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MeSH:( *Surgical Flaps)

1.The reverse superficial flap with the skin band on the pedicle

Dinh Nhat Vu

Journal of Practical Medicine 1998;344(1):40-41

5.Plastic reconstruction of long bone defects by free vascularized fibular and pelvic flaps

Tien Viet Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;383(6):66-70

6.Plastic covering the missing skin in the anterior knee, leg by limb fascio- cutuneous flap with the

Dinh Nhat Vu

Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):44-46

7.Study on the anatomy of dorsal muscular flaps in adult Vietnamese

Doan Van Le

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;392(12):29-33

8.Treatment of the contractile scar in the neck-skin area using the pedicular scapular and parascapular flaps

Do Tinh Duy

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;392(12):9-11

9.A new form of supraclavicular fasciocutaneous flaps in the plastic reconstruction of contractile burn scar in the neck

Son Thiet Tran

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;383(6):63-65

10.Primarily results of vascularized pedicular cutaneous flaps in the treatment of contractile scars in the neck and chin

Lam Ngoc Vu

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;383(6):6-8

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