Volume: Issue: 2

1. Effect of maternal deprivation on learning and memory ability and hippocampal nerve regeneration in rats with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage Page:146—149
2. Logistic regression analysis on risk factors of autism spectrum disorders Page:143—145
3. Association of coding region single nucleotide polymorphism in cytochrome P4501A1 with susceptibility to childhood acute leukemia Page:127—131
4. Polymorphism analysis of exons 2 and 5 of PITX2 gene of neonatal intestinal malrotation Page:124—126
5. Clinical investigation of neonate food allergy in 10 cases Page:112—115
6. Variation of weight for age Z scores in preterm infants with extrauterine growth restriction Page:108—111
7. Present situation of retinopathy in premature infants in Guangdong Province Page:105—107
8. Analysis of pulmonary surfactant protein B exons sequencing in 80 very low birth weight prematures Page:97—100
9. Value of lung ultrasound on diagnosing transient tachypnea of newborn Page:93—96
10. Diagnosis,treatment and prognosis of fetal hydrocephalus Page:89—92
11. Establishment and application of neonatal neurocritical care unit Page:84—89
12. Study progress of physiologic definition of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants Page:158—160
13. The effect of Montelukast on the airway smooth muscle isolated from asthmatic guinea pigs Page:140—142
14. Early predictor of neurodevelopmental outcome in the high risk infants Page:81—84
15. Analysis on the emotional sate and the related influencing factors in children with nocturnal enuresis Page:136—139
16. MicroRNA-939 regulating CD2 -associated protein expression by targeting promoter Page:132—135
17. Effect of exposure to different doses of Bisphenol A during neonate on hypothalamic -pituitary -testis axis in male rats Page:120—123
18. The establishment of biological reference intervals of neonatal immunologic function in 24 -hour newborns in Guangxi Province Page:116—119