1.Developmental tasks, family structures and functions of selected Filipino families with young children: A cross-sectional study
Allan Paul J. Becina ; Louella Patricia D. Carpio
The Filipino Family Physician 2019;57(2):86-92
The family life cycle describes the stages of family development starting from the formation of the emerging adults to marriage, birth of children, growth into adolescents, adulthood and families in later life. The cycle includes individual developmental changes of family members, evolution of marital relationship and cyclic development of the evolving family unit. Presently, there is no study that describes the developmental tasks, structures and functions of Filipino families with young children.
The objective of the study was to describe the developmental tasks, family structure and functions among selected Filipino families with young children.
A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to March 2016 on a total of 353 Filipino parents of families with young children ages 0-12 years old.
The extended type of family (65%) is more predominant than the nuclear type (35%) among the participants. A high Family APGAR score of 9.2 (SD ± 1.1) translated to highly functioning families with young children. Overall, the first order changes on financing, marital adjustments and extended family relationships were highly met except that on the unexpected costs of family life. For second order changes, there was a significant association of decline in intimacy over time among couples progress thru the life stages (X2 12.75, p-value 0.013). Partners were able to adjust the marital relationship mainly through communication and acceptance. The parenting roles were done most of the time except for the roles on inspiring children for nationalism and providing wholesome educational materials. Finally, almost all families with young children (99%) were able to align relationship with extended family members.
The selected Filipino families with young children mostly have an extended family structure and are highly functional. Overall, the first and second developmental tasks were accomplished in varying degrees.
Family Relations
2.The lived experience of aging in the Korean elders.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1998;10(2):234-244
This Qualitative nursing research used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to discover meaning in an aging experience. The ultimate aim of the inquiry was to discover the essence of aging experience and to promote understanding. The study used Van Manen's methodology of phenomenological research. Multiple strategies for data collecting were utilized : in depth face-to-face interview & analysis of elder's literature. The following themes of experience emerged : changing of physical shape, being expelled out in the field of life, reformationing of family relationship, rhythmical patterning of life & death, developing of reflective self-consciousness, awareness of self-expansion creatively. From this study essential themes for understanding aging experience, need for continuing inquiry were identified.
Family Relations
Nursing Research
3.Long term effects of separation on the children of overseas contract workers
Briones-Querijero Margaret M. ; Calma-Balderrama Norieta M.
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2005;29(2):21-26
This study was undertaken to consider the impact of migration on the relationship between the OFW and the family. The general objectives was to determine the long-term effects of separation from the OFW parent on children in two selected barangays with specific objectives: (1) to determine the psychiatric morbidity among children; (2) to determine their behavioral patterns; (3) to describe the demographic data of the said population. The design of the study was a cross-sectional survey done in 2 barangays with a high density of OFWs. The Reporting Questionnaire for Children (RQC) which is an instrument designed to screen psychiatric disturbances in children and adolescents less than 18 years of age was used. A total 385 children took part in the study. Results showed that adaptive and maladaptive modes of coping were utilized by the children left behind by parents.
4.Life Events, Coping Styles, Social Support, and Family Relationships of Middle-Aged Depressed Women.
Jin Wook LEE ; Yim KIM ; Sun Mi YI ; Dong In KIM ; Heon Jeong EUN
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1997;36(4):620-629
The objective of this study was to explore the psychosocial factors such as life events, coping styles and family relationships in middle-aged depressed women. This study was designed to compare how different variables relate to depression in two different test groups: a depressed patient group and a normal group. The Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), The Ways of Coping Checklist, Interpersonal Support Evaluation List(ISEL), Family Environment Scale were administered to 116 depressed patients and 113 normal persons between the ages of 35 and 64. The results were as follows 1) The highest stress was marital stress(n=42, 36.2%) in patient group and family stress(n=44, 38.9%) in normal group, respectively. 2) There were significant differences between patient group and normal group in BDI scores (t=15.94, p<.0001), lift events(t=4.73, p<.0001), active coping(t=6.29, p<.0001), social support(t=7.20, p<.0001), and family relationship(t=5.75, p<.0001) except for passive coping(t=0.93, p=.35). 3) In depressed patient group, BDI scores had a significantly positive correlation with the scores of the life event(r=.24, p<.01) and negative correlation with active coping(r= -.22, p<01), social support(r=-.35, p<.001) and family relationships(r=-.30, p<.001). 4) In depressed patient group, multiple regression analysis showed that social support(12.3%, beta=-.281, T=-3.162, P=.002), lift events(5.1%, beta=.279, T=3.195, F=.002), and active coping(3.5%, beta=-.204, T=-2.225, F=.028) had predictability on the BDI scores and the total predictability was 20.9%. 5) Stress experienced in family relationships were highest in life events and there was a lack of consistency(in the BDI scores ol the coping styles). Social support was the most important factor and there were no significant differences between the two groups in family relationships.
