Volume: 19 Issue: 4

1. New Chinese Medicine Methodology of One Research Path——"from Experiment to Clinical Verification" on Key Technology of Translational Medicine Page:542—548
2. Study on Relationship between Nature and Multidimensional Structure Descriptor of Main Compounds from Chinese Medicinal Herbs Page:549—555
3. Visualization Analysis on Diagnostic Criteria Research of Syndrome of Yin Deficiency of Liver and Kidney Based on CiteSpace V Page:556—562
4. Inheritance And Development of Li Shizhen's Pinhu Maixue in Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulse Taking Page:563—568
5. Experimental Study on Inhibition Effect of Berberine in Escherichia coil Gene Transcription Page:569—577
6. Research on Tissue Metabolomics of 29 Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Page:578—586
7. The Inspiration of Registration and Administration to the Classical Representative Famous Prescription in China by Kampo Extract Product in Japan Page:587—589
8. Roles of Gut Microbiota on Occurrence and Development of Colorectal Cancer and Effects of Chinese Herbal Medicine Intervention Page:590—595
9. Berberine Effect of Anti-microbiota-Possibility and Clinical Significance on Gut Microbiota and Metabolism: A Review Page:596—601
10. DNA Extraction Method Optimization for Animal Medicines and Identification of Commercial Animal Medicines Using DNA Barcoding Page:602—609
11. Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of GI4CL Gene in Glehnia littoralis Page:610—617
12. Separation and Identification of Surface Preponderant Fungi on Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium and Its Influence on Effective Substance Page:618—622
13. Research on Clinical Application of Fufang Kushen Injection in Treating Colonic Malignant Tumor in the Real World Page:623—628
14. Rapid Identification and Quality Analysis of Olibanum by TGA-DTA Thermal Analysis Page:629—635
15. Herbal Textual Research on Tibetan Medicine "Bangga" Page:636—643
16. Analysis on Professor Ding Xueping's Herbal Administration Experiences for Diabetes combined with Hypertension by Using Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System Page:644—652
17. Effects of Si-Wu Mixture on Ovarian Granulose Cell Treated with Cisplatin through TGF-β3 Protein Pathway Page:653—657
18. Study on Chemical Constituents of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. Page:658—662
19. Clinical Observation on Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietary Therapy for Improving Symptoms of Cancer Patients with Chemotherapy Page:663—668
20. Study on Clinical Characteristics and Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome of Severe Pneumonia Associated Sepsis Page:669—673
21. Data Mining Research on Academic Thought of Treating Chest Pain from Famous Medicalists since the Han Dynasty Page:674—679
22. Correlational Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome Distribution Characteristics of HIV Infection in Xinjiang Region Based on Information Sharing System Page:680—685
23. Moisture Diffusivity in Chinese Herbal Medicine Ingredients Page:686—693
24. Effects of Shaoyao Tang on Notch Signaling Pathway among Experimental Colitis in Mice Page:694—700
25. Effects of Ge-Xia Zhu-Yu Decoction on Hepatic Thioredoxin System in Rats with Hepatic Fibrosis Page:701—705
26. Research Progress of Different Temperatures Treated Plants Seed Germination Page:706—710
27. Relevant Problem Analysis and Countermeasure Discussion on Present Situation Investigation Based on Chinese Herbal Pieces Production Enterprises Page:711—716
28. Traditional Chinese Medicine Resource Census in Jilin Baishan Region Page:717—724