Б.Отгонбилэг1 М.Уранчимэг2 Л.Хүрэлбаатар 3
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2012;1(1):34-40
Foundation of the research: The issues of safety and qualified medicine industrial, supplyment andmaintenance is the counterpart of national security policy about any nations. Mongolia has been importingover 80% of domestic demand of medicine. New drugs have accessed into marked, and medicine distributersor suppliers, pharmacies have established as many, thus its generating the needs to improve the legal environfor to reach the new level of quality control, medicine suppliers structure and activities, then also to verifythe safety of imported or local medicine. May having formulize the requirements of medicine warehouse,remodify the standard of Medicine Supply Organization can be the first step to solve the problems whichMedicine Supply Organization has been facing. The purpose and goals of research work:Submitting following goals in the frame of the purpose to analyze the condition of the Medicine SupplyOrganization’s warehouse, study the foreign country’s GSP and utilize the standard instruction of medicinewarehouse by determine the method of access it into Mongolian bigger Medicine Supply Organization.The methodology: Have selected and incorporated with 5 top company which are operating as medicineimporter based on value of imported products for last 3 years and 3 The pharmaceutical wholesale centerwhich had lesser scope and totally means 8 companies. We used following methods such as observationstudy, open review survey, schematic and comparative study, method of interview and review anddocumentation method.Conclusion:1. However, that research involved The pharmaceutical wholesale center have reached 71% of therequirement of MNS 5530:2009 standard of Medicine Supply Organization and fitted in low risk categoryas 20% according with the risk assessment of State Specialized Inspection Agency, but was lower by68% than building construction standard and activities according with the GSP’s guidance.2. Have determine the solutions for resolvable factors which are unreached the requirements of GSP basedon the study of World Health Organization, European Union GSP requirements, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria,Germany and Russian by linked it with the condition of research involved organizations.3. Utilized the Mongolian medicine warehouse standard guidance.