Б.Даваадулам ; Л.Хүрэлбаатар ; С.Пүрэвсүрэн3
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2012;1(1):9-12
Introduction: Amlodipine is one of the products included in Mongolian Essential Medicine list. Local drug manufacturers don’t produce this product and our country imports this product from several countries. Drug research institute has developed the technology to produce Amlodipine 10 mg tablet on the scientific basis and quality study has to be performed. Goal: The aim of this study was to define suitable conditions of quantitative determination and in vitro bioequivalence study of Amlodipine 10 mg tablet developed by Drug research institute. Materials and Methods: Assay method was developed using British and Russian pharmacopeia [5,7] and international journals [8,9]. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation was performed using Shimadzu HPLC with UV detection which is analytical column Оctadecylsilane (150x4.6 mm, particle size 5 μm). Separation took place at 40oC, flow rate of mobile phase (buffer-acetonitrile-methanol, 50:15:35) was 1.0 ml/min. Normodipine and Amlodenk used as standard medicine. Results: In the framework of this study HPLC and spectrophotometer method to determine amlodipine content was developed. The amlodipine content was determined by both methods as 0.0108 g and 0.0109 g respectively. Amlodipine dissolution was 110%, Normodipine dissolution was 110%, Amlodenk 109%. Conclusions: Assay method of Amlodipine 10 mg tablet was developed. Quality criteria of the tablet were determined and manufacturer’s pharmacopiea’s monograph for Amlodipine 10 mg tablet was developed. Amlodipine was bioequivalence with standard medicines.
Л.Хүрэлбаатар ; О.Одгэрэл ; Ц.Оюунсүрэн ; П.Эрдэнэбаатар
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2012;1(1):24-26
Introduction׃The Ellipin, prepared from bovine liver is a newly developed anticancer agent containing several important fatty acids. Goal: To investigate effects of Ellipin to proliferation assay of hepatic cancer cell function. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Institute of Biology, MAS, The Ellipin was developed in the Drug Research Institute of Monos group. HepG2,HCC,23132/87,MDCK,cells lines and the primary liver cancer cells(PCC)we re used for proliferation assay. Results: The results of proliferation assay showed that the ellipin decreased the proliferation activity of HepG2 and PCC cells depending on concentrations: in 50µg/ml 2-3 times, 250 µg/ml fully stopped cells divisions. Conclusions: Our results showed that the Ellipin suppresses HepG2 cancer cell proliferation Key words: Ellipin, HepG2, cell lines, cell proliferation. Figures 4, References 4
3.Histomorphological Assessment Results of
Т.Даваасамбуу, Д.Ганболд, А.Баянмөнх, Л.Лхагва, Л.Хүрэлбаатар
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2016;8(1):41-45
In recent years we have observed that there are been more and more studies and increased reg- ulatory action regarding animal, plant and mineral-based raw materials, drugs, biological prod- ucts, groceries and food products.Therefore, dehydrated cow bile liver hydrolisate appears less harm- ful for the human body and may minimize damage to liver cells, have regenerative and healing properties, and may support the healing / recovery process process. It is important to find and apply preparations that work against acute inflammation of the liver protein, fat and carbohydrate me- tabolism. Pharmacological research was undertaken with the performance of a histomorphological assessment with reference to the hydrolisate liver, dehydrated cow bile, silymarin 3 with a composi- tion containing “Sillichol”, determining how it seriously affects the inflammation of the liver operation.
Goal: To determine the presence of the liver tissue morphology with reference tothe investigational
/ experimental new drug “Sillichol”.
Material and Methods: Male Wistar rats, specified as pathogen-free, weighing 200-250 g, were
obtained from the Vivarium of the Department of Pharmacology, Drug Research Institute, and
were used for the chronic CCL -induced liver injury model in all experiments. Eighteen rats were di-vided into three groups (with each group consisting of 6 rats).The rats were sacrificed at the end of the 14 days of the investigation, and the livers were im- mediately removed (Methods R.Virchow). Liver slices were made from a part of the left and cen- tral lobes, and immediately fixed in 10% buffered formalin phosphate solution, embedded in par- affin, and cut into 5μm sections. Subsequently, the sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and observed under a microscope to evaluate histopathological changes (20x20).
