Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;5(2):22-25
Introduction: Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. has a cup-shaped nectary which locates in hollow receptacle, belonging to receptacle nectary. One layer of eqidermis on which modified stoma lie is covered by a thin cuticular layer. The nectary is differentiated from the srperfical layer cells of receptacle and that no special initial has been found. Goal: The aim of this study was to develop a natural Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop plant’s standardization requirements. Material and Methods: The root samples of natural Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop was collected from Umnudelger sum, Khentii aimag in August, 2013. The plant material dried under shade at room temperature. Then passed through 120 mesh size to remove coarse powder and fine powder was used for estimation of biologically active compound content in plant material [1, 3, 7]. Shimazdu UV –VIS Spectrophotometer was employed for all spectroscopic measurements using a pair of matched quartz cells and Shimadzu High Perpormance Liquid Chromatography equipment equipped with SPD - 20 A UV detector, CMB - 20 A system controller, CTO-10 AS vp column oven with injector and LC-6AD pumps. Gallic acid, Folin-Ciocalteau, sodium carbonate, methanol, sulfuric acid, acetic acid and glucose used were of the highest commercially available purity [8. 9, 10]. Results: The present study was carried out to develop a simple, rapid, sensitive, accurate, precise spectrophotometric and HPLC method to determine polysaccharide, polyphenolic and gallic acid by simultaneous estimation of in standardization formulation. Chromatographic analysis was carried out by Luna C18 (2) 100A reversed phase column (150 x 4.6 mm) packed with 5μm diameter particles. The mobile phase was 0.1% acedic acid:Methaol (95:5 v/v). The mobile phase was filtered through a 0.45 μm membrane filter. Then it was degassed ultrasonically prior to use. HPLC identification of standard gallic acid was at 278 nm. Flow rate and injection volume were 0.8 ml /min and 20 µl, respectively. Gallic acid was eluted with retention times of 8.2 min respectively. Amounts of gallic acid were 0.3% in plant. The standard deviation values were satisfactorily low and recovery was closed to 100% indicating the reproducibility, accuracy and precision of proposed method. The natural plant contents of the polysaccharid and polyphenolic was found 2.65% and 4.59%, respectively. Conclusion: The results from this study, we developed natural Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. plant’s chemical ingredients for the its standardization. Keywords: Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop., polysaccharide, polyphenolic and gallic acid.
Г.Бямбадулам ; Г.Баттулга ; Г. Оюунцэцэг ; Б.Бадамцэцэг ; Л.Хүрэлбаатар4
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;4(1):8-10
Introduction: Normal human body temperature generation increase by called fever. Various disease syndrome symptoms of fever and high temperature ( 38.50C or more ) reduce the short term, especially when young children cerebral glucose deficiency epileptic disease is beginning fall, and brain tissues and cell malnutrition become parallel, paralysis, as a result of Poor memory and create the risk. Therefore, The World Health Organization (WHO) according 0-3 month infants 380C more than, 3-6 months 38.50C, and 6 months - 1 year old children body temperature 390C more than they must to use medicine or called to doctor. Infants and young children’s drug therapy is recommended for use in practice “ParaDenk 125mg, ParaDenk 250mg”, Panadol suspension (contain 120 mg paracetamol), Nurofen (contain Ibuprofen100mg) syrup. Irritation and fever, all the scenes prostoglandin much as synthesized. The main of this ibuprofen’s mechanism is inhibit prostoglandin synthesized. Domestic pharmaceutical market the ibuprofen containing Nurofen 100 ml suspension drugs are widely used in the treatment of young children, but the cost is high. The scope of research and ibuprofen suspension technologies pharmaceuticals manufacturer has been developed pharmacopeias article. The main aim of this study was to perform quality determination of “Ibumon 100mg /5 ml” 100 ml suspension. Material and methods: We studied “Ibumon” suspension technological and tandardization research in Drug experiment and manufacturer sector in Drug Research Institute. We prepared “Ibumon” suspention by Nurofen suspension’s drug registration according to the physical characteristics of materials. The appearance and suryp’s physical and chemical method determined by in the Mongolian national pharmacopeia. The microbial limit test in the Mongolian National Pharmacopeia was performed to determine microbial purity. Suspension’s Ibufrofen content determined by HPLC equipment . Result: “Ibuprofen” suspension pharmaceutical technology research as effective ingredients have been determined. And the suspension active ingredient quantitative analysis determined by HPLC.