Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2012;1(1):46-51
INTRODUCTION: Although the quality, supply and availability of drugs have been improved in our today’s market, it still exists cases of the import, the distribution and illegal advertisement of drugs that don’t meet the quality standards. Moreover, many new private pharmaceutical factories and drug supplying organizations and drugstores are established and new pharmaceutical preparations and treatment services are provided now. The imply the need for securing the quality and security situation of drugs produced by domestic pharmaceutical factories and imported from abroad, to bring the quality control to new level, to further improve the law and legal environment, as well as to improve the public regulation about drugs. [5] GOAL OF STUDY: Тo study the work characteristics and their ethic relation of doctors and representatives of the representative office of foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies carrying out their activities on the pharmaceutical market of our country, as well as the interrelation and attitude of doctor representatives, and doctors and pharmacists in connection with their work and duty characteristics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: At all 200 pharmacists of 45 drugstores in 6 districts, at all 150 doctors of total 8 central hospital of III and II stage and 45 doctor representatives who are working representing 13 foreign companies are covered in this research work. We carried out our research and study works from March 2012 till September 2012 by 3 types of questionnaire “doctor”, “pharmacist” and “doctor representative”. CONCLUSION: 1. 24.4% of doctor representatives who participated in our study have been worked for 10-15 years, 19.5% of them for 5-10 years, and the main direction of activities were fully focused to hospitals and drugstores, and they are working by introducing of new pharmaceutical preparations to the market. 2. The doctor representative are working to introduce and inform the clients and patients about their drug information using different marketing methods and principles through the intermediation of doctors and pharmacists, strictly holding on the principle of intercommunication with them, by daily visiting 3-5 hospitals, treatment centers and 5-10 drugstores by a constant frequency. And the doctors and pharmacists have a high work and professional respect before the doctor representatives. 3. It is approved that 54% of doctor representatives covered by our studies don’t talk about the issues relating to patients and impacting the doctoral ethic by their visits to doctors. 4. 56% of doctors and 59% of pharmacists who were covered by our study said that the doctor representative don’t make any proposal relating to and impacting the interests of their patients. This shows that the actual ethical tendency of the doctor representatives are at positive level.
Нармандах Э. ; Мөнхжаргал Н. ; Хүрэлбаатар Л.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;5(2):3-5
Introduction: Throughout the world, there are a number of plants that have been identified with immune boosting ability and the following plants Salsola laricifolia Turcz, Inula helenium that have been proven to support the immune system and grow in Mongolia were selected for a phytochemical study and prepared technology of dried powder.Goal: To develop dry extract technology with immunity stimulating action from natural plant sources.Material and methods: A biological active substance coumarin and flavonoid determination byspectrophotometer.Result: Total coumarin in raw material of Salsola laricifolia was 2.9±0.03%, total flavonoid amount was 1.66±0.021%, total polysaccharide was 3.83±0.025%, humidity was 5.7±0.01%, extractive substance amount was 20.63±0.91% ( p≤0.05). Total polysaccharide in raw material of Inula helenium was 20.78±0.03%, humidity was 6.03±0.03%, extractive substances amount was 21.76±0.23.Salsola laricifolia’s polysaccharide content was the highest or 0.19±0.031%, when extracted with 30% ethanol the flavonoid content was 0.36% when 25%, 30% ethanol was used as the extragent, 30% ethanol is determined to be an appropriate extragent. Inula helenium’s water extract contained 3.75±0.05% polysaccharide, 0.43±0.005% flavonoid. 50% alcohol extract had a 3.20±0.01% polysaccharide, flavonoid content of 0.25±0.01% and water extragent is determined to be proper extragent in future research.The scheme of dry extract preparation technology was developed and determined quantitative indication. Total polysaccharide which was active substance of Salsola laricifolia’s 30% ethanol and microcrystal cellulose under 15:1 version was highest in 0.46±0.011% and total polysaccharide which was active substance of Inula helenium water extract and microcrystal cellulose under 10:1 version was highest in 3.46±0.021% that`s why, it is suitable to dry extracting Salsola laricifolia’s 30% ethanol and microcrystal cellulose under 15:1 version, Inula helenium water extract and microcrystal cellulose under 10:1 version.Key word: Inula helenium, Salsola laricifolia, immunity support, dry extract