Result: Liver tissue sections of the rats were stained with H&E. The histopathological assessment in the livers was performed for all groups. Rats in the negative healthy group exhibited normal, well- defined histological structures, without any signs of vascular or inflammatory changes: no cavita- tions, necrosis or fibrosis were found in normal control sections.
The histopathological analysis of the livers revealed signs of toxicity after administration of CCl .This toxicity was significant in comparison with the control group and cavitations, fibrosis in board ar-
eas, mild vascular congestion and moderate inflammatory changes with congested sinusoids, nu- clear changes, and centrilobular necrosis. Sinusoids spaces were flooded with inflammatory cells.
The Sillichol-treated animals of the experimental group showed a complete reversal of toxic ef- fects in the liver cells; no necrosis was seen. The central vein and portal triads appear normal and show an increase of Kupffer cells. Some of the hepatocytes indicated binucleation, suggesting re- generative activity with feathery degeneration of hepatocytes.The Carsil-treated animals of the standard group: The histology of the liver sections in rats adminis-
tered with Carsil indicated significant improvement with less damage of liver tissue, as indicated by a reduced level of necrosis, narrow fibrotic septae, fat storing cells, Kupffer cells, and narrow cavita- tion.
We found that the “Sillichol” biological active product treatment reduced hepatic necrosis and fibro-cal active product improved the regeneration process of liver cells, helped to normalize cell struc-
ture, and had an effect on the anti-inflammatory action in damaged liver cells.
Keywords: Histology, Carbon tetrachloride, Liver damage, Silichol, Liver cell
А.Баянмөн, Л.Урансолонго, Ж.Чулуунцэцэг, Л.Лхагва, Л.Хүрэлбаатар
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2016;8(1):84-88
High-performance liquid chromatography is one of the powerful qualitative and quantitative tech-niques, generally used for the analysis of pharmaceutical preparations. HPLC’s virtue lies in its versatility. We can use it to separate compounds of molecular weights from 54-450000Daltons. Amounts of material to be detected can vary from pictograms and nanograms to micrograms and milligrams to grams depends on which kind of detectors used for chromatographically separations. This article was prepared with an aim to review different aspects of HPLC, such as principle, types, and its applications.
Keywords: High performance liquid chromatography, applications, mobile phase, stationary phase
5.Study of the Biological Activities Preparation with Tribulus Terrestris l. on Free Serum Testosterone Changes in Male Rats
Т.Даваасамбуу, С.Бадамцэцэг, Б.Оюунчимэг, А.Баянмөнх, Б.Бадамцэцэг, Л.Лхавга, Л.Хүрэлбаатар
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2017;10(1):17-21
Wistar nonlinear rats weighing 170-220g. Rats were divided 5 groups, including control group, group-1, group-2, group -3 and reference group. Dried thistle extract and raw bovine testicle were contained by 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1 ratio. Each 0.1g ratio was dissolved in 20 ml distilled water and administered 2 times per day. Blood sampling was done for each rat after 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days. Their testosterone level was measured by ELISA Kit.
Results: The results indicated that free serum testosterone level in male rats increase and decrease in 7 days frequency. All tested groups showed gradual increase in the level of free serum testosterone when compared to that of corresponding control (p<0.05). Statistical comparison of all groups revealed that the maximum level was found in group 1. Moreover, group 3 was showed gradually increase in level of free serum testosterone, irrelative with period of decrease testosterone level.
Conclusion: According to our results and previous study, it is suggested that preparation with Tribulus terrestris L. extract could be used in the androgen deficiency and erectile dysfunctions.
Keywords: Tribulus Terrestris L, Free testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone, Protodioscin
Б.Сосорбурам ; Т.Даваасамбуу ; Ц.Чимгээ ; Б.Бадамцэцэг ; Л.Лхагва ; Л.Хүрэлбаатар
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2017;11(2):4-7
Introduction: Pathologies of hair growth can be psychologically distressing but they are poorly controlled. Hormones and paracrine factors regulate the hair follicle and its associated glands. However, our understanding of their mechanisms is limited, restricting the development of new treatments for hair disorders. Therefore better treatments for hair loss disorders are required. Some plant extracts are believed to have effect on hair growth. Urtica Cannabina L and other are used traditionally as stimulators of human hair growth, but their effects on hair growth in vivo has not been studied yet.
