1.Research on the effects of supplemental treatment for hemorrhage syndrome by \u201cDuong quy bo huyet thang\u201d herbal remedy on aplastic anemic patients
Thanh Kim Dang ; Lan Thi Nguyen
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;0(7):36-40
Background: In many studies on aplastic anemic patients, hemorrhage syndrome is expressed in mainly subcutaneous hemorrhage, gum hemorrhage and menorrhagia in women. In traditional medicine, there are many remedies to treat the hemorrhage syndrome in aplastic anemic patients, such as \u201cBao nguyen thang\u201d, \u201cNhi tien thang\u201d, \u201cNhi chi hoan\u201d, \u201cO ke bach Phuong hoan\u201d, \u201cQuy ty thang\u201d herbal remedies\u2026 Objectives: To research the effects of supplemental treatment for hemorrhage syndrome by \u201cDuong quy bo huyet thang\u201d herbal remedy on aplastic anemic patients. Subjects and method: A study was carried out on 60 aplastic anemic patients at Bach Mai Hospital from October 2006 to October 2007. The subjects were divided into two groups: group I was treated with blood transfusion, corticoid and supplemental treatment by \u201cDuong quy bo huyet thang\u201d remedy; group II was only treated with blood transfusion and corticoid. This was a controlled, randomized clinical trial. Results: The average age of the patients was 40.57 +/- 16.77 years in group I and 41.73 +/- 17.14 years in group II (p>0.05). The male-female ratio was 1.07. The number of patients with hemorrhage syndrome decreased from 66.7% to 36.7% after 60 days of treatment. The platelet counts increased from 20.85 +/- 13.57 g/l to 28.94 +/- 16.92 g/l (p<0.05). Conclusions: The \u201cDuong quy bo huyet thang\u201d herbal remedy decreased hemorrhage syndrome in aplastic anemic patients.
\u201cDuong quy bo huyet thang\u201d remedy
hemorrhage syndrome
aplastic anemia