1.Congenital Miosis: 4 cases in a family.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1967;8(1):31-32
Congenital miosis is observed in 4 members of a family in two generations. One of them has a right miotic eye and a left normal eye. Others have bilateral miotic eyes.
Family Characteristics
2.Hospital burasar - the acceptance, the payment and some recommendation from the community in Thakhek district, Khammouane province- Lao PDR
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2001;(11):23-26
The most informed members from 907 households were interviewed in regard to the hospital bursar. Results show that the majority of population (in which 7.5% with high income, 70.1%-mean and 22.4% - low income) is capable to pay the bursar by various resources including the available fund 65.2%, the sale of domestic animals and commodities 6.3% and the debt 27.2%. For all population, hospital fee is acceptable but on which the awareness is insufficient. Recommendations were made concerning the exemption for the subjects with low-income.
Family Characteristics
3.Four years (1995-1998) activities of national program of iodine deficiency disorder control leading to the iodine deficiency eradication in 2000s and the iodine deficiency disorder eradication in 2005
Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;261(1):2-3
There are 2 indicators of national program of iodine deficient disorder control including rate of household used iodine contained salt is 90% and above and level of ioduria of children with ages of 8-10 is 10mcg/dL and above. An investigation was carried out throughout the country. Results: the recovering level of iodine in provinces was significantly increased. The level of ioduria was improved. The morbidity rate of goiter is obviously decreased. The knowledge of women in reproductive ages for effects of iodine was improved. However, the rate of households in 9 provinces of Cöu Long river delta that used iodine contained salt is low (50%
Family Characteristics
4.An investigation about household lavatories and latrines in 10 provinces of Vietnam
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1998;6():31-34
This study was conducted in 50 villages of 10 districts in 10 provinces. Results showed a low rate of lavatories and latrines available in investigated households (60%). From them 44.2% are suitable to proper model and 17.9% are satisfied the adequate standard
Toilet Facilities
Family Characteristics
5.Actual situation and changes of household food and nutrition security in Bai Say commune, Hung Yen province 1997-1999.
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2001;11(2):25-31
A longitudinal study on the actual situation and seasonal changes of household food and nutrition security in 1997-1999 was carried out in Bai Say commune, Hung Yen province. The results: pre-harvest food shortage is still occurred at high percentage of the households, especially of the food. Food consumption pattern and energy intake of mothers and children under 5 years has been found lower in pre-harvest and in the poor households. It is concluded that in terms of both seasonal and economic status there are changes of food availability and dietary intake of mothers and children.
Family Characteristics
6.solating Clostridium perfringers from surveyed households in Vinh Phu province
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1999;(12):28-30
This study was aimed to evaluate the incidence of Cl. perfringers contamination among a number of households in Vinh Phu province in relation with the susceptibility to the disease in humans and in animals. The authors have isolated Cl.perfringers by analyzing 20 samples of pig faeces and 11 samples of pigsty soil collected from 20 households having patient/death EN in 2 districts Lap Thach and Vinh Lac, and 11 specimens of pigsty soil from 17 households not having EN patients in the same locality and during the same period. The samples were incubated according to standard procedure at the Microbiology Laboratory, National Institute of Veterinary. The following results were obtained: all of 57 specimens revealed a 100% positive rate for Cl.perfringers isolation. Furthermore, from the dilution rate of 107 upwards, the soil specimens from case group (with EN patient) showed a positive rate higher by 3 times than the controls; with samples from pig faeces, the difference between 2 group varied from 2 to 5 times
Family Characteristics
7.Changes of real diet in households in some areas during 10 years
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):66-68
A study on 222 households at 6 precincts and communes has shown that after 10 years, the real diet of household improved significantly number of rice, vegetable, tuber was reduced. While animal food, meat was increased 3 times, fish portion increased 2 times and eggs and milk increased 10 times, fruit increased 6 times and oil and fat level increased 2 times. The diet was more various and rich.
Family Characteristics
8.Water supply for households in 3 districts of Quang Binh province and Thua Thien Hue province
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2005;0(12):19-21
A cross-sectional study of the supply and use of water was carried out on 8180 households in 3 districts of Quang Binh province and Thua Thien Hue province. The results showed that: two water sources with high rate of usage were deep well (59.3%) and drilled well (19.2%). The rate of households with adequate water supply was 81.5%, among which deep wells were at highest rate of 48.4%, and tap water were at lowest rate of 1.8%. 58.3% of households were found with water containers including: built tanks (49.3%), buckets (24.7%), earthenware vessels (25.3%). 84.6% of water containers were built far from breeding facilities. 95.4% of wells had high wall, 84.8% with surrounding yards but only 8.8% with covers. It is necessary to improve the quality of living water in public by supplying better water sources
Water Supply Family Characteristics
9.Risk fators of stunting in some communes of ecological regions in Viet Nam
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;505(3):55-58
Based on the results of the household cross-sectional study on stunting and its risk fators during 2002-2003 in 32 communes of 8 regions in Viet Nam, authours focused on analyzing the relation between stunting and socio-economic factors at household level. The results of logistic regression showed that stunting was closely related to the height of mother, BMI of mother, birth intervals, and parent’s education level. Children who were sick in the first year of life were at higher risk with stunting (OR=2.5).There was also a strong relation between stunting and household’s living standards (stunting rates were 13,1%, 24,1%, 30.2%, 38.0% and 44.2% in the richest, the mid-upper, the middle, the low-mid and the poorest quintiles, respectively).
Risk fators
Family Characteristics
10.Household food and nutrition security situation in 3 districts Dak Rong, Cam Lo and Hai Lang, Quang Tri province 2003
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2004;303(10):25-32
Objective: Rapidly evaluate and determine food and nutrition security situation in 8 communes of 3 districts Dak Rong, Cam Lo and Hai Lang, Quang Tri province, to provide necessary information for full survey, propose interventions in order to improve household food and nutrition security situation. Method: cross-sectional, rapid appraisal. Results: rate of poor household is high (45.8%). Infrastructure system, especially agriculture, in Dak Rong is very poor. Pre-harvest rice shortage and hunger still occurs commonly among poor households in 3 districts, especially in Van Kieu/Pako households (rice shortage occurs 4-6 months/year in average), where the number of malnourished children CED mothers are very high
Family Characteristics