3. Histomorphological Assessment Results of
Даваасамбуу Т. ; Ганболд Д. ; Баянмөнх А. ; Лхагва Л. ; Хүрэлбаатар Л.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2016;8(1):41-45
IntroductionIn recent years we have observed that there are been more and more studies and increased reg- ulatory action regarding animal, plant and mineral-based raw materials, drugs, biological prod- ucts, groceries and food products.Therefore, dehydrated cow bile liver hydrolisate appears less harm- ful for the human body and may minimize damage to liver cells, have regenerative and healing properties, and may support the healing / recovery process process. It is important to find and apply preparations that work against acute inflammation of the liver protein, fat and carbohydrate me- tabolism. Pharmacological research was undertaken with the performance of a histomorphological assessment with reference to the hydrolisate liver, dehydrated cow bile, silymarin 3 with a composi- tion containing “Sillichol”, determining how it seriously affects the inflammation of the liver operation.Goal: To determine the presence of the liver tissue morphology with reference tothe investigational/ experimental new drug “Sillichol”.Material and Methods: Male Wistar rats, specified as pathogen-free, weighing 200-250 g, wereobtained from the Vivarium of the Department of Pharmacology, Drug Research Institute, andwere used for the chronic CCL -induced liver injury model in all experiments. Eighteen rats were di-vided into three groups (with each group consisting of 6 rats).The rats were sacrificed at the end of the 14 days of the investigation, and the livers were im- mediately removed (Methods R.Virchow). Liver slices were made from a part of the left and cen- tral lobes, and immediately fixed in 10% buffered formalin phosphate solution, embedded in par- affin, and cut into 5μm sections. Subsequently, the sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and observed under a microscope to evaluate histopathological changes (20x20).Result: Liver tissue sections of the rats were stained with H&E. The histopathological assessment in the livers was performed for all groups. Rats in the negative healthy group exhibited normal, well- defined histological structures, without any signs of vascular or inflammatory changes: no cavita- tions, necrosis or fibrosis were found in normal control sections.The histopathological analysis of the livers revealed signs of toxicity after administration of CCl .This toxicity was significant in comparison with the control group and cavitations, fibrosis in board ar-eas, mild vascular congestion and moderate inflammatory changes with congested sinusoids, nu- clear changes, and centrilobular necrosis. Sinusoids spaces were flooded with inflammatory cells.The Sillichol-treated animals of the experimental group showed a complete reversal of toxic ef- fects in the liver cells; no necrosis was seen. The central vein and portal triads appear normal and show an increase of Kupffer cells. Some of the hepatocytes indicated binucleation, suggesting re- generative activity with feathery degeneration of hepatocytes.The Carsil-treated animals of the standard group: The histology of the liver sections in rats adminis-tered with Carsil indicated significant improvement with less damage of liver tissue, as indicated by a reduced level of necrosis, narrow fibrotic septae, fat storing cells, Kupffer cells, and narrow cavita- tion.ConclusionsWe found that the “Sillichol” biological active product treatment reduced hepatic necrosis and fibro-cal active product improved the regeneration process of liver cells, helped to normalize cell struc-ture, and had an effect on the anti-inflammatory action in damaged liver cells.Keywords: Histology, Carbon tetrachloride, Liver damage, Silichol, Liver cell
Сосорбурам Б. ; Даваасамбуу Т. ; Оюунчимэг Б. ; Бадамцэцэг С. ; Лхагва Л. ; Хүрэлбаатар Л.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2018;12(1):38-41
