1.Intestinal worm infection in coastal areas and islands of Quang Ninh province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):82-87
A survey of intestinal worm infection was conducted in the island-commune of Minh Chau (Van Don district) and the coastal commune of Phuong Nam (Dong Bi district) of the north-eastern province of Quang Ninh. Stool samples of 900 local people were examined using Willis method. A high prevalence of intestinal worm infection with a cumulative infection rate of 94.9% (854/900), of which Ascaris is most common: 94.8% (853/900), followed by Trichuris: 32% and hookwonn: 12.8% was found. Single infection was 58.3% (498/854), co-infection with three species was 5.4% (46/854), with two species, (mainly with Ascaris and Trichuris) was 36.1% (308/854). The infection rate of Ascaris and Trichuris was not different between male and female but increased with ages above 15 years old (97.7% vs 37.7%). However, hookworm infection was found higher (16.9%) in females compared to males (7.9%) (P<0.05) and most increased at the ages of 10 - 15 years old
2.Worm egg contamination in vegetable samples in Vu Phuc commune, Thai Binh province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(6):49-53
Vegetable samples collected in Vu Phuc commune (Thai Binh province) were investigated for worm egg contamination. A 50% cumulative contamination rate was found among the investigated samples, of which Ascaris was 48.8%, Trichuris 42.2%, hookworm 17.8%. The intensity of contamination per 100gr of vegetable was 14+/-7.2 with Ascaris, 10.2+/- 5.6 with Trichuris, 4.4+/-1.8 with hookworm. The contamination rate was 60% in the samples of leaf-eating and raw-eating and 50% in root-eating vegetable. Dead eggs were found in 12.2% and developing eggs were found in 44.4% of samples.
3.Investigation of helminthiaisis infection in three communes of Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(6):89-94
A study was designed and conducted from 1999 to 2001 to evaluate the helminthiasis infection in three communes of Luan Thuong, Long Khanh and Luong Son of Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province where the local people have the backward habits of life and agriculture. A total number of 1,426 stool samples collected from the three investigated sites was examined by Kato method. A high cumulative infection rate of helminthiasis (90.5%) was found, of which Ascaris: 77.3%, hookworm: 65.7%, Trichuris: 20.8%, lung fluke 1.54% and Taenia: 1.12%. The mixed infection rate was 45.6%. The examination of 452 sputum samples showed a lung fluke infection rate of 4.42%.
4.Intestinal helminthiasis in primary school children and its control in Kien Giang province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):92-97
Mass deworming with mebendazol 500mg was made in three schools in the districts of Tan Hiep, Hon Dat and An Bien. A prior treatment survey showed a cumulative infection rate of helminth of 15.6% in the school children of which a light infection of Ascariasis, Trichuris and hookworm but high rate of mixed infection (23%) were found. The post-treatment survey showed a 10.7% of the cumulative infection and 9.2% of the mixed infection. The density of three species was light reduced. Six months after treatment, in Hon Dat where the treatment was combined with IEC, the infection rate was found 6.4%, and it was 13.3% in Tan Hiep where no IEC was made. Mass drug administration is thought to be a simple, safe and highly effective method of deworming that can be supported by both teachers and parents of school children. Periodical mass treatment will be more helpful if combined with IEC.
5.Eosinophil and Tissue-invasive Parasitic Helminth.
Hanyang Medical Reviews 2010;30(3):238-245
Eosinophils are primarily tissue resident cells, and play important roles in host's immune responses and maintenance of chronic infection during infection with tissue-invasive parasitic helminth. Such parasite secretes particular molecules to evade eosinophil-mediated helminthotoxicity. Continuous competition between eosinophil and parasite leads to stable equilibria between them. Recent evidence provides a concept that not only eosinophils contribute to parasite's survival but also parasite modulates host's immune response. Therefore, it is important to know complex interrelationship between eosinophil and parasite to understand how gently parasite talk to eosinophils and how carefully eosinophils listen to parasite's voice. In this regard, this review examin papers about eosinophil-mediated tissue inflammatory responses in response to helminthic parasite.
