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Sichuan Mental Health

  • CountryChina
  • PublisherEditorial Office of Sichuan Mental Health
  • ElectronicLinks http://www.psychjm.net.cn/
  • Editor-in-chiefTANG Xiangdong
  • E-mailscjsws2022@126.com
  • AbbreviationSCMH
  • Vernacular Journal Title四川精神卫生
  • ISSN1007-3256
  • Year Approved2023
  • Current Indexing StatusCurrently Indexed
  • Start Year1988
  • DescriptionSichuan Mental Health was founded in 1988 and is an academic journal in the field of psychiatry (cn-51-1457 / R, issn1007-3256). Officially approved by the former National Science and Technology Commission, the journal is governed by Sichuan Provincial Commission of Health and sponsored by Sichuan Provincial Mental Health Center. Our mission is to lead research and innovation in psychiatric medicine, disseminate the latest achievements in psychiatric research, focus on clinical needs, and strive to improve the level of clinical practice, teaching, research and prevention in the field. The journal is currently being indexed by leading journal databases in China: China Core Journal (Selection) Database, SinoMed, Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database, Chinese Journal Full-text Database, China Chief Medical Network etc. If you are an author: The journal has opened up a "green channel" to speed up publication for the following article types: Articles of funded projects Prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled study with large sample Articles of preventive medicine and epidemiological investigation Basic experimental research on pathogenesis, development and prognosis of disease High quality cutting-edge comment, research and outlook The journal is setting up lists of "Excellent Authors" and "Authors of the Future". We look forward to working with excellent authors and plans to collaborate with Sichuan Mental Health Training Base to provide support to authors of great potential. The journal is honored to have a group of leading experts in mental health and related fields to review manuscripts and provide guidance. We welcome clinical nursing staff, researchers and postgraduate students in the field from hospitals, universities and scientific research institutes to submit manuscripts. If you are a reader: The journal values the needs of our readers. We welcome readers to send letters, raise questions and discuss with authors and editors. We look forward to your comments on published articles. We believe that open discussion is one of best ways to encourage the development of open science. If you are an expert: The journal is continuously improving our editorial board and the reviewers’ team. We expect prominent clinical and scientific researchers to join us as our reviewers, young reviewers and editorial board members. We will make joint efforts to promote the development of psychiatry. Please scan the QR code below to follow our WeChat or to join our QQ Group.

Sichuan Mental Health:  1988 (v1, n1) to Present   ISSN: 1007-3256