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Author:( A. B. Amoa)

1.Reporting of lactation and normal menstrual information by Papua New Guinean women

G. Mola ; A. B. Amoa

Papua New Guinea medical journal 1999;42(3-4):71-72

2.Antepartum prediction of respiratory distress syndrome: a comparison of the shake test, the tap test and the turbidity test.

Apeawusu B Amoa ; Mahlon Paiva ; C A Klufio

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2003;46(1-2):32-40

3.A case-control study of early neonatal deaths at the Port Moresby General Hospital to determine associated risk factors.

Apeawusu B Amoa ; Cecil A Klufio ; Lutty Amos

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2002;45(3-4):185-96

4.Syphilis serology testing: a comparative study of Abbot Determine, Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) card test and Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) methods.

Yakep Angue ; Appolonia Yauieb ; Glen Mola ; Trevor Duke ; A B Amoa

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2005;48(3-4):168-73

5.A case-control study of VDRL-positive antenatal clinic attenders at the Port Moresby General Hospital Antenatal Clinic and Labour Ward to determine outcomes, sociodemographic features and associated risk factors.

Glen D L Mola ; Alex Golpak ; A B Amoa

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2008;51(1-2):17-26

6.A survey of under-18 year old and 20-29 year old primigravidae delivered at the Port Moresby General Hospital: a comparative study of their sociodemographic and sexuality characteristics and contraceptive knowledge and experience

C. A. Klufio ; A. B. Amoa ; O. Rageau ; G. Mola ; G. Kariwiga

Papua New Guinea medical journal 1997;40(1):26-38

7.A case of factor V deficiency presenting as menorrhagia

M. Sapuri ; A B. Amoa ; G. Kariwiga ; J. White

Papua New Guinea medical journal 1997;40(2):92-95

8.A case-control study of primary caesarean section at the Port Moresby General Hospital, Papua New Guinea, to identify epidemiological predictors of abnominal delivery

A. B. Amoa ; C. A. Klufio ; S. Arua ; G. Kariwiga ; F. Wurr

Papua New Guinea medical journal 1997;40(3-4):119-126

9.A retrospective survey of patients with one previous caesarean section delivered at the Port Moresby General Hospital: a comparative study of those delivered vaginally and those delivered by repeat caesarean section

A. B. Amoa ; C. A. Klufio ; S. Wat ; G. Kariwiga ; A. Mathias

Papua New Guinea medical journal 1997;40(3-4):127-135

10. A case-control study of Singleton low birthweight babies at the Port Moresby General Hospital

C. A. Klufio ; A. B. Amoa ; L. Augerea ; F. Wurr

Papua New Guinea medical journal 1997;40(3-4):136-145

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