1.Evaluating the sensitivity of Aedes aegypti mosquito to pesticide in some Northern provinces.
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):34-36
100% of mosquito batches were collapsed after 30 minutes exposing to test paper and dead after 24 hours following up. This indicates that the mosquito in test places is very sensitive to permethrin and lambda cyhalothrin and these chemicals are effective in killing mosquito during outbreaks. The number of locals where involved in evaluating the sensitivity of mosquito to chemicals are increasing. These are provinces where the insects surveillance systems are available.
2.Research on susceptibility of mosquito Ae. aegypti to insecticides in some Northern provinces between 2001 and 2004
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2005;15(5):117-122
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes had been collected at field of some Northern provinces between 2001 and 2004 for studies of their susceptibility to insecticides. It was seen that: all of tested mosquitoes dropped immediately 100% and 100% killed after 24 hours. The results showed that all tested mosquitoes were highly susceptible to insecticides, such as permethrin, lambda cyhalothrin, and malathion from 2001-2004 in Northern region. The provinces participate in the test was up fro 5-7. Using the insecticides to kill Aedes aegypti by ULV spraying was effective in Northern provinces in Vietnam. It is adviced to send mosquitoes and lavae in June and July when the density of mosquitoes and lavae is high. Therefore, expanding studies to other provinces throughout the country to identify susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to insecticides is very necessary for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever vector control.
3.Field evaluation of spatial repellency with metofluthrin impregnated strip against mosquitoes in Do Son, Hai Phong
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2005;15(1):37-40
The spatial repellency with metofluthrin impregnated strips were hung in 15 households at Do Son, Hai Phong. The results showed that the density of mosquitoes reduced by 18 weeks after hanging strips. People agree that this was one of the safe, effective and simple method to control mosquitoes.
4.Mosquito infection with microfilaria two years after administration of a combination of diethycarbamazine and albendazole in Khanh Vinh district, Khanh Hoa province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):64-68
The study was conducted in Khanh Trung commune, Khanh Vinh district of Khanh Hoa province to assess the mosquito infection two years after DEC administration. Seventeen species of mosquito belonging to 5 genera have been found of which the main vector Wuchereria bancrofti was predominant. Indoor collection of Culex quinquefasdatus at daytime and nighttime was 3.5 and 2.3 individuals/house, respectively. Cx. vishnui was mainly found on the cattle sheds with an average density of 4.6 individuals/shed. A total of 578 mosquitoes of five species (Cx. quinqllefasciatus, An. vaglls, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, Cx. vislznui, Cx. fuscocephalus) were dissected. None of them were positive with microfilaria.
5.Using adeal for mosquito control
Journal of Preventive Medicine 1999;9(2):58-64
Adeal is a new type of larval mosquito control compound that inhibits larval development and emergence. Adeal is effective against various kinds of mosquitoes, including Anopheles spp., Aedes spp., and Culex spp. Long - term efficacy, even at a lower application dosage, easy handling requiring no special spraying or misting equipment. Adeal has been successfully tested in Japan, USA, Thailand, Sudan, Tanzania and Solomon Islands
Mosquito Control
6.Efficacy of killing Ae. aegypti of Vectron 30 ULV in the field training in Hai Ba Trung district, Ha Noi capital
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):51-53
Efficacy of killing Ae. aegypti of Vectron 30 ULV in the field training in Hai Ba Trung district, Ha Noi capital
7.Preliminary dat on the colonizing of An.sundaicus in the laboratory
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;3():79-84
Freshly fed or half gravid An.sundaicus collected in An Thoi Dong commune, Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh city were brought to the insectary of NIMPE for colonizing. Larvae were fed by a combination of 4gr bread powder + 4 shrimp powder + 2gr bean powder + 0.001gr vitamine B1. Larvae were contained at the conditions: a density of 0.3 larvae/cm2 of the surface water. Water for rearing was taken form the field with the salinity of 0.6 – 0.8%. Room temperature of 27 – 31oC, humidity of 60 – 90%. At these conditions, the image period took the time of 5 – 17 days. From the 8th generation (F8), mosquitoes were found to take free matting in the cage of 30 x 30 x 30 cm
8.Evaluation of the effectiveness of solfac WP10 and solfac EW050 in malaria mosquito control in Viet Nam
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):55-60
To evaluate the effectiveness in malaria vector control of residual spraying with Solfac WP10 at dose of 50mg ai/m2 and bednet impregnated with Solfac EW050 at a dose of 50mg ai/m2, based on bioassays, side effects. The results showed that: in pilot doses, the residual effect with Solfac 10WP produced the residual effect for 6 months on the walls made of wood with the bioassay mortality of 70.60%; for 2 months on the wall made of brick with the bioassay mortality of 61.63%. The residual effect of Solfact EW 050 on polyester bednet is 4 months after 2 washes, with the bioassay mortality of 73.6%. House spraying with Solfac WP10 and bednet impregnation with Solfac EW 050 at a dose of 50mg/ ai/m2 to prevent malaria due to mosquito were found to cause light side effects
9.Evaluation of effectiveness of solfac WP10 and solfac EW050 for the control of malaria mosquitoes in Chu Se district, Gia Lai province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2004;0(3):67-72
From Sept.2001 to Oct.2002, in diverse studied and control villages of 2 communes Iakor and Iatiem of ChuSe district, GiaLai province, an investigation was performed. In Iakor, 50mg/m2 solfac EW050 soaked mosquito bednets, and in Iatiem, 50mg/m2 solfac WP10 maintaining sprayed mosquito bednets were supplied for use. On the wooden or bamboo wall surface, insecticide effect was maintained for 6 months, on brick wall for 1month and on soaked net for 11 months. In the permanent resident sites of mosquitoes, no An. minimus and An.dirus, main vectors, were detected after the trial, but some other such as An.aconitus and An. jeyporiensis were still detected
10.Assessement of the current coverage and dimished rate of mosquito nets usage for malaria control in Thua Thien - Hue
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):66-70
An evaluation of the current coverage and diminished rate of mosquito nets usage for malaria control plays an important role in malaria control planning. A survery was carried out between 1995 and 2003 in 15 hamlets of five communes of 3 malaria endemic districts in Thua Thien – Hue province. A high rate of bed-net usage was found in the surveyed hamlets. In average, the coverage reached the rate of 2.0 ± 0.3% nets per person. However a considerable rate of damaged nets (4.7 ± 1.2%) was also recorded in the surveys. Further surveys and studies should be conducted to determine the ways the bed-nets go down and get diminished for planning of more appropriate malaria control measures
Mosquito Control