WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Innovation> 2008> 5> 1

Volume: 5 Issue: 1

1. ErbB4 Deletion Leads to Changes in Lung Function and Structure Similar to Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Page:26—26
2. Pulmonary Hypoplasia and Defective Surfactant System in FrbB4-Deleted Fetal Mice Page:26—26
3. polysaccharide Treatment Potentiates the Structural Delay of f,ung Development in ErbB4-Deleted Fetal Lungs Page:27—27
4. ErbB4 Regulates the Intracellular Distribution of Surfactant Proteins in Alveolar Lpithelial Type II Cells Page:27—27
5. Сормууст метаплази хэмээх хавдрын бус өөрчлөлт нь ходоодны өмөнгийн урьдал болох нь Page:32—35
6. Ангиографийн оношлогоо, судсан дотуурх мэс заслын эмчилгээ Page:36—39
7. Чихрийн шижингийн ретинопатийн үеийн ийлдсийн НВА1с болон биохимийн зарим үзүүлэлтийн өөрчлөлт Page:40—43
9. DNA Sequence Analysis of HPV type 33 in the Genital Tract of Woman Page:49—52
10. ErbB4 Deletion Leads to Changes in Lung Function and Structure Similar to Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Page:26—26
11. Pulmonary Hypoplasia and Defective Surfactant System in FrbB4-Deleted Fetal Mice Page:26—26
12. polysaccharide Treatment Potentiates the Structural Delay of f,ung Development in ErbB4-Deleted Fetal Lungs Page:27—27
13. ErbB4 Regulates the Intracellular Distribution of Surfactant Proteins in Alveolar Lpithelial Type II Cells Page:27—27