Volume: 9

1. Factors Associated with Cesarean Section in Tehran, Iran using Multilevel Logistic Regression Model. Page:86—92
2. Epidemiological Aspects of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Larestan and Ghiro-Karzin Counties, Southwest of Iran. Page:81—85
3. Relationship Between Catastrophic Health Expenditures and Income Quintile Decline. Page:73—80
4. Foodborne Illness Outbreaks in Gyeonggi Province, Korea, Following Seafood Consumption Potentially Caused by Kudoa septempunctata between 2015 and 2016. Page:66—72
5. Therapeutic Intervention for Visuo-Spatial Neglect after Stroke: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Page:59—65
6. Treatment with Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir (with or without Ribavirin) Improves Patient Reported Outcomes in Hepatitis C. Page:50—58
7. Comparison of Hypertension Prediction Analysis Using Waist Measurement and Body Mass Index by Age Group. Page:45—49
8. Watch Your Waistline. Page:43—44
9. The 2nd Meeting of National Control Laboratories for Vaccines and Biologicals in the Western Pacific. Page:133—139
10. Impact of Time Delay in Processing Blood Sample on Next Generation Sequencing for Transcriptome Analysis. Page:130—132
11. Review of the Incidence of Japanese Encephalitis in Foreign-Born and Korean Nationals Living in the Republic of Korea, 2007–2016. Page:126—129
12. Case of Rickettsia typhi-induced Brain Abscess Mimicking Brain Tumor. Page:122—125
13. Assessment of Weight Shift Direction in Chronic Stroke Patients. Page:118—121
14. Estimating the Incidence of Cases and Deaths Resulting from Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease and Its Related Socioeconomic Disease Burden in Republic of Korea (2010 – 2014). Page:112—117
15. How Should Biobanks Collect Biosamples for Clinical Application? A 20-year Biomarker-related Publication and Patent Trend Analysis. Page:105—111
16. Seroprevalence of Toxocara in Children from Urban and Rural Areas of Ilam Province, West Iran. Page:101—104
17. Study on Cardiopulmonary Function, Maximal Oxygen Uptake, and Obesity Index according to Smoking Status in Middle-Aged and Older Office Workers. Page:95—100
18. Paradigm Shift in Life Sciences. Page:93—94
19. Smoking Status on Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevalence. Page:213—214
20. Joint Association of Screen Time and Physical Activity with Obesity: Findings from the Korea Media Panel Study. Page:207—212
21. Factors Affecting Body Image Discordance Amongst Korean Adults Aged 19–39 Years. Page:197—206
22. The Prevalence of CYP2B6 Gene Polymorphisms in Malaria-endemic Population of Timor in East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. Page:192—196
23. Effects of Smoking Cessation Intervention Education Program Based on Blended Learning among Nursing Students in South Korea. Page:185—191
24. Regional Differences of Mental Health Status and Associated Factors: Based on the Community Health Survey. Page:175—184
25. Factors that Correlate with Poor Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Complications. Page:167—174
26. Evaluation of Biofilm Formation and Presence of Ica Genes in Staphylococcus epidermidis Clinical Isolates. Page:160—166
27. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Obesity Levels in Korean Adults: Results from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007–2015. Page:150—159
28. Effects of Physical Activity on Depression in Adults with Diabetes. Page:143—149
29. Depression Status in Korea. Page:141—142
30. Evaluation of Potency on Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoid for Adult Vaccines by In Vivo Toxin Neutralization Assay Using National Reference Standards. Page:278—282
31. Army Soldiers' Knowledge of, Attitude Towards, and Preventive Behavior Towards Tuberculosis in Korea. Page:269—277
32. Public Awareness of Early and Late Complications of Type 2 Diabetes - Application of Latent Profile Analysis in Determining Questionnaire Cut-Off Points. Page:261—268
33. Epidemiological Characterization of Imported Systemic Mycoses Occurred in Korea. Page:255—260
34. Changing Disease Trends in the Northern Gyeonggi-do Province of South Korea from 2002 to 2013: A Big Data Study Using National Health Information Database Cohort. Page:248—254
35. Factors Affecting Smoking Cessation Success of Heavy Smokers Registered in the Intensive Care Smoking Cessation Camp (Data from the National Tobacco Control Center). Page:240—247
36. Developing the High-Risk Drinking Scorecard Model in Korea. Page:231—239
37. Corrigendum to “Associations between Social and Physical Environments, and Physical Activity in Adults from Urban and Rural Regions”Osong Public Health Res Perspect 2018;9(1):16–24. Page:283—285
38. The Effects of Task-Oriented Circuit Training Using Rehabilitation Tools on the Upper-Extremity Functions and Daily Activities of Patients with Acute Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Page:225—230
39. Relationships between Virulence Factors and Antimicrobial Resistance among Escherichia coli Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections and Commensal Isolates in Tehran, Iran. Page:217—224
40. Towards a Smoke-Free Society. Page:215—216
41. Effects of Injection Laryngoplasty with Hyaluronic Acid in Patients with Vocal Fold Paralysis. Page:354—361
42. Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils Possessing Anti-Influenza A/WS/33 Virus Activity. Page:348—353
43. Intra-Oral Factors Influencing Halitosis in Young Women. Page:340—347
44. Anti-Human Rhinovirus 1B Activity of Dexamethasone viaGCR-Dependent Autophagy Activation. Page:334—339
45. Association between Beta-lactam Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence Factors in AmpC Producing Clinical Strains of P. aeruginosa. Page:325—333
46. A Preliminary Study to Determine Comprehensive Research and Development Plans for Promoting Mental Health Services. Page:314—324
47. Corrigendum to “Evaluation of Potency on Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoid for Adult Vaccines by In Vivo Toxin Neutralization Assay Using National Reference Standards”Osong Public Health Res Perspect 2018;9(5):278–82. Page:363—363
48. Corrigendum to “Epidemiological Characterization of Imported Systemic Mycoses Occurred in Korea” Osong Public Health Res Perspect 2018;9(5):255–60. Page:362—362
49. Neck Pain in Adults with Forward Head Posture: Effects of Craniovertebral Angle and Cervical Range of Motion. Page:309—313
50. Health Related Nutritional Knowledge and Dietary Behavior Regarding Caffeine Intake among High School Students in Yongin Region. Page:299—308
51. Obesity, Hypertension, and Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Interrelationships and the Determinants among Adults in Gaza City, Palestine. Page:289—298
52. How Much Caffeine is Too Much for Young Adolescents?. Page:287—288
53. Evaluation of Hypertension Prevention and Control Programs in Lima, Peru Page:36—41
54. Enhancing ‘Whole-of-Government’ Response to Biological Events in Korea: Able Response 2014 Page:32—35
55. Perception and Practice of Road Safety among Medical Students, Mansoura, Egypt Page:25—31
56. Associations between Social and Physical Environments, and Physical Activity in Adults from Urban and Rural Regions Page:16—24
57. Prevalence of Fecal Carriage of CTX-M-15 Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli in Healthy Children from a Rural Andean Village in Venezuela Page:9—15
58. Multilevel Analysis of the Risk Factors in High-Risk Health Behavior among Korean Adolescents Page:3—8
59. A Joint Exercise against Intentional Biothreats Page:1—2