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MeSH:(*Herbal Medicine)

1.Antiviral effect of crude aqueous extracts from ten philippine medicinal plants against Zika virus.

Fatima Ericka S. VISTA ; Leslie Michelle M. DALMACIO ; Laarni Grace M. CORALES ; Gielenny M. SALEM ; Jedhan U. GALULA ; Day-Yu CHAO

Acta Medica Philippina 2020;54(2):195-202

2.Researches on Gingseng

Hoang Bao Chau

Journal Reasearch of Vietnam Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy 2003;0(11):3-7

4.Study on antioxidant activity of AH product

Khanh Kim Dang ; Thanh Thi Ngoc Vu

Journal of Medical Research 2007;49(3):90-95

5.Investigation of regulative effect of an traditional herb prescription (Ban ha Bach truat Thien ma thang) for dyslipidemia

Toan Khanh Hoang

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;392(12):16-18

6.Screening study on the hypoglycemic effect of four herbal medicines in Vietnam

Dao Van Phan

Journal of Medical Research 2003;21(1):1-6

8.Determination of the antimicrobial property of oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng.) crude aqueous leaf extract against throat pathogens using broth and checkerboard dilution methods.

Sofia Isabel T. Manlubatan ; Kara Mae H. Matias ; Kenneth Roy P. Mendoza ; Sheryll Anne R. Manalili ; Kris Conrad M. Mangunay ; Christine Mae G. Olivar ; Johnnel G. Pahila ; Greco Mark B. Malijan ; Paulo Miguel G. Manzanilla ; Marie Abigail M. Marin ; Ramon Joseph Y. Mata ; Abdel Hadi M. Mohammad Isa ; Carla Maja Lizl A. Montañ ; a ; Maika Kamille M. Mortell ; Mark Terence P. Mujer ; Patricia A. Nacianceno ; Maria Regina Rocio S. Naval ; Joseph V. Orañ ; o ; Gabriel M. Ozoa ; Alfredo P. Pacheco ; Leonila E. Casanova ; Cleotilde H. How

Acta Medica Philippina 2022;56(5):6-16

9.Herbal Medicine: Regulation and Marketing

Noel L. Espallardo ; Jona G. Manalili

The Filipino Family Physician 2019;57(1):65-68

10.Antibacterial activity of Crude Momordica charantia, Cassia alata, and Allium sativum methanolic extracts on Leptospira interrogans serovar Manilae

Fatima Ericka S. Vista ; Bryan Paul D. De Galicia

Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(Early Access 2024):1-6

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