WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Journal of the Korean Balance Society> 2006> 5> 1

Volume: 5 Issue: 1

1. Possibility of Epithelial Sodium Channelopathy as a Pathogenesis of Meniere's Disease. Page:9—14
2. Change of Otoacoustic Emissions in Early Stage of Meniere's Disease. Page:15—20
3. Possibility of Epithelial Sodium Channelopathy as a Pathogenesis of Meniere's Disease. Page:9—14
4. Morphologic Change of the Vestibular Organ in the Na+-K+-2Cl- Cotransporter Deficiency Mouse. Page:21—28
5. Change of Otoacoustic Emissions in Early Stage of Meniere's Disease. Page:15—20
6. A Promotive Effect of Low Level Laser on Hair Cell Viability in Postnatal Organotypic Culture of Rat Utricles. Page:29—34
7. Morphologic Change of the Vestibular Organ in the Na+-K+-2Cl- Cotransporter Deficiency Mouse. Page:21—28
8. Perverted Head Shaking Nystagmus due to Cerebellar Lesions: Possible Mechanisms. Page:35—43
9. Otolith Function Tests in Patient with Vestibular Neuritis. Page:49—54
10. Sleep and Vestibular Neuritis. Page:44—48
11. The New Method to Determine the Causing Site of Horizontal Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: "Bowing and Leaning Nystagmus" . Page:55—60
12. Otolith Function Tests in Patient with Vestibular Neuritis. Page:49—54
13. Horizontal Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo in Caloric Dead Labyrinth. Page:63—69
14. The New Method to Determine the Causing Site of Horizontal Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: "Bowing and Leaning Nystagmus" . Page:55—60
15. Isolated Abducens Nerve Palsy Caused by De Novo Pontine Cavernous Angioma . Page:70—73
16. Horizontal Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo in Caloric Dead Labyrinth. Page:63—69
17. A Case of Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome with Serial MRI Findings. Page:74—77
18. Isolated Abducens Nerve Palsy Caused by De Novo Pontine Cavernous Angioma . Page:70—73
19. A Case of Isolated Unilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy Caused by Clival Metastasis from Rectal Cancer. Page:78—80
20. A Case of Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome with Serial MRI Findings. Page:74—77
21. Bilateral Multiple Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Combined with Vestibular Neuritis. Page:81—85
22. A Case of Isolated Unilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy Caused by Clival Metastasis from Rectal Cancer. Page:78—80
23. Bilateral Multiple Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Combined with Vestibular Neuritis. Page:81—85
24. A Promotive Effect of Low Level Laser on Hair Cell Viability in Postnatal Organotypic Culture of Rat Utricles. Page:29—34
25. Sleep and Vestibular Neuritis. Page:44—48
26. Perverted Head Shaking Nystagmus due to Cerebellar Lesions: Possible Mechanisms. Page:35—43