Ц.Чимгээ ; Т.Даваасамбуу ; Б.Хашчулуу ; Б.Нарангэрэл ; А.Баянмөнх ; Л.Лхагва ; Л.Хүрэлбаатар
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;5(2):26-28
BACKGROUND: Fourteen species of the genus Iris L is grown in Mongolia. Iris L has been in traditional Mongolia medicine for treatment of urinary and kidney disease. We investigated three species of Iris L such as Iris Bunge /Iris Bungei Maxim/, Iris Tigrida /Iris Tigrida Bge / and Iris lactea /Iris Lactea Pall/ which contains rich amount of biological active substances[1,2]. Urine was collected at tubes during 4 hours, since given experimental and standard preparations orally and compared with control group. As experimental results, the urine levels of treatments groups increased 1.13 fold (Iris Bunge), 1.8 fold (Iris Tigrida), 1.04 fold (Iris Lacteal) and 1.15 fold (Standard or Nefromon) compared with control groups. These results indicated the Iris Tigrida has shown diuretic effect more than other species of Iris L.\Z TOOLS AND METHODS: Adult Balb/c mice, each in the weight range of 20-28g, were obtained from the Vivarium, Drug research institute. The animals divided into five groups of four animals each and kept in cages and housed under standard conditions of temperature, humidity and dark light cycle (12h-12h). Diuretic activity was determined by the following methods of Trendelenburg et al (1980). Before experiment, all the animals received priming dose of 0.9% sodium chloride solution (0.3 ml/20g) and the treated groups were given 0.1ml/20g extracts of Iris L. The standard groups were given 0.1 ml/20g of “Nefromon. Immediately after respective treatments the animals were placed in metabolic cages and urine was collected in a measuring cylinder till 4 hours. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Results are shown in the ethanol extract of the whole plant of Iris Tigrida Bge at a dose of 0.1ml/20g observed diuresis during the 4 hours of the test (Tigrida Bge 1.0±0.37 ml versus control 0.55±009 ml, whereas in case of standard Nefromon the volume was found to be 0.63±0.08 ml, p<0.05). As experimental Iris L, results, urine levels of treatments groups increased 1.04 fold (Iris Bunge), 1.8 fold (Iris Tigrida), 1.05 fold (Iris Lacteal) and 1.15 fold (Standard or Nefromon) compared with control groups. These result, indicated the Iris Tigrida has shown diuretic effect more than other species of Iris L. These results indicated the Iris Tigrida has shown diuretic effect more than other species of Iris L. KEY WORDS: Diuretic, medicinal plants, Trendelenburg methods, flavonoids
Б. Хашчулуу ; Ж. Чулуунцэцэг ; Ц.Чимгээ ; Б.Нарангэрэл ; А. Баянмөнх ; Л.Лхагва ; Л. Хүрэлбаатар
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;4(1):56-58
Introduction: Constipation is not often regarded as a major therapeutic issue, but the use and abuse of laxatives by older people is highly prevalent. It is important for clinical to have an understanding of constipation to people, and of ways to improve laxative use. The laxatives most appropriate for older people include stimulants such as senna, bulking agents. Cassia acutifolia L and Rheum undalatum L have been used as a laxative drug in Asian traditional medicine for a long time. The pods and leaves contain antraquinone aglycons and antraquinone glycosides which are laxative form while rhein is a major component. The anti constipation ability of combinations of plant preparations consisting of Cassia acutifolia, Rheum Undalatum, Terminilia Chebula Retz, and soda were studied. Anti constipation drug set for LD50 samples of. The pharmacological experiments were done on 30 rat of wistar species weighing 200 -250 grams and 30 rabbits of Shinshilla species weighing 2000-2200 grams, 60 mouse of Balb/c species weighing 20-32 grams. The combinations of plant were given to experimental animals orally with the dose of convenient. The experimental results indicate that sample 1 compared to other samples dungy moisture to add the most during pathological induced anti constipation. Goal: The aim of study is determination anti constipation activity in plant preparations. Material and methods: Rheum undalatum L was collected from Medicinal botanical garden of Drug Research Institute in September of 2011. Cassia acutifolia, Terminilia Chebula and Soda were to be out from Monos food LLC in August of 2013. Maceration was chosen by suitable extraction method and optimal extragent was ethanol. Antraquinone was determined in evaporated extract of Cassia acutifolia, Rheum undalatum using the method by Russian Pharmacopeia. The pharmacological experiments were done on 30 rat of wistar species weighing 200 -250 grams and 30 rabbits of shinshilla species weighing 2000 -2200 grams, 60 mouse of Balb/c specie weighing 20 -32 grams. The combinations of plant were given to experimental animals orally with the dose of convenient. The experimental results indicate that sample 1 compared to other samples dungy moisture to add the most during pathological induced anti constipation. Result: Liquid extracts were obtained from Cassia acutifolia L, Rheum undalatum L with maceration method. Liquid extracts were evaporated on Vacuum rotor. Sample 1 was have anti constipation activity Keywords: Cassia acutifolia L, Rheum undalatum L, Terminilia Chebula Retz, salt, rabbits, rats, mice, and Constipation