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International Eye Science
International Eye Science
- CountryChina
- Publisher中华医学会西安分会
- ElectronicLinks http://ies.ijo.cn/gjykcn/
- Editor-in-chief
- E-mailijo.2000@163.com
- AbbreviationInt Eye Sci
- Vernacular Journal Title国际眼科杂志(Guoji Yanke Zazhi)
- ISSN1672-5123
- Year Approved2009
- Current Indexing StatusCurrently Indexed
- Start Year2000
- Description《国际眼科杂志》中文刊(International Eye Science, IES)是在国际眼科理事会(ICO)及中华眼科学会的指导和支持下,由中华医学会西安分会主办的国际性中英文混合版眼科专业学术期刊。中国标准连续出版物ISSN 1672-5123,CN 61-1419/R。国际眼科理事会(ICO)主席Porf. Peter Wiedmann和中国工程院原副院长樊代明院士为本刊总顾问;中华眼科学会荣誉主任委员谢立信院士等为名誉总编。国家医学教育发展中心眼科专业委员会(第一届)副主任委员/国际眼科杂志社社长胡秀文教授任总编辑,中国医药教育协会眼科专业委员会名誉主任委员/第四军医大学全军眼科研究所惠延年教授和美国《眼科药理与治疗学杂志》创办主编Porf. George Chiou任主编。中华眼科学会前任主任委员王宁利教授、主任委员姚克教授及陕西省眼科学会名誉主任委员王雨生教授等任副主编。本刊现为中国科技核心期刊、北大中文核心期刊和中国学术期刊Q1区期刊及陕西省优秀科技期刊和陕西省高校精品期刊;并被Scopus、Embase、DOAJ、WPRIM和CA等多种国内外权威性检索系统收录。据2018版中国科技期刊引证报告(扩展版)统计数据,本刊总被引频次为5519,在同类期刊中名列第一;扩展影响因子1.412,在全国眼科期刊中名列第二。核心版综合评价总分57.2,在9种眼科学核心期刊中名列第三,海外论文比连续多年居全国眼科期刊之首。它已成为我国眼科界对外交流的一个重要窗口,并已成为海内外知名的国际性眼科专业学术期刊。《国际眼科杂志》英文刊—International Journal of Ophthalmology(IJO)为我国唯一被SCIE和PubMed及PMC收录的眼科学期刊。2017JCR影响因子为1.166,并荣获了“2015中国最具国际影响力学术期刊TOP 5%”。 Brief Introduction on IES International Eye Science—IES (GuojiYanke Zazhi) is an international Ophthalmological Scientific publication and a peer-reviewed open access periodical (ISSN1672-5123). This journal is sponsored by Xi’an Medical Association, China and obtains guidance and support from International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO). It was started in 2003 and published by International Journal of Ophthalmology Press (IJO PRESS) in Xi’an China, monthly. IES has been indexed in Scopus, EMBASE, CA, IC, DOAJ,WPRIM and China Core Periodical of Science and Technology & Core Journals of China. IES is a journal with Chinese–English mixed edition, accepts Contributions in Chinese and English from all over the world. It includes mainly original articles and review articles, both basic and clinical papers. Its feature column is “Articles in English”. It usually publishes about 6~10 full-text article in English in the first column very issue and the rest are in Chinese, and will publish over 80 articles in English in 12 issues every year in the future. IES has achieved internationalization in editorial board, authors, reviewers and readers, and it is a high-quality periodical of science and technology in China. http://ies.ijo.cn (Chinese) www.ijo.cn(English)