Goal: The aim of this study was to investigate the actual effects of those local plant extracts used as a traditional herbal treatment for hair loss, using in vivo mouse model; and to compare their effectiveness with the best medical treatment available.
Material and methods: Effects of extracts from Urtica Cannabina L, and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch both prepared separately and mixed at recommended concentrations. Experimental groups were compared with standard (positive control) and negative control groups. Shaved back of Balb/c mice (4 weeks old) were treated daily for 28 days (four groups, n=6 per group), and degree of their effectiveness was observed and compared with each other and with both of positive and negative control.
Results: show that mixture of the two herbal extract have similar significant hair growth promotion effect compared with other groups and negative control. Therefore, extracts stimulates rodent pelage follicles in vivo, thus possible to use as promoter of hair growth.
Keywords: Urtica Cannabina L, Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, hair follicle, hair loss, mice.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;5(2):22-25
Introduction: Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. has a cup-shaped nectary which locates in hollow receptacle, belonging to receptacle nectary. One layer of eqidermis on which modified stoma lie is covered by a thin cuticular layer. The nectary is differentiated from the srperfical layer cells of receptacle and that no special initial has been found. Goal: The aim of this study was to develop a natural Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop plant’s standardization requirements. Material and Methods: The root samples of natural Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop was collected from Umnudelger sum, Khentii aimag in August, 2013. The plant material dried under shade at room temperature. Then passed through 120 mesh size to remove coarse powder and fine powder was used for estimation of biologically active compound content in plant material [1, 3, 7]. Shimazdu UV –VIS Spectrophotometer was employed for all spectroscopic measurements using a pair of matched quartz cells and Shimadzu High Perpormance Liquid Chromatography equipment equipped with SPD - 20 A UV detector, CMB - 20 A system controller, CTO-10 AS vp column oven with injector and LC-6AD pumps. Gallic acid, Folin-Ciocalteau, sodium carbonate, methanol, sulfuric acid, acetic acid and glucose used were of the highest commercially available purity [8. 9, 10]. Results: The present study was carried out to develop a simple, rapid, sensitive, accurate, precise spectrophotometric and HPLC method to determine polysaccharide, polyphenolic and gallic acid by simultaneous estimation of in standardization formulation. Chromatographic analysis was carried out by Luna C18 (2) 100A reversed phase column (150 x 4.6 mm) packed with 5μm diameter particles. The mobile phase was 0.1% acedic acid:Methaol (95:5 v/v). The mobile phase was filtered through a 0.45 μm membrane filter. Then it was degassed ultrasonically prior to use. HPLC identification of standard gallic acid was at 278 nm. Flow rate and injection volume were 0.8 ml /min and 20 µl, respectively. Gallic acid was eluted with retention times of 8.2 min respectively. Amounts of gallic acid were 0.3% in plant. The standard deviation values were satisfactorily low and recovery was closed to 100% indicating the reproducibility, accuracy and precision of proposed method. The natural plant contents of the polysaccharid and polyphenolic was found 2.65% and 4.59%, respectively. Conclusion: The results from this study, we developed natural Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. plant’s chemical ingredients for the its standardization. Keywords: Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop., polysaccharide, polyphenolic and gallic acid.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;4(1):27-31
The world pharmaceutical market will reach nearly USD 1,200 billion by 2016, an increase from the USD 956 billion recorded in 2011. The 10 largest drug companies control over one-second of this market. The drug companiesinvestinhigh cost of promotion, and it uses a variety of promotional strategies to influence physicians’ prescribing decisions. Within this context, medical representatives are the key personnel employed in promoting their products. For example in the USA, drug companies spend $54.5 billion on marketing promotions and they spent more than US$10 billion on representative cost. In Mongolia, medical representatives of foreign countries are increasing over the years. So doctors and pharmacists often receive medicine information from medical representative. But the research about medical representative influence on physicians is not observed. The purpose of the study is evaluating pharmaceutical marketing promotions tended to family health centers/clinics physicians. Random sectional, organized based survey with questions was carried out of physicians of the family health centers/clinics. SPSS-20 and Microsoft office excel programs were used to colligate and processing information. Result, discussion: In 2012 the Libya, an anonymous survey questionnaire was circulated to 1,000 Libyan doctors in selected public and private practice settings in Tripoli, Benghazi and Sebha. A questionnaire return rate of 61% (608 returned questionnaires) was achieved. Most respondents (94%) reported that they had been visited by medical representatives at least ‹once› in the last year. Fifty per cent of respondents met with medical representatives at least once a month, and 20% at least once a week. In 2010 the Germany, 100 physicians in each of three specialties (neurology/psychiatry, general medicine, and cardiology) were surveyed with a questionnaire containing 37 questions. 