1.Aggression and repeated traffic accident in taxi drivers.
Sang Su KIM ; Je Min PARK ; Myung Jung KIM
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1992;31(5):957-966
No abstract available.
Accidents, Traffic*
2.Behavioral Assessments in Geriatric Patients.
Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry 1998;2(2):140-146
The behavioral disturbances such as agitation, aggression and wandering oc-curred in the geriatric patients have imposed much burdens on the caregivers. The origin of the behavioral disorders in the geriatric patients were identified to be based on the multidimensional interaction of the biological, psychological and social factors. There are no satisfactory instrum-ents for assessment of behavioral disorders in the geriatric patients. Furthermore, the functional assessments are also required to evaluate the environmental events to influence the problem beh-aviors in the geriatric patients.
3.Neurobiology of Aggression.
Korean Journal of Psychopharmacology 1998;9(1):3-18
Human aggression is an urgent social and clinical problem. Aggression is an inescapable clinical challenge in diverse neuropsychiatric patients populations. Beacuse aggressive or violent behavior has many different causes and manifestations, the study of aggressive or violent behavior is very difficult. However, over the past 30years, such experiments have yields a large amount of information on the neuroanatomical, biochemical, and physiological mechanisms underlying aggression in mammals. In this paper, we reviewed the neurochemical and neuroanatomical aspects of human aggression.
4.Buffering Effect of Job Resources in the Relationship between Job Demands and Work-to-Private-Life Interference: A Study among Health-Care Workers.
Safety and Health at Work 2016;7(4):354-362
BACKGROUND: The present study aims at investigating whether and how (1) job demands and job resources are associated with work-to-private-life interference (WLI) and (2) job resources moderate the relationship between job demands and WLI. METHODS: Data were collected by a self-report questionnaire from three hospitals in Italy. The sample consisted of 889 health-care workers. RESULTS: All job demands (i.e., quantitative demands, disproportionate patient expectations, and verbal aggression) and job resources (i.e., job autonomy, support from superiors and colleagues, fairness, and organizational support), with the exception of skill discretion, were related to WLI. The effects of quantitative demands on WLI were moderated by support from superiors; fairness and organizational support moderate the effects of all job demands considered. Support from colleagues moderated only verbal aggression. Job autonomy did not buffer any job demands. CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that the work context has a central importance in relation to the experience of WLI among health-care workers. The results indicated that intervention in the work context may help to contain WLI. Such interventions would especially be aimed at improving the social climate within the unit and quality of the organizational process.
5.Development of an Aggression Scale for Adolescents: Based on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior.
Child Health Nursing Research 2018;24(4):484-495
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to develop a scale for measuring aggression in adolescents, based on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). METHODS: The participants were 38 adolescents in an in-depth study conducted to develop items for indirect measurement, 13 adolescents in a pre-test, and 289 adolescents in the present survey. The collected data were analyzed using content validity, the correlation coefficient, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, and the Cronbach's α. RESULTS: In this study, the most important variable related to aggression was found to be aggression intention. This study included 4 factors of direct measurement and 6 factors of indirect measurement; therefore, 41 questions were developed. Increased levels of aggression were associated with higher scores for attitudes of aggression, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and aggression intention. CONCLUSION: We found that the questionnaire used in this study was valid and reliable as a measurement scale to explain aggression in adolescents based on TPB. Aggression intention should be included in aggression prevention programs because it was linked to aggressive behavior.
6.Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress in Psychiatric Nurses.
Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing 2017;26(3):125-132
PURPOSE: This study was performed to identify the impact of aggressiveness of patients and a sense of coherence on posttraumatic stress in psychiatric nurses. METHODS: After collecting data from 162 psychiatric nurses, we carried out a t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression using IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0. RESULTS: The mean score of posttraumatic stress was 20.75±16.59 points. Verbal aggression, aggressiveness about property, aggression toward oneself, and aggression toward others had a positive correlation with posttraumatic stress, while a sense of coherence had a negative correlation with post-traumatic stress. It was concluded that the significant predictors of posttraumatic stress in psychiatric nurses were aggression toward oneself, a sense of coherence, and aggression toward others, all of which accounted for 38.9% of the variability. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that the factors influencing posttraumatic stress in psychiatric nurses were aggression toward oneself, aggression toward others, and a sense of coherence. Therefore, education programs should be developed in consideration of the fact that aggressive behavior against the patient himself and against others intensify the posttraumatic stress of the psychiatric nurse, but the integration force mitigates it.
Sense of Coherence
7.The Effect of Impulsivity and the Ability to Recognize Facial Emotion on the Aggressiveness of Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Seung Min BAE ; Dong Won SHIN ; Soo Jung LEE
Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2009;20(1):17-22
OBJECTIVES: A higher level of aggression has been reported for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than for non-ADHD children. Aggression was shown to have a negative effect on the social functioning of children with ADHD. The ability to recognize facial emotion expression has also been related to aggression. In this study, we examined whether impulsivity and dysfunctional recognition of facial emotion expression could explain the aggressiveness of children with ADHD. METHODS: 67 children with ADHD participated in this study. We measured the ability to recognize facial emotion expression by using the Emotion Recognition Test (ERT) and we measured aggression by the T score of the aggression subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Impulsivity was measured by the ADHD diagnostic system (ADS). RESULTS: The teacher rated level of aggression was related to the score of recognizing negative affect. After controlling for the effect of impulsivity, this relationship is not significant. Only the score of the visual commission errors explained the level of aggression of children with ADHD. CONCLUSIONS: Impulsivity seems to have a major role in explaining the aggression of children with ADHD. The clinical implication of this study is that effective intervention for controlling impulsivity may be expected to reduce the aggression of children with ADHD.
Child Behavior
8.Behavioral Problems according to the Role of the Middle School Students in School Bullying.
Journal of the Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health 2016;20(1):75-82
PURPOSE: This study was to identify the behavioral problems according to the role of the students in school bullying in adolescents. METHODS: The participants were 571 students, first to second-grade in a middle school. The instruments used were; K-PNI (Korean-Peer nomination inventory), K-YSR (Korean-Youth Self-Report) developed for adolescents in Korea. Descriptive, χ2 test, ANOVA were used. RESULTS: Somatic symptoms were significantly different between victims or victim-perpetrator and non-involved, respectively (F=4.508, p=.004). Social immaturity (F=9.158. p=.000) and delinquent behavior (F=3.382. p=.018) were significantly different between victim-perpetrator and non-involved. Aggression was significantly different between perpetrator or victim-perpetrator and non-involved, respectively (F=14.048. p=.000). CONCLUSION: Behavioral problems in students differed depending on his or her role in school bullying. Development of intervention programs applicable to behavioral problems specifically associated with the role of the students in school bullying may effectively intervene in adolescent school bullying.
Problem Behavior*
10.Neuro-Behavioral Dynamic Prediction of Interpersonal Cooperation and Aggression.
Wei WANG ; Chao FU ; Xiangzeng KONG ; Roman OSINSKY ; Johannes HEWIG ; Yiwen WANG
Neuroscience Bulletin 2022;38(3):275-289
How to quickly predict an individual's behavioral choices is an important issue in the field of human behavior research. Using noninvasive electroencephalography, we aimed to identify neural markers in the prior outcome-evaluation stage and the current option-assessment stage of the chicken game that predict an individual's behavioral choices in the subsequent decision-output stage. Hierarchical linear modeling-based brain-behavior association analyses revealed that midfrontal theta oscillation in the prior outcome-evaluation stage positively predicted subsequent aggressive choices; also, beta oscillation in the current option-assessment stage positively predicted subsequent cooperative choices. These findings provide electrophysiological evidence for the three-stage theory of decision-making and strengthen the feasibility of predicting an individual's behavioral choices using neural oscillations.
Interpersonal Relations