Family Relations*
5.A Study on Caring Experiences of the Families of the Seriously Ill Patients.
Eun Sun ROH ; Hye Jin KWON ; Kyung Hee KIM
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1997;9(2):251-261
The purpose of this study is to build up the foundation to prepare the effective nursing intervention devices for the seriously ill patient's families nursing through the nurse understanding of the experiences of the seriously ill patient's families in the field by setting up grounded theory. In this study, the subjects is the 6 families members of ICU patients, who were being cared in university hospital and the data were collected from 4.15 to 5, 1996 by the recordings and transcring the interview. The intervention lasted from 2 hours to 2 and a half hours. The data were analyzed in the framework of grounded theory as mapped out by Strauss & Corbin. The core category in the analysis of the experiences of the families of the seriously ill patients was the process of setting the "distress". In the process of datas analysis, the categories were 19 conceptions-'serious', 'bad', 'fear', 'press', 'hearburn', 'impatient', 'insufficient', 'change of patients' status', 'economic ability', 'family relationship', 'whilled power', 'request', 'direct caring', 'passive effort', 'control', 'receive', 'tired', 'blame'. These categories were again grouped into 12 categories, including 'exigency', 'overwhelming', 'worry', 'change of status', 'economic ability', 'relationship', 'caring will' 'active caring', 'passive response', 'accept', 'exhaustion', 'blame'. In the above mentioned categories, 'overwhelming' and 'worry' were categorized into the "distress!". On the basis of the patterns that have emerged on process of data analysis, the five below were confirmed. (1) When the patient's status is worse and economic ability is bad and the family relation to the patient is close and the distress is expressed with active caring willness is strong, the distress is expressed with active caring and brings about accept and blame. (2) When the family relation to the patient is distant and the distress decrease and the subject's caring willness is weak, the distress is expressed with passive response and brings about accept and exhaustion in spite of the patient's status is worse and bad economic ability. (3) When the patient's status is worse and economic ability is bad and the family relation to the patient is close and the distress increase, the subject's caring willness is strong, the distress is subject's caring willness is strong, the distress is expressed with passive response and brings about accept and exhaustion. (4) When the patient's status is improve and economic ability is good and the distress decrease and the subject's caring willing is strong, the distress is expressed with active caring and brings about accept and blame in spite of the family relation to the patient is close. (5) When the patient's status is improve and economic ability is bad and the family relation to the patient is close and the distress increase, the subject's caring willness is strong, the distress is expressed with active caring and brings about accept and blame.
Family Relations
Statistics as Topic
6.Factors Influencing Family Functioning in Family Caregivers of Patients with Cancer.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 2008;15(3):301-311
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors related to the functioning of family caregivers of patients with cancer. METHOD: Data were collected by questionnaires from 124 patient-family caregiver dyads at a hospital in Seoul. Data collection was done between August, 2004 and January, 2005. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression. RESULTS: The mean score for family functioning was 68.73. Family functioning showed a significant negative correlation with burden of family caregiver and performance status of patients with cancer, and a significant positive correlation with previous relationship between the patient with cancer and caregiver. The most powerful predictor of family functioning was the relationship between the patient and caregiver. The relationship between the patient with cancer and caregiver, and performance status of the patient accounted for 25.4% of the variance of family functioning. CONCLUSION: The results showed that the relationship between patients with cancer and caregivers and performance status of patients with cancer were significant factors influencing family functioning in family caregiver of patients with cancer.
Data Collection
Family Health
Family Relations
Surveys and Questionnaires
7.Community Dwellers' Perception of Past Life Recollection and Preparation for Death.