208 (69.3%) questionnaires were anonymously filled out and returned. The result was 77% (n = 160) of all physicians were visited by PSR at least once a week, and 19% (n = 39) every day. In this study, an anonymous survey questionnaire was circulated to 100 physicians of the family centers/ clinics. A questionnaire return rate of 99% (99 returned questionnaires) was achieved. Most respondents 100% reported that they had been visited by medical representatives at least once in the last years. 55.5% of respondents met with medical representatives at least once a month, so 24.2% at least once a week. So 76.8% questionnaireswere satisfied after having representative meetings are informative, advertising and information include equally among 57.2 questionnaires had complete answers. Conclusions • All respondents met with medical representatives at least once a month. • Content of representatives meetings are equally adverting and informative so it influences positively to them. • 61.2% questionnaireswere satisfied after having representative meetings.
Б.Одчимэг, Э.Одбаяр, Ж.Чулуунцэцэцэг, C.Баяраа, Л.Урансолонго Б.Бадамцэцэг, А.Баямөнх, Л.Хүрэлбаатар
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2016;8(1):6-9
The present study shows the processing of the pharmacopoeia article for the preparation of Di- clofenac sodium extended release matrix tablet formulated from alternative characteristic poly- mer. The matrix tablets were prepared according to traditional method of the wet granula- tion for tablet form medicine.
Method: A standardization study made use of several international pharmacopoeias, such as the Mongolian National Pharmacopoeia (MNP 2011), United States Pharmacopoe- ia (USP 32), Chinese Pharmacopoeia (CP 2010) and U.S Department of F.D.A for the sub- stance’s requirements.
Result: The results from this study showed a completely processed manufacturing pharma- copoeia issue of the Diclomon 100 mg retard tablet and its technological and standardized re- quirements.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2012;1(1):52-57
Introduction: The medicine market is the rapidly developed, but the following negative consequences are faced with the field. Today, 42 drug factories, 158 drug supply centers and more than 1.200 drugstores conduct their services in our country and 543 of the total drugstores are located in Ulaanbaatar city. Total 2.476 medicines with or without prescription are sold through the drugstores. As of December 2011, 78.8% of total medicines, entered to the registration are the medicines which must be issued with the prescription. Goal: Discovering the reasons issuing the prescription medicines without the prescription among the drugstores of Ulaanbaatar city. Materials and method: • Legal documents on making the medicine prescription • Prescription, provided by doctors • Questions for doctors • Questions for pharmacists • Questions for the users Total 60 pharmacists of the 42 drugstores, 30 doctors of the Health Centers and Family Hospitals of Songinokhairkhan, Bayanzurkh, Chingeltei and Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar and 321 users who were served by the 30 drugstoresattended in the research work. The first questionnaire was provided on March 20-28, 2012 and subsequent questionnaire was made on October 18-30, 2012. The survey estimating the standard measurement on the doctor’s medicine prescription was carried out and I had worked on the 500 prescriptions, collected from the drugstores on March 2012 for a week. Results: As the result of this research work, 39.5% of total users who attended in the research work answered that there were high loads to take the medicine prescriptions, 31.6% of them answered that theywere busy to go to the doctor due to hospital high loads and 41.5% of doctors answered that they did not write the prescription when high loads. 78.3% of the pharmacists who attended in the research answered that their customers did not have the prescriptions. 32.6% of the prescriptions, attended in the research were not registered in the prescription form and 17.1% of the doctors answered that prescription forms were not enough. As the total prescription mistakes, name of patient was written wrong (31.4%), the diagnosis was not written (68.8%), medicine dose was written wrong or not written (31.4%), the usage instructions were not written /26.2%/, name of hospital was not written /73.2%/, doctors did not sign /52.2%/ and date of prescription was not noted /54.0%/.