1.A Study on Parents' Satisfaction with School Foodservice by Foodservice Monitoring Participation.
Misun BAEK ; Youngmee LEE ; Yu Jin OH
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2009;15(3):253-261
This study was carried out to compare parents' satisfaction with school foodservice between participants and non-participants of foodservice monitoring. Surveys were conducted in six schools that implemented foodservice monitoring. In these schools, 126 participants and 167 non-participants were surveyed. The results were as follows: The participant group was more satisfied with taste (participation 3.63, non-participation 3.20), quantity (participation 3.69, non-participation 3.20), and menu composition (participation 3.67, non-participation 3.16) than the non-participant group. In addition, the satisfaction level of the participant group (3.74) was significantly higher than that of the non-participant group (3.24) (p<0.01). It was also indicated that the overall level of trust toward the foodservice operation was significantly higher in the participant group (3.90) than in the non-participant group (3.32) (p<0.001). After participating in monitoring, 74.8% of the parents changed their perception on school foodservice and 84.7% of them became to have more positive views. In conclusion, we found that parents' participation in school foodservice monitoring had positive effects on their satisfaction and perceptions on school foodservice.
2.Study on the Relationship between Gender-Role Stereotypes, Sexual Assault Awareness and Permissible limit in the College Students.
Chung Sin SHIM ; Young Sook LEE ; Suk Hee OH
Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing 2012;18(2):117-125
PURPOSE: This study was done to identify the relationship between gender-role stereotypes, sexual assault awareness and permissible limits in the college students. METHODS: With a structured survey, a sample of 756 college students who agreed to participate in the study completed a self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: The result showed that gender-role stereotypes differed significantly depending on gender and age, while awareness of sexual assault differed significantly depending on gender, age, and location of residence. The permissible limits in sexual assault differed significantly according to gender, relationship with parents, and location of residence. There were significant relationships among awareness of sexual assault, gender-role stereotypes, and permissible limits of sexual assault. CONCLUSION: The result will provide preliminary data and strategies to develop sexual assault prevention programs.
3.Perceptions of Traditional Korean Foods and Satisfaction Levels toward School Foodservice among Middle School Students and Parents of Schools Serving Traditional Korean Menus in Gyeonggi Province.
Yu Mi BAE ; Deok Hee SONG ; Hong Seok AHN
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2011;17(2):118-129
The purpose of this study was to investigate perceptions of Korean foods and school foodservice satisfaction levels among middle school students as provided by a Korean menu-focused school foodservice. The study subjects included middle school freshmen attending a school providing Korean menus and their parents. A survey questionnaire was administered to obtain information on general characteristics, perceptions of traditional Korean foods, and degrees of satisfaction toward school foodservice. The student subjects had significantly lower interest and preference for traditional Korean foods and less positive perceptions of traditional Korean foods than the parent subjects. In regard to degrees of satisfaction for school foodservice, the students evaluated the current Korean menu-focused foodservice significantly higher than the previous foodservice provided to them during their elementary school days. The parent subjects' also generally reported very high satisfaction levels of the foodservice. The current study findings suggest there are positive effects of Korean-style school foodservice and support its further expansion to other schools. It is recommended that dietary education on the excellence of traditional Korean foods should accompany the provision of Korean-style foodservices in order to better guide adolescents' recognition of the matter.
Surveys and Questionnaires
4.Current Status of Parents' Monitoring of and Level of Trust in School Lunch Programs.
Boyoung HUR ; Injoo CHOI ; Meeyoung KIM ; Jinwook KWON ; Jiyoung LEE ; Jihyun YOON
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2017;22(5):401-412
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of parents' monitoring of school lunch programs and to examine the relationship of parents' school lunch monitoring with their level of trust in school lunch programs. METHODS: During November 2016, a web survey was conducted with 1,283 parents who had participated in monitoring of school lunch programs. A total of 621 parents completed the questionnaires (48.4% response rate) and the responses from 442 parents were analyzed (34.5% analysis rate) for elementary (n=196) and middle/high school parents (n=246), respectively. RESULTS: Both the elementary and middle/high school parents most wanted to participate in monitoring 1~2 times per month, which was less frequent than their current practice. They showed the highest experience rate in ‘food sanitation’ area in both the prior training and actual practice of school lunch monitoring. They most responded ‘increasing trust in school lunch programs’ as a merit and ‘lack of parents participating in monitoring’ as a problem of school lunch monitoring. The average levels of trust did not differ between elementary and middle/high school parents. Multiple regression analyses showed that elementary school parents' level of satisfaction in the monitored school lunch programs was positively associated with the parents' level of trust in general school lunch programs. Monitoring frequency and parents' age, in addition to level of satisfaction in the monitored school lunch program, were associated with level of trust in general school lunch programs among middle/high school parents. CONCLUSIONS: There was room for change in parents' school lunch monitoring programs to meet parents' needs better. Well-managed school lunch monitoring programs contributing to parents' satisfaction with school lunch programs could increase parents' level of trust in school lunch programs.
