1.Seroepidemiological study of leptospirosis among the communities living in periurban areas of Sarawak, Malaysia
Sivapiragasam Thayaparan ; Ian Robertson ; Lela Suut ; Umanga Chathurani Gunasekera ; Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2015;70(5):288-294
Introduction: Leptospirosis is endemic to tropical regions of
the world and is re-emerging as a new danger to public
health in Malaysia. the purpose of this particular study was
to determine the common leptospiral serovars present in
human communities living around wildlife
reserves/disturbed forest habitats. the objective of this
study was to estimate the seroprevalence of leptospirosis
and finding infecting serovars in villages surrounded
habitats where wildlife lives in Sarawak, Malaysia.
Methods: A cross-sectional serological survey of 198
humans was conducted in four villages around Kuching,
Sarawak between January 2011 and March 2012.
results: A seroprevalence of 35.9% (95%cI 29.2-43.0) to the
MAt was detected in the tested humans. Antibodies to
serovar Lepto 175 Sarawak were most commonly detected
(31.3%; 95%cI 24.9-38.3) and were detected in individuals at
all four locations. the presence of skin wounds (Or 3.1),
farm animals (Or 2.5) and rats (Or 11.2) were all
significantly associated with seropositivity in a multivariable
logistic regression model.
conclusions: the results of the current study are important
as wildlife may act as reservoirs of leptospires for humans.
Health authorities should expand disease control measures
to minimise the spill-over from wildlife to humans visiting,
living or working in the sampled locations. the pathogenic
status of serovar Lepto 175 Sarawak also requires further
2.Image Quality of Two Full Field Digital Mammography Using A Female Breast Phantom
Chelliah, Kanaga Kumari ; Ang, Wee Chin ; Abd Aziz Tajuddin ; Arasaratnam, Shantini A ; Suraya Aziz ; Laila Suryani Elias.
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2009;7(1):65-72
Digital mammography has been progressively introduced in screening centers and the concern is to achieve an image of diagnostic value which would be
able to detect early changes in the breast tissue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the image quality of mammograms using quantitative and qualitative
methods of two FFDM systems with variations in breast thickness and anode/filter combination. This study was done from January to April 2008 with two
FFDM systems; Siemens Mammomat NovationDR at Diagnostic Imaging Department, Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Hologic Lorad Selenia at Breast Clinic, National Cancer Society. A CIRS012A tissue equivalent breast phantom
(4, 5 and 6 cm) thickness was used to obtain images in the craniocaudal plane with 26-32 kVp and a combination of molybdenum/molybdenum (Mo/Mo) and
molybdenum/rhodium (Mo/Rh) anode/filter. For the qualitative evaluation, two independent radiologist with a minimum of five years experience was used
to score the images. Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test showed that there are no significant differences (p > 0.05) in image quality between both the FFDM systems. Kappa analysis had a poor agreement between the scores given by the
two radiologists. The quantitative analysis using Mann-Whitney test showed that there are significant differences (p < 0.05) between the SNR values of both
FFDM systems. Although the qualitative evaluation was similar, the study showed that Lorad Selenia had a significantly superior SNR value, hence would
be a better tool to detect early changes in the breast tissue. This study also demonstrated that a lower kVp is more suitable with molybdenum filter and as
the breast thickness is increased rhodium filter with higher kVp displayed better quality images.
3.The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonizing the roots of pre-nursery stage of oil palm seedlings: Elaeis guineensis in Malaysia
Khor Yen Yen ; Rosnida Tajuddin
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2019;15(1):52-59
Arbuscular mycorrhizal is an obligate mutualistic symbiosis fungus which survives by forming endomycorrhizal on plant roots. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are not host-specific, allowing them to form a mutualistic symbiosis with a wide range of host plants including oil palm. In Malaysia, the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are used as a growth enhancer for the oil palm: Elaeis guineensis. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are introduced only during transplantation to the field when the ages of the seedlings are approximately one year old. As such, this study is designed to investigate the ability of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to form colonisation with pre-nursery oil palm seedlings.
Methodology and results:
Here, the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were introduced at the pre-nursery stage oil palm seedlings. After inoculation, the seedlings were harvested on different days, i.e. on day-3, day-7, day-14, day-21, day-40 and day-60 to determine the colonisation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. We found that the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are able to form a mycorrhizal association with the oil palm seedling at the pre-nursery stage after 40 days of inoculation, and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi that formed the association are Glomus sp. and Scutellospora sp.
Conclusion, significance and impact of study
This study suggested that the oil palm seedling can be made into a mycorrhizal plant as early as the nursery stage before transplanting them into the plantation.
