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MeSH:(*Philosophy, Nursing)

2.Postmodernism and the Issue of Nursing.

Byung Hye KONG

Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(3):389-399

3.The Research for the Nursing Theory Development.

Kyung Rim SHIN

Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2002;14(2):244-255

4.An Analytical Review on Fatigue of Cancer Patients.

Yun Jung LEE ; Dal Sook KIM

Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(6):897-905

5.Changes in the Image of Nursing in First Year Nursing Students after History & Philosophy of Nursing Courses.

Sang Dol KIM

Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration 2012;18(3):301-309

6.A Study on the Critical Thinking Disposition about Student Nurse.

Seung Ae YANG ; Duk Yoo JUNG

Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2004;16(1):156-165

7.A Study on the Critical Thinking Disposition about Student Nurse.

Seung Ae YANG ; Duk Yoo JUNG

Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2004;16(1):156-165

8.Current Status of Clinical Practice Education in Maternity Nursing in Korea: four-year course nursing schools centered.

Il Ok KIM ; Chai Soon PARK

Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing 2006;12(1):12-21

9.Concept Analysis of Presence.

Kae Wha JO ; Myung Ja KIM

Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 1999;6(2):320-330

10.Trends of Doctoral Dissertations in Nursing Science: Focused on Studies Submitted Since 2000.

Hyunsook SHIN ; Kyung Mi SUNG ; Seok Hee JEONG ; Dae Ran KIM

Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2008;38(1):74-82

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