Н.Орхон ; Г.Гантогтох ; Б.Баасанжав ; А.Баянмөнх ; Л.Лхагва ; Л.Хүрэлбаатар ; Г.Цэрэнханд
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2014;5(2):37-43
Introduction: This plants distributed about 2500 species in worldwide and 69 species of those grow in Mongolia. In case of medicinal application of this plant is commonly used traditional medicine in European and Asian. For example, the different preparations of Astragalus mongholicus root, the most commonly used Astragalus species in Chinese medicine. Other Astragalus species which are being investigated for their anti-cancer properties are the Turkish species, and include Astragalus brachypterus, Astragalus cephalotes, Astragalus microcephalus and Astragalus trojanus. Nowdays, this plant source from nature is decreased and areal square de-escalated in Mongolia. Goals: Our main goal was conserves domesticates and improves plant genotypes of local wild medicinal specie and provides raw plant material for scientific testing from the cultivation site without depleting wild sources. Including that main goal we put a purpose of the make comparative study of vegetative organ’s anatomy morphological study on wild and planted type. Materials and Methods: The wild Astragalus mongolicus bunge was collected from Bayanchandmani sum, for Tuv province. Cropped plant was grown medicinal botanical garden of Drug research institute, Monos. Anatomy structure of vegetative organs was identified by plant anatomic method. Result: The article presents the data on structure of vegetative organs of cultivated Astragalus mongolicus Bunge and compared with wild type. Comparative studies were made on the leaf, root, stem and flower and the anatomical structure of vegetative organs of Astragalus mongolicus Bunge and wild type, which were the similar plants on botany and had the great value of medicine. The results indicated that the anatomical structures of their vegetative organs were basically the same, but there are some obvious differences on leaf and stem it depended from geographical influences. Planted plant in particular could alter their environment by affecting light and water avialablity, soil nutrient availability due to uptake. Discussion: Tserenkhand.G was studied Astragalus mongolicus root anatomy in 2003. Our root anatomy study was same to Tserenkhand.G. Conclusion: The results from this study, we are concluded that, the cultivated Astragalus mongolicus Bunge is greatly cultivated in our Botanical garden. Key words: cultivated, anatomy, epidermis