4.Outcomes Of Chair Based Exercise With Progressive Resistance Training On Physical Performances Among Older Adults: A Preliminary Study
Nor Afifi RAZAOB ; Nor Najwatul Akmal Ab Rahman ; Ain Efahera Ahmad Tajuddin ; Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2018;16(Special Issue (Article)):165-170
Enhancement of physical function had been shown in older adults who actively participate in physical activities,particularly in the form of aerobic training with addition of progressive resistance training (PRT). However, it is quitechallenging and risky for most older adults to exercise in standing position without any support. Chair Based Exercise(CBE) is an alternative mode of exercise for older adult to facilitate exercise participation and increase safety. Its effectwhen combined with resistance training is unknown to date. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomeof CBE with PRT on physical performances among older adults. A total of 18 older adults (13 females (72%)) and 5 males(28%)), aged 60 to 83 years with mean age (SD) 72.67 (6.17) years completed the study. All subjects performed CBE withPRT intervention twice weekly for 8 weeks, with individually-tailored exercise progressions. Pre and post measurementsof physical performance were performed using Six MinutesWalk Test (6MWT), Five Times Sit to Stand (FTSTS) and HandGrip Strength (HGS) test. Significant improvement in 6MWT (p < .001), HGS Right hand (p = .043), HGS Left hand (p <.001), FTSTS (p < .001) was shown after the eight-week intervention. Adding PRT into seated exercises results in furtherimprovement in physical performance of older adults. CBE-PRT may be recommended as an exercise routine for olderadults living in the community.
5.Measuring Availability, Prices and Affordability of Ischaemic Heart Disease Medicines in Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Huay Woon You ; Nur Syamilah Athirah Tajuddin ; Yusuf Al- Mubin Shaharin Anwar
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2019;26(5):113-121
Background: This study is aimed to analyse the availability, prices and affordability of
medicines for ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
Methods: A quantitative research was carried out using the methodology developed by
the World Health Organization and Health Action International (WHO/HAI). The prices were
compared with international reference prices (IRPs) to obtain a median price ratio. The daily wage
of the lowest paid unskilled government worker was used as the standard of the affordability for
the medicines. In this study, ten medicines of the IHD were included. The data were collected from
10 private medicine outlets for both originator brand (OB) and lowest-priced generic brand (LPG)
in Bangi, Selangor.
Results: From the results, the mean availability of OB and LPG were 30% and 42%,
respectively. Final patient prices for LPG and OB were about 10.77 and 24.09 times their IRPs,
respectively. Medicines that consumes more than a day’s wage are considered unaffordable.
Almost half of the IHD medications cost more than one day’s wage. For example, the lowest paid
unskilled government worker would need 1.4 days’ wage for captopril, while 1.2 days’ wage to
purchase enalapril for LPG. Meanwhile, for OB, the costs rise to 3.4 days’ wage for amlodipine and
3.3 days’ wage for simvastatin.
Conclusion: The findings of this study emphasise the need of focusing and financing,
particularly in the private sector, on making chronic disease medicines accessible. This requires
multi-faceted interventions, as well as the review of policies and regulations.
6.Dosimetric Study of Custom-made Pelvic Perspex Phantom using Single-Energy Mode (SECT) and Dual-Energy Mode (DECT) Computed Tomography
Siti Hajar Zuber ; Nursyatina Abdul Raof ; Rafidah Zainon ; Abd Aziz Tajuddin
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2021;17(No.2):72-77
Introduction: A custom-made Perspex male pelvic phantom was developed to measure and to compare absorbed,
surface and effective doses obtained from Single-Energy and Dual-Energy Computed Tomography (SECT & DECT).
Methods: A customised Perspex pelvic phantom that mimicked male Asian reference size was scanned with SECT
mode at 80 kV, 100 kV, 120 kV and 140 kV. In addition, the fabricated phantom was also scanned with DECT mode
at 80/140 kV. Thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) were used to measure the charges and doses obtained from
the TLD calibration curve. The absorbed dose, surface dose and effective dose obtained from SECT and DECT were
measured and compared between these two modes. Results: The DECT showed 55.9 % dose reduction compared to
SECT at 140 kV tube voltage. It shows that DECT can be used with radiation dose sparing, and it is in good agreement
with routine CTDI phantom study. The effective dose of DECT of the abdominal imaging was within the acceptable
effective dose limit of AAPM Report No. 96. This study also found that the surface dose was lower than values reported in previous studies for both modes. Conclusion: The fabricated Perspex phantom shows a great potential to be
considered as an alternative phantom for the commercially existing phantom in CT dosimetry application.