6.Intestinal helminth infection in the mountainous districts of Nghe An province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;3():91-98
An investigation on helminth infection was conducted in the mountainous district (Quy Hop) of Nghe An province in August and September 2002 showed that: the cummulative intestinal helminth infection rate was 68.4%, with the highest rate among the people aged from 6 – 9 years. Ascaris infection rate was 54.2% with the highest rate found among people aged from 10 – 11 years. Hook worm infection rate was 28.6%, most of all were adults. Trichuris was 10.8% with no difference of ages. Single infection rate was 45.5%, mix infection rate was 23.3%, mixed infection between Ascaris and hook worm was the highest 15.7%. There was no big differences of the infection rate in sex. The intensity of intestinal helminth infection was low with average of 1431 epg for Ascaris, 864 epg for hook worm and 112 epg for Trichuris. Community living conditions and their habits were found to influences the intestinal helminth infection
7.parasitic worm infections in a flat commune of Quang Ninh province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):68-73
442 stool samples in 2 groups of population of Lien Vi commune, Yen Hung district, Quang Ninh provine were examined by Kato method. The infection rate of Ascaris, Trichuris, hookworm were 83.7%, 70.3%, 16.7%, respectively. The infection rate of Opisthorchis viverrini was 5.6%. 607 stool samples from primary and basical schools in the commune were examined. The results showed that the infection rate of Ascaris, Trichuris, Hookworm were 99%, 89%, 7.3%, respectively. The mix infection rate was 70%. It was found that most of the local people were using not standardized latrines. They have a habit of using untreated stool as fertilizer or habit of eating raw fish and their low awareness about disease prevention
8.Intestinal worm infection in Mnong people living in the revolutionary base of Lak district in Dak Lak province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2004;0(3):92-98
A cross-sectional survey in Mnong ethnic population of Lak district and a case-control study on 733 intestinal worm infected patients were carried out in June2003. Results showed : High prevalence of intestinal worm: 80,1%; most was hookworm (68,7%). Low awareness about intestinal parasite control. In the people group with the behavior of defecating in forest, the risk of hookworm infestion was 3,7 times higher than in the other (p<0,01)
In the people group who don’t wash hands before eating, the risk of intestinal worm infestion was 2,9 times higher than in the other
Intestinal Diseases
9.Helminth infection in Yen Hai commune, Yen Hung district, Quang Ninh province in 2003
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):80-85
A study was conducted in 2003 in Yen Hai commune, Yen Hung distric of Quang Ninh province. A KAP survey was made by interviewing 172 household heads and 612 individuals aged 10 years. 586 stool samples were examined by Kato technique. The results: no eggs of trematode and cestode were found while the cumulative rate of nematode infection was 86% of which Ascaris infection was 82.8%; single infection of nematode was 44.8%; triple infection was 2.8%; double infection was 52.6%, mostly of Ascaris and Trichuris. 97.7% of households were found to have latrine (one or two compartments). 19.8% of household were found to still use fresh stool as fertilizer for cultivation and 99.4% received no information on helminthes infection control
10.Identification of adult worm of human small liver fluke in Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang province by molecular method
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;519(9):9-12
Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a portion of the cytochrome oxidase 1 (446 nucleotide and 148 amino acid) of mitochondrial genome of adult worm of small liver fluke from human in Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang (CsNgBG) province was amplified. The nucleotide and amino acid of these sequences were comparatively analyzed with the known Clonorchis sinensis. The analysis revealed that the Bac Giang Clonorchis sp (in human) was similar (100% nucleotide and amino acid) to the Nam Dinh Clonorchis sinensis (identification was done); 99.6% (nucleotide) and 100% (amino acid) homology to the C.sinensis of Chinese strain (CsCN-Gen Bank AF 184619) and Korean strain (CsKor-Gen Bank AF 181889). Thus, the Bac Giang Clonorchis sp is identified as Clonorchis sinensis in Opisthorchidae family, Clonorchis genus. Phylogenetic analysis uniquely placed the Bac Giang Clonorchis sinensis to the group of Chinese and Korean Clonorchis sinensis.
Fasciola hepatica