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MeSH:(*Family Planning Services)

1.Characteristics and outcomes of no-scalpel vasectomy acceptors in a tertiary national maternity hospital: A retrospective single-cohort study.

Lovely S. Sanedrin ; Madelynne I. Panay-Olalia

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2024;48(3):168-176

2.Non-scalpel vasectomy in the family planning

Dung Xuan Tran

Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):77-80

3.Practice and barriers of family planning: A comparison among muslim women in three main cities, viz. New York City, Tehran and Kuala Lumpur

Raja Noriza Raja Ariffin ; Muzalwana Abdul Talib @ Abdul Mutalib ; Nurulhuda Mohd Satar ; Hanira Hanafi ; Azmah Othman ; Makmor Tumin ; Rustam Khairi Zahari

International e-Journal of Science, Medicine and Education 2016;10(2):30-37

4.Prevalence of Family Planning Practices among Women Influenced by Husband’s Socio Demography and Decision Making

Mardiana Mansor ; Oo San San ; Khatijah Lim Abdullah

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2015;13(2):44-51

5.Some basic characteristics in the technique of non-scalpel vasectomy

Do Ngoc Tan

Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;483(7):39-41

6.Awareness for some contents of reproductive health, family planning of the community at the ereas of the model implementation of quality population

Do Ngoc Tan

Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;530(11):51-54

7.Factors associated with unmet need for family planning among young women in the Philippines.

Angelica Anne E. Latorre

Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2019;23(2):10-19

9.Vietnam's population

Don Khac Kieu

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2001;6(6):4-7

10.Evaluation of situation and projection of contraceptives for Vietnamese Family Planning program in 2001 - 2010

Pham Ba Nhat

Journal of Medical Research 2004;27(1):133-139

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