solution
control the noise hazard in long term duration.
4.Noise Exposure Among Maintenance Crews Of C130h Aircraft Lead To The Hearing Impairment
Aziizur Rahman Abdul Aziz ; Saardin Abd Aziz ; Mohamad Zaki Hassan
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;2017(Special Volume (1)):89-94
The objectives of the research are to identify the noise sources and noise level exposure inside C130H aircraft’s hangar; to produce noise mapping; to identify hearing status of C130H aircraft maintenance crews (MC); and suggesting the noise control measure that can be applied. A field survey on noise level by using a digital sound level meter and producing noise mapping. A hearing testing among 63 MC was carried out in Institute of Aviation Medicine, Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF). Reviewing the literature and analyzing some control measures to be taken. Hearing test result shown 41.2% of the MC are having hearing impairment. The highest noise level at the central of the hangar is 92.2 dBA (day-time) and 94.2 dBA (night-time) when there is a C130H aircraft starting its engine at 50 meters from the central of the hangar, 95.3 dBA (day-time) and 97.3 dBA (night-time) when there is a C130H aircraft Engine Ground Run at 150 meters from the central of the hangar. Besides, Auxiliary Power Unit is producing the highest noise level which is 125.7 dBA (day-time) and 127.7 dBA (night-time). The application of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the very likely control measure to be taken while engineering control is very costly but can be considered. Since noise is recognized as a hazard, hearing protection as PPE will not be the ultimate solution as a control measure. Hence, the Engineering Control must be identified and studied to be implemented as an ultimate solution to control the noise hazard in long term duration.
C130H aircraft
maintenance crew
noise exposure
5.A Review of Schizophrenia Research in Malaysia
Chee Kok Yoon ; Salina Abdul Aziz
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2014;69(Supplement A):46-54
Research in schizophrenia has advanced tremendously. One
hundred and seventy five articles related to Schizophrenia
were found from a search through a database dedicated to
indexing all original data relevant to medicine published in
Malaysia between the years 2000-2013. This project aims to
examine published research articles, in local and international
journals in order to provide a glimpse of the research interest
in Malaysia with regards to schizophrenia. Single case study,
case series report, reviews and registry reports were not
included in this review. Medication trial, unless it concerned a
wider scope of psychopharmacology was also excluded from
this review. A total of 105 articles were included in this review.
Despite numerous genetics studies conducted and published,
a definitive conclusion on the aetiology or mechanism
underlying schizophrenia remains elusive. The National
Mental Health - Schizophrenia Registry (NMHR) proved to be
an important platform for many studies and publications.
Studies stemmed from NMHR have provided significant
insight into the baseline characteristic of patients with
schizophrenia, pathway to care, and outcomes of the illness.
International and regional collaborations have also
encouraged important work involving stigma and
discrimination in schizophrenia. Ministry of Health’s hospitals
(MOH) are the main research sites in the country with regards
to schizophrenia research. Numbers of schizophrenia
research are still low in relation to the number of universities
and hospitals in the country. Some of the weaknesses include
duplication of studies, over-emphasising clinical trials and
ignoring basic clinical research, and the lack of publications
in international and regional journals.
6.The Brain in Pain
Asma Hayati Ahmad ; Che Badariah Abdul Aziz
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2014;21(Special Issu):46-54
Pain, while salient, is highly subjective. A sensation perceived as painful by one person may be perceived as uncomfortable, not painful or even pleasant to others. Within the same person, pain may also be modulated according to its threat value and the context in which it is presented. Imaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, have identified a distributed network in the brain, the pain-relevant brain regions, that encode the sensory-discriminative aspect of pain, as well as its cognitive and affective/emotional factors. Current knowledge also implicates the prefrontal cortex as the modulatory area for pain, with its subdivisions forming the cortico-cortical pathway, an alternative pain modulatory pathway distinct from the descending modulatory pathway of pain. These findings from neuroimaging in human subjects have paved the way for the molecular mechanisms of pain modulation to be explored in animal studies.
7.Onyx In Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Embolization
Hilwati Hashim ; A Sobri Muda ; Aida Abdul Aziz ; Zuhanis Abdul Hamid
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2016;23(4):59-64
Introduction: Embolisation has long been used as an adjunct to surgical resection
in the treatment of brain arteriovenous malformation (bAVM). The most commonly used
embolic material, n-butylcyanoacrylate glue, requires experience and skill to handle its quick
and unpredictable flow and polymerisation. A new liquid embolic agent, ethylene vinyl alcohol
copolymer (Onyx), is less adhesive and polymerises slowly, which provides better control for
radiologists performing embolisation.
Objective: To report our experience in embolisation using Onyx alone or in combination
with histoacryl for bAVM embolisation in our tertiary referral centre.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the anatomy, technical conditions, complications
and clinical outcome of all bAVM patients embolised at our centre using Onyx alone or in
combination with n-butylcyanoacrylate glue.
