Volume: 10

1. Professionalism 2.0 Page:1—2
2. Patient autonomy – what does it mean for clinical decision-making in children and adolescents? Page:3—9
3. Are nurses ready for evidence-based practice? A descriptive study of information literacy competency among clinical practicing registered nurses in a private hospital in Malaysia Page:10—16
4. Malignant melanoma of the ear canal presenting as wart Page:47—48
5. Dietary fibre and total fluid intakes are inversely associated with risk of constipation in Malaysian adolescents, adults and the elderly Page:17—23
6. Leaving intention and exit destinations among the Malaysian private hospital nurses Page:24—35
7. Assessing clinical reasoning skills of final year medical students using the scrip tconcordance test Page:36—40
8. Muslims’ views on the permissibility of organ donation: The case of Malaysia Page:41—48
9. Service learning in health professions education for the 21st century Page:1—2
10. Factors influencing nursing students’ decision to choose nursing Page:3—10
11. Nursing practice environment as perceived by the Malaysian private hospital nurses Page:11—20
12. Perceptions and evaluation regarding clinical teaching among nursing students in a selected nursing college in Selangor Page:21—29
13. Practice and barriers of family planning: A comparison among muslim women in three main cities, viz. New York City, Tehran and Kuala Lumpur Page:30—37
14. Research integrity Page:1—3
15. Participation of nurses in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in a private hospital in Melaka, Malaysia Page:4—13
16. The level of knowledge and competency in the use of the Morse Fall Scale as an assessment tool in the prevention of patient falls Page:14—23
17. The effectiveness of seated combined extension-compression and transverse load traction in increasing cervical lordosis- challenging the underlying framework Page:24—33
18. Marjolin’s ulcer: A case report of chronic leg ulcer leading to squamous cell carcinoma Page:34—36
19. Delay and misdiagnosis in adult myasthenia gravis: A case report Page:37—39