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MeSH:(*Drug Resistance)

1.Antimicrobial consumption and resistance of restricted antibiotics in a Level III government hospital.

Mary Anne Abeleda ; Imelda Peñ ; a ; Roderick Salenga ; Francis Capule ; Shiela Mae Nacabu-an ; Pamela Nala

Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(16):68-76

5.Preliminary evaluations of cross-sectional study on the antibiotic use according to Altemeier classification of surgical cleanliness at Viet Duc Hospital, November 2005

Nguyet Thi Khanh Cao ; Phuong Thi Lan Tran

Journal of Surgery 2007;57(3):33-47

6.Role of cytology in the diagnosis of nosopharyngeal carcinoma

Nguyen Xuan Thao

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;263(9):67-71

7.Transfer of antibiotic resistance genes of shigella isolates from three regions (Northern, Southern and Central) of Viet Nam.

Hong Thi Anh Le

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002;12(1):12-17

8.Antibiotic resistance of Str.pneumoniae isolated in the recent years.

Ha Thi Thanh Nguyen

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2000;10(4):42-46

9.Plasmid encoded multidrug resistance in Salmonella typhi in Vietnam.

Hong Thi Anh Le

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002;12(1):48-53

10.Preliminary study on the capacity to transfer the antibiotic resistance of S.typhi isolates collected from Northern, Central and Southern regions of Vietnam.

Hong Thi Anh Le

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002;12(1):43-47

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