Results: Between 2010 and 2013, 13 patients [6 (46.2%) male; 7 (53.8%) female; aged, 14–
57 years] were included, and a total of 31 embolisations were performed. Clinical presentation
included hemorrhage [9 (69.2%)], seizures [2 (15.4%)], and headache [2 (15.4%)]. Most AVMs
were located in the brain hemispheres [12 (92.3%)] and measured <3 cm [7 (53.8%]. Complete
occlusion of the AVM was obtained in 2 (15.4%) patients; 11 (84.6%) patients had partial occlusion
[6 (54.5%) had <50% nidus occlusion]. Complications occurred in four procedures involving 3
patients (morbidity, 23.1%). This resulted in the death of 1 patient (mortality, 7.7%) and complete
recovery with no disability in 2 patients.
Conclusion: The total nidal occlusion achieved herein is comparable to other similar
studies. Our morbidity and mortality were higher compared to other studies which may be
attributed to the small number of patients. More data is being collected which may better reflect
on our experience.
8.Effectiveness of Antihypertensive Drugs in Hypertensive Patients With End Stage Renal Failure
Endang Kumolosasi ; Wen Bin Ng ; Siti Azdiah Abdul Aziz
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2012;67(4):379-385
Hypertension has been identified as one of the causes for
end stage renal failure (ESRF) and is likely to worsen kidney function. This retrospective study was carried out at a tertiary hospital in Malaysia with the objective of
determining the effectiveness of combination
antihypertensive drugs in hypertensive patients with ESRF
admitted between 2006 and 2008. Patients with incomplete
data and who were on monotherapy were excluded from this
study. Although six different combinations gave significant
reductions in systolic blood pressure (SBP) (13.38 ± 9.11
mmHg, p<0.05) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (6.03 ±
11.39 mmHg, p<0.05), 69.16% patients did not achieve target
blood pressure (BP) (≤ 130/80 mmHg). Combination of beta
blocker (BB) with calcium channel blocker (CCB) was the
most commonly used. The CCB-diuretic regimen achieved
highest percentage of BP control compared to others (40%).
Comparison of blood pressure reduction between different
combinations of antihypertensive drugs were not significant
(p>0.05) except for CCB-diuretics and BB-CCB-alpha
blocker. The findings suggested better BP control with CCB-diuretic relative to other combinations used.
9.Impact of a Health Education “Intervention” Program towards Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Nurses in Kuala Krai Hospital, Kelantan
Azlina Abdul Aziz ; Mohamed Zabri Johari ; Hawa Ismail
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2012;10(1):23-27
The National Health Morbidity Survey in 2006 showed Breast Self Examination (BSE) is still low in Malaysian women even though many awareness programs have been carried out. This study was conducted from May to December 2000 to observe the changes on the level of knowledge, practice and attitude amongst nurses at the Kuala Krai Hospital, Kelantan on the practice of BSE after a health education intervention program was conducted. The objective of the study is to increase the practice of BSE among nurses in that hospital. The study was performed by pre and post intervention without comparison. Respondents consist of 43 nurses selected by random sampling. The instrument used in this study was by questionnaires through direct interview with the respondent. The health education intervention program includes talks, BSE demonstration, counseling and exhibition, was conducted to educate the nurses on the proper time, frequency and correct technique of BSE. The results of the study showed a significant change in the level of knowledge (p < 0.001) before and after intervention. Meanwhile, analysis on practice showed no significant change towards correct BSE practice (p = 0.083). Analysis on attitude showed that all 43 or 100% respondents had changed from negative to positive towards perceived susceptibility, perceived barrier and perceived benefit. No relationship between the socio-demographic factors and the BSE practice (p = 0.63) was observed. Even though practice changes before and after intervention is still low and not significant, but the introduction of the health intervention program caused some changes among the nurses from Hospital Kuala Krai, even though there was no overall change.
10.Traditional healers are causing treatment delay among patients with psychosis in Hospital Kuala Lumpur: Fact or Fallacy?
Cheng-Kar Phang ; Marhani Midin ; Salina Abdul Aziz
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2010;11(2):206-215
Objective: Mental health services in
Malaysia often face competition from
traditional healers especially among
patients with psychosis. The objective
of the study is to determine whether
patients who sought help earlier from
traditional healers had longer duration
of untreated psychosis (DUP), and more
adverse experiences in pathways to
psychiatric care. Methods: This is
a hospital-based cross-sectional
study of 50 inpatients with first-episode
psychosis in Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
Structured Clinical Interview for
DSM-IV (Diagnostic and statistical
manual, 4th edition) Clinical Version
for Axis I Disorders (SCID-CV) was
used for establishing diagnosis. Onset of
psychosis was defined as any one
positive symptom with a score of >3 on
the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS).
Socio-demographic data, information on
pathways and treatment delaying factors
were determined through face-to-face
interview and semi-structured questionnaire.
Results: Fifty-four percent of the
patients had at least one contact with
traditional healers prior to consulting
psychiatric service, and it was the most popular
first point of non-psychiatric help-seeking
contact (48%). Contact with traditional
healers was not associated with age,
gender, ethnic, education level,
longer DUP or treatment delay, and
admissions with violent behaviour
or police assistance. Of those who
had sought help from traditional
healers, one third were recommended
by at least one of their traditional
healers to seek medical help. Conclusion:
Consultation involving traditional healers
was a popular choice, and not associated
with treatment delay. Traditional healers
in an urban setting may be potential
collaborators in managing patients with first-episode psychosis.
Future research should explore the frontiers of
such collaborative work.