Introduction: Constipation is highly prevalent, often chronic gastrointestinal disorder that affects adults. The treatment with classic drugs did not cut, in one hand with the inadequate relief of bloating and other symptoms, and with the luck of efficacy in relieving constipation. Therefore, the search for novel safe laxative drugs seems, inevitable. Rheum undulatum L. was traditionally used in constipation, thus we have attempted to evaluate the laxative effect of Rheum undulatum L. Purpose: The laxative effect of Rheum undulatum L. was evaluated against loperamide induced constipated rats. Methodology: Fifteen male normal rats were used in this study. Fifteen male constipated wistar albino rats weighing 180-250 g were also used for the study and randomized into three groups (n=5) in each of the experiments. Constipated control group rats oral administrated distilled water. Constipated rats (treatment groups) were treated with 4.1 mg/kg dose body weight /day of the preparation for one day and also Laxing a standard drug was used for the reference group. The fecal weight, the fecal humidity laxative activity were monitored in experimental rats.Results: Constipation was successfully induced in the rats by loperamide as seen in the elevated fecal properties compared to the control rats. The Rheum undulatum L. compounds preparation administered orally produced significant laxative activity and reduced loperamide induced constipation in dose dependent manner as seen in the increase of fecal output. The same doses of the Rheum undulatum L. compounds preparation produced a significant increase (P<0.05) fecal weight, the faeces humidity. The effect of the compounds preparation compares favourably well with Laxing, a standard laxative drug. Conclusion: The results of this study justify the use of Rheum undulatum L. compounds preparation as a laxative in traditional medicine. The produced significantly increase in fecal output of rats and the stimulation of gastrointestinal motility. Keywords: Laxative, gastro intestinal motility, loperamide, constipated
Гантогтох Г. ; Орхон Н. ; Лхагва Л. ; Хүрэлбаатар Л.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2012;1(1):13-16
Background: Rhodiola rosea L. root has used in Western and Eastern countries medical practice widelyfor medicine raw material purpose. Roseroot grows in the high mountains very rarity. In Mongolia thisplant distribute in Khuvsgul, Khentii, Khangai, Uliastai, Khankhukhii, Mongol Daguur (Western), Khovd,(Kharkhiraa), Mongol Altai, Ikh, Baga Bogd (from west longituide 88000 to east side until 110000, and fromnorth latitude 45000), and Dundad Khalkh (Bichigt Dulaan Khad) etc.Dig up the root to use it therefore the ground does not reconstruct or grow by itself. Less thrift, no reservesto use and rare greenery.Goals: The aim of this study was protects its gene bank and preserve the natural resource to doing practiceof rehabilitation therefore chance reserve and could supply raw materials for producing medicine as many aspossible in factory.Materials and Methods: The source material of the Rhodiola rosea L was collected from the Khankh sumof Khuvsgul province.Plantation procedure was done according to planting method of Erdenejav etc (1986), the analysis of kineticsof plant was studied method Ts.Jamsran (1984), was availability of naturalize planting was studied methodof R.A.Karpisinova (1985).The seeds were seeded in 40-45 cm between the row, 20-25 cm between the plants and 3.5-4.5 cm depthin the soil.Results: In the first year for naturalizing field plantlet the Rhodiola roea L. roots wild intergowth 85-90%,during the first growing stage it was regular and the hidden browse set for 1 greenery 4-6 pieces in the rootsmouth and end of the September it becomes visible in the ground.For the 2 year old Rhodiola rosea L. hidden browse during Y/10 stage the first young browse is coming upand greenery growing process is good, it’s height is 30-45 cm and in the main grasp graft’s on the top formedflower stuff, becoming fruitage and growing process become active. In the roots mouth restructuring browseis developed.The 3 year old Rhodiola rosea L. regrowth browse is good, root system become strong and developed alsoflowered and starting to give its seed. Roots system become strong and greenery grown 50-55 cm high.Rhodiola rosea L. is resistible to the cold and looking at the laboratory intergrowth seed picked from the 3 yearold greenery is was 42-48%. Rhodiola rosea L. which we are planting can be use planted in the MongolianSteppe zone. Planted 3 years old of biology active cells of root for plant’s salidroside content is 0.25%.Key words: raw material, regrowth
Одчимэг Б. ; Одбаяр Э. ; Ж.Чулуунцэцэцэг ; Баяраа1 C. ; Урансолонго Л. ; Бадамцэцэг Б. ; Баямөнх А. ; Хүрэлбаатар Л.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2016;8(1):6-9
Introduction:The present study shows the processing of the pharmacopoeia article for the preparation of Di- clofenac sodium extended release matrix tablet formulated from alternative characteristic poly- mer. The matrix tablets were prepared according to traditional method of the wet granula- tion for tablet form medicine.Method: A standardization study made use of several international pharmacopoeias, such as the Mongolian National Pharmacopoeia (MNP 2011), United States Pharmacopoe- ia (USP 32), Chinese Pharmacopoeia (CP 2010) and U.S Department of F.D.A for the sub- stance’s requirements.Result: The results from this study showed a completely processed manufacturing pharma- copoeia issue of the Diclomon 100 mg retard tablet and its technological and standardized re- quirements.
