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MeSH:(*Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted)

1.Geometric active contour model with color and intensity priors for medical image segmentation.

Shi-wei WANG ; Min XIAO ; Shao-wen ZHANG ; Shun-ren XIA

Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation 2006;30(1):7-28

2.Non-rigid medical image registration based on mutual information and thin-plate spline.

Guo-gang CAO ; Li-min LUO

Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation 2009;33(1):11-14

3.Optimization of the ray-casting algorithm based on streaming single instruction multiple datum extension.

Yunpeng ZOU ; Ji QI ; Yan KANG

Journal of Biomedical Engineering 2012;29(2):212-216

4.Advances of research on medical image fusion.

Jian-ming WEI ; Jian-guo ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation 2005;29(4):235-240

5.Axis registration and image interpolation of rotary scanning echocardiogram.

Liu YANG ; Tianfu WANG ; Jiangli LIN ; Deyu LI ; Changqiong ZHENG ; Haibo SONG ; Hong TANG

Journal of Biomedical Engineering 2004;21(1):28-41

6.Digital interpolation beamformer in medical ultrasound imaging.

Shu-Li SHU ; Wen-Wen TANG ; Liang WANG

Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation 2007;31(5):328-329

7.Design of a volume-rendering toolkit using GPU-based ray-casting.

Wen-Qing LIU ; Chun-Xiao CHEN ; Li-Na LU

Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation 2009;33(5):356-359

8.A new algorithm for ultrasound image speckle suppression.

Li HE ; Zhang HA ; Chuan-fu LI ; Jin-ping WANG ; Kang-yuan ZHOU

Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation 2009;33(3):157-162

9.An improved auto-window algorithm for MR image.

Qin SHEN ; Mowen JIANG ; Jianhua LUO

Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation 2011;35(4):253-255

10.An adaptive threshloding segmentation method for urinary sediment image.

Yongming LI ; Xiaoping ZENG ; Jian QIN ; Liang HAN

Journal of Biomedical Engineering 2009;26(1):6-9

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