5.A Study on Dietary Attitudes and Dietary Self-Efficacy of Juvenile Delinquents.
Jung Suk LEE ; Hyun Ja LEE ; Byeng Chun SONG ; Eun Kyung KIM ; Chun Bok LEE ; Seok Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2008;13(5):663-673
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated with dietary attitudes and dietary self-efficacy of juvenile delinquents. Out of 110 questionnaires distributed to the juvenile detention home students in Daegu, and 150 questionnaires distributed to the juvenile detention home students in Anyang, 210 were analyzed (80.7% analysis rate). These data were analyzed by SPSS program. The results are summarized as follows. Almost all parents' educational levels showed 'graduation of middle school', and only 43.8% of the juvenile detention students were living with parents. In case of incoming status, average income per month was 2,000,000 won, which was lower than normal one. Diet attitude score was higher in boy students than girl students (p < 0.05). There was a higher score of diet attitude in higher educational levels of father. The average score of dietary self-efficacy was 2.51 +/- 0.86. This value was lower than the normal juvenile. There was a higher diet attitude score in the higher dietary self-efficacy score (p < 0.001). Therefore, proper nutrition education is required to improve their dietary self-efficacy. The results of this study could be useful data to plan and develop nutritional education programs of juvenile delinquents
9.Parental Issues Contributing To School Refusal: A Case Report
Siti Rohana Abdul Hadi ; Aida Harlina Abdul Razak ; Ek Zakuan Kalil ; Wan Salwina Wan Ismail
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2014;15(1):83-85
Objective: This case report aims to highlight the importance of parental contribution to the school refusal problem. Methods: We report a case of a 9-year old boy who presented with school refusal behaviour. Results: There was no psychiatry diagnosis made in this patient. Parental issues such as ineffective and inconsistent parenting, and parental marital disharmony contribute significantly
to the school refusal behaviour. Conclusion: Parents in particular are important team players in the management of school refusal. Parental issues need to be
explored and managed accordingly to ensure good outcome.
10.The correlation of the delinquent behaviors of institutionalized children in conflict with the law with parental discipline, peer delinquency and neighborhood disorganization
Rosela T. Torralba ; Katherine Marie A. Tuason ; Aginaya Aggeen E. Tuguinay ; Daniel Tyson U. Ty ; Alyssa Gabriel D. Vergara ; Jose Luis A. Vergara ; Alanna Mae C. Viado ; Charmaine S. Vicente ; Mark Benson C. Vigilia ; Audrey Fran M. Villamayor ; Leopoldo Sison Jr.
Health Sciences Journal 2016;5(2):40-45
Introduction :
The increasing prevalence of children in conflict with the law is a problem in Metro Manila. This study aimed to understand the factors, specifically parental discipline, peer delinquency, and neighborhood disorganization that predispose a child to engage in delinquent acts.
This was a correlational study in which children in conflict with the law who were institutionalized at the Manila Youth Reception Center were surveyed. The subjects were given three sets of questionnaires which measured parental discipline, peer delinquency, and neighborhood disorganization, respectively. Spearman's rho correlation coefficient was computed using SPSS.
Delinquent behavior is very weakly and positively correlated with peer delinquency (r = 0.18)
and neighborhood status (r = 0.10), and is very weakly and inversely correlated with parental
discipline (r - -0.10. These correlations were not statistically significant.
The study showed that parental discipline, peer delinquency, and neighborhood disorganization may influence a child's delinquent behavior.
Child, Institutionalized