Бямбадулам Г. ; Баттулга Г. ; Бадамцэцэг Б. ; Хүрэлбаатар Л.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2015;6(1):19-20
Abstract:In the recent years, The pharmaceutical manufacturers interest to natural medicines and biological active preparations from animal, plant and mineral raw materials. According to some sources, Plantago majus contains polysaccharides and aucubin. Some researchers investigated aucubin that is anti inflammation and antimicrobial activity. Many anti cough formulations that are contains Plantago majus sold in pharmaceutical market. For example: Herbion, Pectoral manufactured by KRKA, Naturwaen and Mepha, respectively.The aim of this study determination of aucubin and biological active substances in Plantago majus that is growth commonly in Mongolia.The result of this study, Plantago majus leaves are estabilished polysaccharide 4.66%. Leaves of Plantago majus has been extracted by water(1:5), water (1:10), 30 % sorbitol and 20% ethanol, then determination aucubin and polysaccharide. The results, polysaccharide was 4.12%, 3.46%, 0.336% and 2.65%, respectively. Aucubin was 2.88%, 3.44%, not determined 30% sorbitol extract and 1.88%, respectively.
Б. Хашчулуу ; Ж. Чулуунцэцэг ; Ц.Чимгээ ; Б.Нарангэрэл ; А. Баянмөнх ; Л.Лхагва ; Л. Хүрэлбаатар
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;4(1):56-58
Introduction: Constipation is not often regarded as a major therapeutic issue, but the use and abuse of laxatives by older people is highly prevalent. It is important for clinical to have an understanding of constipation to people, and of ways to improve laxative use. The laxatives most appropriate for older people include stimulants such as senna, bulking agents. Cassia acutifolia L and Rheum undalatum L have been used as a laxative drug in Asian traditional medicine for a long time. The pods and leaves contain antraquinone aglycons and antraquinone glycosides which are laxative form while rhein is a major component. The anti constipation ability of combinations of plant preparations consisting of Cassia acutifolia, Rheum Undalatum, Terminilia Chebula Retz, and soda were studied. Anti constipation drug set for LD50 samples of. The pharmacological experiments were done on 30 rat of wistar species weighing 200 -250 grams and 30 rabbits of Shinshilla species weighing 2000-2200 grams, 60 mouse of Balb/c species weighing 20-32 grams. The combinations of plant were given to experimental animals orally with the dose of convenient. The experimental results indicate that sample 1 compared to other samples dungy moisture to add the most during pathological induced anti constipation. Goal: The aim of study is determination anti constipation activity in plant preparations. Material and methods: Rheum undalatum L was collected from Medicinal botanical garden of Drug Research Institute in September of 2011. Cassia acutifolia, Terminilia Chebula and Soda were to be out from Monos food LLC in August of 2013. Maceration was chosen by suitable extraction method and optimal extragent was ethanol. Antraquinone was determined in evaporated extract of Cassia acutifolia, Rheum undalatum using the method by Russian Pharmacopeia. The pharmacological experiments were done on 30 rat of wistar species weighing 200 -250 grams and 30 rabbits of shinshilla species weighing 2000 -2200 grams, 60 mouse of Balb/c specie weighing 20 -32 grams. The combinations of plant were given to experimental animals orally with the dose of convenient. The experimental results indicate that sample 1 compared to other samples dungy moisture to add the most during pathological induced anti constipation. Result: Liquid extracts were obtained from Cassia acutifolia L, Rheum undalatum L with maceration method. Liquid extracts were evaporated on Vacuum rotor. Sample 1 was have anti constipation activity Keywords: Cassia acutifolia L, Rheum undalatum L, Terminilia Chebula Retz, salt, rabbits, rats, mice, and Constipation
