Volume: 7 Issue: 2

1. Comparison of traumatic brain injury patients with brain computed tomography in the emergency department by age group Page:81—86
2. External validation of the modified HOPPE score to predict low risk pulmonary embolism suitable for early discharge Page:107—113
3. Rethinking the early intubation paradigm of COVID-19: time to change gears? Page:78—80
4. Innovative screening tests for COVID-19 in South Korea Page:73—77
5. Effect of complement C1-esterase inhibitor on brain edema and inflammation after mild traumatic brain injury in an animal model Page:87—94
6. Variability in the effects of prehospital advanced airway management on outcomes of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Page:95—106
7. Effect of percutaneous coronary intervention team prenotification based on real time electrocardiogram transmission in interhospital transfer of ST elevation myocardial infarction patients: pilot trial of Preparing Revascularization Effort before Patients’ Arrival via Regionalization Engagement protocol Page:114—121
8. Comparative and retrospective evaluation of the predictive performance of optic nerve sheath thickness and optic nerve sheath diameter for traumatic brain injury using facial computed tomography Page:122—130
9. Management pathway for emergency department patients in the setting of the opioid epidemic and emergency department overcrowding Page:131—135
10. Infant with swollen penis and apparent dysuria Page:136—138
11. Lipid emulsion treatment for ventricular tachycardia induced by the toxicity of multiple herbs Page:139—140