Volume: 14 Issue: 6

1. Clinical curative effect of balloon occlusion of distal abdominal aorta in cesarean section for patients with pernicious placenta previa and placenta accreta Page:351—354
2. Role of endovascular technique in acute arterial hemorrhage of abdominal organs Page:331—334
3. 125I stent implantation in treatment of malignant tracheal stenosis with help of ventilation catheter Page:327—330
4. Clinical value of CEUS guided biopsy in diagnosis of lymphoma in anterior mediastinum Page:370—373
5. Research progresses of three dimensional power Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis of thyroid nodules Page:382—385
6. Research progresses on non-cancer-cell component of tumor microenvironment in hepatocellular carcinoma and prospect of interventional therapy Page:378—381
7. Ultrasound performances and misdiagnostic analysis of aggressive fibromatosis Page:374—377
8. Application of ultrasound-guided intrahepatic biliary puncture in elderly patients with malignant hilar biliary obstruction Page:365—369
9. Embolization of unruptured intracranial aneurysms combined with brain arteriovenous malformations Page:355—359
10. Technique for retrieval of celect filters in difficult cases Page:347—350
11. Safety and clinical efficacy of three types stents of transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt in treatment of cirrhosis with portal hypertension Page:343—346
12. Prophylactic bilateral uterine artery catheterization and embolization in treatment of pernicious placenta previa and accreta Page:339—342
13. Application of coaxial semi-automatic biopsy gun in biopsy of small pulmonary nodules Page:335—338