We carried out tests of visual functions and evaluated the effects of the correction of visual acuity on kinetic visual acuity (KVA) in 21 high school rugby players. KVA during sports activities was highly correlated with binocular vision (r=0.719, p<0.0001) and static visual acuity (SVA) (r =0.798, p<0.0001) . When binocular vision, SVA, and KVA during sports activities were compared after correction, they all significantly improved after correction (binocular vision: 0.78±0.39→1.46 ±0.26, p<0.0001 ; SVA : 0.86±0.48→1.31±0.25, p<0.01 ; KVA : 0.54±0.350.75±0.20, p <0.05) . Moreover, significant negative correlations were observed among binocular vision, SVA, and KVA and the percent improvement after correction (r=-0.755, r=-0.848, r=-0.829, respectively ; all p<0.001) . The percentage of KVA to SVA was 64.0±21.7% during sports activities and 59.1±16.7% after correction decreasing slightly with correction, though not significantly. Therefore, KVA, which plays an important role in sports activities, improved as SVA improved, and poor KVA is thought to improve to an adequate level by correction of visual acuity. However, the effect of a correction was smaller in KVA than in SVA, and KVA deteriorated with over-correction in some players. Further studies are needed concerning the criteria for correction to obtain good KVA and the relationship between correction and training.