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Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases

  • CountryRepublic of Korea
  • PublisherThe Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
  • ElectronicLinks http://koreamed.org/JournalVolume.php?id=3
  • Editor-in-chief
  • E-mail
  • AbbreviationTuberc Respir Dis
  • Vernacular Journal Title결핵
  • ISSN0378-0066
  • Year Approved2007
  • Current Indexing StatusCurrently Indexed
  • Start Year1954
  • DescriptionTuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, previously named Tuberculosis, is one of the longest-standing scientific journals in Korea Tuberculosis was first published in 1954 by the Korean Tuberculosis Association. Approximately 2,000 copies of the first issue were printed in 1954, and the journal was subsequently published once or twice a year. In 1962, the management of Tuberculosis was transferred to the Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases under the title of Gyeolhaek Mit Hoheupgi Jilhwan (ISSN 0378-0066), which means ‘tuberculosis and respiratory diseases’ in Korean. The journal was published two or three times a year until 1964, quarterly from 1966, bimonthly from 1992, monthly from 1999, and quarterly since January 2015. In July 2004, the title was changed to Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (Tuberc Respir Dis, ISSN 1738-3536), with broad updates in the size and cover of the journal. It is indexed in KoreaMed, Synapse, KoMCI, PubMed, PubMed Central, CrossRef, SCOPUS, EMBASE, CAS, Google Scholar.
  • Current Title

Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases:  1954 to Present   ISSN: 0378-0066