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Author:( AH Nawaz)

1.Non-Operative Treatment Versus Steroid Injections in the Management of Unicameral Bone Cysts

WI Faisham ; AH Nawaz ; AM Ezane ; W Zulmi ; S Ibrahim ; AR Abdul Halim

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2011;5(2):11-14

2.Early Functional Outcome of Resection and Endoprosthesis Replacement for Primary Tumor around the Knee

AR Sharil ; AH Nawaz ; MZ Nor Azman ; W Zulmi ; WI Faisham

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2013;7(1):30-35

3.Outcome of Surgical Treatment of Pelvic Osteosarcoma: Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia Experience

MS Ariff ; W Zulmi ; WI Faisham ; MZ Nor Azman ; AH Nawaz

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2013;7(1):56-62

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