7.Dosimetric Study of Rhizophora Spp. Particle Board Using Gafchromic XRQA2 Film
A. N. Azahari ; N. D.M Yusob ; H.A. Saidun ; N.K.Y Ali ; R. Abdullah ; R. Hashim ; A. A. Tajuddin ; M. Z Abdul Aziz
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(Supp 2, May):46-50
Introduction: Various phantom with varied materials has been proposed to replace the human body. Besides, there is always a demand to use the local material as a phantom material, which is readily available and inexpensive. Wood is usually preferred because it is multifunction, environmentally friendly, low in toxic, inexpensive, as well as easy to use and prepare. Previous studies have found that Rhizophora spp. is a suitable natural source material and has been suggested due to its comparable dosimetric properties to commercial phantom. Methods: In this study, fabricated Rhizophora spp. particleboards phantom was opted as a solid-equivalent phantom medium at low energy photon beams using Gafchromic film x-ray quality assurance 2 (XRQA2). Additionally, the characteristics of XRQA2 film in the diagnostic energy range were generated. Results: Interestingly, the density of the fabricated Rhizophora spp particleboards was observed to have the same density with the water equivalent material (ρ= 1.00 g.cm-3) and has shown to have loosened agreement with PDD of water phantom at approximately 25% of the dose error. Also, further analysis using XRQA 2 film showed that energy was independent at different ranges. Conclusion: The analysis of fabricated Rhizophora spp particleboards undertaken here has extended our knowledge of the possibility of manufacturing cost-effective water equivalent phantom by using binder-less particleboard from Rhizophora spp. Therefore, a definite need for smaller interspacing particles should be considered to elevate the potential of Rhizophora spp particle boards as water equivalent materials.
8.ABO Blood Group and Its Associated Factors Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Sharifah Azdiana Tuan Din ; Mastura Mohd Sopian ; Nur Dalila Nabihan Ahmad Tajuddin ; Azrul Abdullah
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2022;18(No.4):62-66
Introduction: ABO blood group can be associated with chronic diseases, for example, cancer and coronary heart
disease, however it is not proven in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). The aim of this study was to identify the association between the ABO blood group and disease control among T2DM patients at Kepala Batas, Penang. Methods:
Approximately two mL vials of fresh blood were collected and typed using the tube method from 129 T2DM and 132
non-diabetic (control) patients, who visited the specialist clinic. The sociodemographic characteristics of the T2DM
patients was analysed using descriptive analysis. The proportions of A, B, AB, and O blood groups among the diabetic and control patients were compared using the chi-square test. Any association between the ABO blood group
and disease control was identified using the bivariate correlation test. Results: No significant association was found
between the ABO group and T2DM patients (p = 0.152) when compared with the control group. However, blood
group B was the most frequent among T2DM patients (33.3%) compared to blood group O within the control group
(36.4%). Negative associations were observed between the ABO blood group and BMI (r = 0.098, p = 0.268), as well
as the HbA1C value (r = -0.065, p = 0.464). Conclusion: No association was found between the ABO blood group
and the associated risk factors (BMI and HbA1C). However, individuals with blood group B and risk factors, such as
older age group, obesity, and high HbA1C value (more than 7.0%), should be monitored.
9.Administration of tranexamic acid for victims of severe trauma within pre-hospital care ambulance services (PHCAS) in Malaysia
Shah Jahan Mohd Yussof ; Shamila Mohamad Ali ; Nurul Azlean Norzan ; Mohd Amin Mohidin ; Anandakumar Krishnan ; Ahmad Ibrahim Kamal Batcha ; Ahmad Tajuddin Mohamad Nor ; Aik Howe Teo ; Mohamed Saed Mian ; Fatahul Laham Mohamed ; Ridzuan Mohd Isa ; Mohd Idzwan Zakaria ; Mohd Khairizam Mohd Yusoff ; Joseph Mathew ; Mark Fitzgerald ; Sabariah Faizah Jamaluddin ; Kiat Kee Gan
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2019;74(4):300-306
Introduction: Trauma is a Global threat and the 5th highest
cause of all-cause mortality in Malaysia caused
predominantly due to road traffic accidents. Majority of
trauma victims are young adults aged between 21-40 years
old. In Malaysia, 24 out of 100,000 population die annually
due to trauma, rating us amongst the highest in South East
Asia. These alarming figures justify aggressive preventive
and mitigation strategies. The aim of this paper is to
promote the implementation of evidence-based
interventions that will reduce the rate of preventable death
because of trauma. Tranexamic acid is one of the few
interventions in the early management of severe trauma with
level-one evidence. Tranexamic acid has been proven to
reduce all causes of mortality and mortality due to bleeding.
Evidence proves that it is most effective when administered
early, particularly within the 1st hour of trauma. This
proposed guideline is formulated based upon quality
evidence from multicentre studies, clinical practices in other
countries and consideration of the local demographic
factors with the intent of enabling an easy and simple
pathway to administer tranexamic acid early in the care of
the severely injured.
Conclusion: The guideline highlights select pre-hospital
criteria’s and the methods for drug administration. The
authors recognise that some variants may be present
amongst certain institutions necessitating minor
adaptations, nevertheless the core principles of advocating
tranexamic acid early in the course of pre-hospital trauma
should be adhered to.