Kyung Ah KANG ; Kyung Soon LEE ; Gang Won PARK ; Yong Ho KIM ; Mi Ja JANG ; Eun LEE
Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care 2011;14(2):81-90
PURPOSE: This study is to understand how community members perceive past life recollection and preparation for death. METHODS: Using a questionnaire, we surveyed 160 adult residents of one of the districts (gu) in Seoul, Korea. Descriptive statistics were used. RESULTS: Participants chose their 30s and 40s as the most difficult time in their lives. The most painful experience was "an illness of a family member", followed by "trouble with a spouse", and "trouble with children". As for the most difficult social experience, "sense of loss in life" was ranked the highest. Personally, the happiest time was "accomplishment of a goal", while it was "happiness through children" in family relationship and "contribution to society through my career" in social life. As for the most regrettable experience, personally "having lived without purpose" was the highest, "not meeting my parents' expectation more" in family relationship; "not providing sufficient education" in relationship with children; "not having an occupation that I wanted" in work life, and "lack of social skills" in social life. More than 87% of the surveyed showed a positive attitude about the system of the do not resuscitate (DNS) order. For a situation where participants were supposed to have an incurable disease, "I want to be notified of the true condition" and "I want to write a will and advanced directives" ranked high, receiving more than 3.1 points out of 4. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the need for death education to provide people with an opportunity to accept their regrettable experiences in the past as part of their life. Also, this study suggests the importance of writing advanced directives for people to prepare for"death with dignity" how it can help their decision to be better respected.
Family Relations
Surveys and Questionnaires
8.Factors Affecting Job Stress of Pediatric Nurses: Focusing on Self-Efficacy, Emotional Labor, Pediatric Nurse-Parent Partnership.
Eunyoung HONG ; Yun Jeong YANG
Child Health Nursing Research 2015;21(3):236-243
PURPOSE: In this study self-efficacy, emotional labor, pediatric nurse-parent partnership and job stress of pediatric nurses were examined. Factors affecting job stress of pediatric nurses were also investigated. METHODS: The study was done between June and September 2014, with a convenience sample of 145 nurses from 3 advanced general hospitals, 5 general hospitals and 2 children's hospitals. Research data were collected via questionnaires and analysed using SPSS version 18.0. RESULTS: Average levels of self-efficacy, emotional labor and job stress were similar to other general nurses and the average level of pediatric nurse-parent partnership was also similar to other pediatric nurses. Job stress of pediatric nurses showed a positive correlation with emotional labor and negative correlations with self-efficacy and pediatric nurse-parent partnership. The most significant factor affecting job stress in pediatric nurses was emotional labor (beta=0.372, p<.001). The combination of emotional labor, pediatric nurse-parent partnership and self-efficacy accounted for 25.4% of job stress in pediatric nurses. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that nursing management strategies to decrease emotional labor and improve pediatric nurse-parent partnerships and self-efficacy are critical to decrease job stress for pediatric nurses. Continued development of nursing management interventions to decrease job stress in pediatric nurses is suggested.
Hospitals, General
Professional-Family Relations
9.Functional Impairment across Subtypes of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Soo Youn BYOUN ; So Young LEE ; Yung Ho LEE
Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2010;21(2):72-79
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to examine the difference in functional impairment between children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and normal controls, and to compare the functional impairment across ADHD subtypes. METHODS: Children and adolescents with ADHD between the ages of 6 and 18 years were recruited for the study. Parents and teachers of the ADHD subjects completed the parents' and teachers' forms of the Children and Adolescents Functioning Impairment Scale (CAFIS), respectively. The results of these scales were compared to those of normal controls. RESULTS: Subjects included 110 children with ADHD, predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-IA); 23 with ADHD, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type (ADHD-HI); and 60 ADHD, combined type (ADHD-C). When compared to 41 normal controls, there were significant differences in CAFIS-parent and CAFIS-teacher scales for the ADHD group. Functional impairment in the family relationship as rated by the parents was higher in children with ADHD-C when compared to that of children with ADHD-IA. CONCLUSION: In comparison to normal children, children with ADHD have a higher level of impairment in several functional areas, and differences exist in functional impairment across ADHD subtypes. Further, ratings of functional impairment between parents and teachers were inconsistent. Thus, gathering information from the teachers is important when diagnosing or establishing treatment regimens for ADHD.
Family Relations
Weights and Measures
10.Analysis of family relationship based on the DNA fingerprints using pV47-2 multilocus minisatellite probe.
Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 1993;17(2):8-19
No abstract available.
DNA Fingerprinting*
Family Relations*
Minisatellite Repeats*