Ж.Чулуунцэцэг ; Т.Даваасамбуу1 ; Ц.Чимгээ ; Б. Дэлгэрмаа ; Л. Лхагва1 ; Л. Хүрэлбаатар ; Ж.Сүхдолгор ; С. Бадамцэцэг
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;4(1):20-26
Introduction: Achillea asiatiсa has been used in traditional medicine for one hundreds of years. Many compounds have been isolated from /Achillea asiatica/, including flavonoids, sesquiterpenes and essential oils. Salsola collina herb grows in Siberia, Baikal and Altai. It contains a variety of amino acids, flavonoids, glycosides, and vitamins. It has a positive effect on metabolism of fats in liver, regulates cholesterol and sugar in the blood and is recommended for weight reduction. Salsola collina is widely distributed in droughty and semi-droughty area, which is used as a kind of folk remedy in traditional Chinese and Mpngolian traditional medicine for treatment of hypertension and liver protectevity . Goal: The aim of study is to choose optimal extragent and determination liver protecting activity in Achillea asiatiсa, Salsola colina and to determine main substances in these herbals. Material and Methods: Achillea asiatiсa was collected from Dorgonot mountain Tuv province in June of 2012, Salsola colina were collected from Medicinal botanical garden of Drug Research Institute in August of 2012. Maceration was chosen by suitable extraction method and optimal extragent was ethanol. Flavonoids were determined in evaporated extract of Achillea asiatiсa, Salsola colina using the method by Mongolian National first Pharmacopeia. We use non line wistar rats, determination liver protecting activity biochemical analysis by Hospitex analyzer. Result: Liquid extracts were obtained from Achillea asiatiсa, Salsola colina with maceration method. Liquid extracts were evaporated on Vacuum rotor. The tehnological parameters of liquid extracts are the main important index to calculate the extragent correctly, to establish the material balance exactly, and to extract the process efficiently. 70% ethanol (1:10 sample/extragent) was determined by optimal extragent for Achillea asiatiсa, 80% ethanol (1:10) for Salsola colina. Achillea asiatiсa, Salsola colina were have liver protecting activity. Conclusion: Some technological parameters of liquid extract were determined such as optimal extragent and the effective extracting method of Achillea asiatiсa, Salsola colina. As the result of determining these parameters, it has much practical significant for establishing the technological condition to extract the biological activity compounds completely from their plants. Key words: Achillea asiatiсa, Salsola collina, technological pharameters, flavonoid, anthraquinons, liver protecting activity
Цэрэндолгор Б. ; Цэцэгмаа С. ; Хүрэлбаатар Л. ; Чойжамц Г.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;4(1):32-36
Abstract: In this article, we report a study of assay of sesquiterpene lactones (alantolactone, isoalantolactone) in plant extraction derived by ultrasound-assisted extraction, оrthogonal test design and reflux extraction from medicinal plant’s composition (Salsola laricifolia turcz.e litv+Inula helenium). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was used for determination of the contents of alantolactone and isoalantolactone in the investigated extracts. The result shown that the amount of alantolactone was 0.64±0.03%, and isoalantolactone 0.59±0.01% in the plant extraction derived by reflux condensation extraction. Key words: Alantolactone, Isoalantolactone, HPLC, Salsola laricifolia turcz.ex litv, Inula helenium, Reflux method, Ultrasound- assisted extraction.