Volume: 28

1. Relative Risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease for Patients Registered in a Tertiary Referral Centre. Page:119—125
2. Measurement of Length between Bronchial Carina and Superior Vena Cava-right Atrial Junction for Optimal Positioning of Central Venous Catheters in the Korean Adult Population. Page:126—132
3. Identification of Prognostic Factors for In-Hospital Mortality in Acute Mesenteric Ischemia. Page:133—141
4. Closely Sequential Carotid Endarterectomies in Patients with Bilateral Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis. Page:142—147
5. Effectiveness of Endovascular Treatment of Acute Thrombosis of Arteriovenous Graft for Hemodialysis by Primary Endovascualr Treatment Strategy. Page:148—154
6. Simultaneous Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Page:155—158
7. Clinical Comprehension and Application of Angiosome Concept in Critical Limb Ischemia. Page:167—173
8. Hospital Patients Based Incidence of Acute Aortic Dissection. Page:174—177
9. Early Results of Stenting for Chronic Artherosclerotic Occlusive Disease of Superficial Femoral Artery. Page:178—183
10. The Prevalence of Abdominal Aortoiliac Artery Aneurysm in the Hospital Patient Group and Treatment Status. Page:184—189
11. Feasibility of Superficial Femoral Artery Intervention Using Mobile C-arms Compared to Fixed C-arms. Page:190—195
12. Clinical Experiences of Transarterial Embolization after Abdominal Surgery in Trauma Patients. Page:196—201
13. Careful Physical Examination Saves Unnecessary Duplex Ultrasonogram in Patients Who Need Vascular Access for Hemodialysis in Korea. Page:202—206
14. The Comparative Analysis between Surgical Thrombectomy and Hybrid Treatment in Salvage Operation. Page:207—211
15. Anterior Tibial Artery Angioplasty and Stenting by Retrograde Pedal Artery Approach in Diabetic Patient with Critical Limb Ischemia: A Case Report. Page:212—216
16. Posterior Approach to the Peroneal Artery in Both Popliteal Arterial Aneurysm with Acute Limb Ischemia. Page:217—219
17. Case-Payment System in Vascular Surgery. Page:1—9
18. CO2 Angiography-2: CO2 Inferior Vena Cavograohy. Page:10—18
19. Change of Common Iliac Artery after Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Using a Tube Graft. Page:19—23
20. Staged Hybrid Revascularization in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease. Page:24—31
21. The Results of Eversion Endarterectomy for Carotid Artery Stenosis. Page:32—36
22. Incidence and Risk Factors for Deep Vein Thrombosis after Abdominal Surgery. Page:37—42
23. Predictor of Recanalization in Lower Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis. Page:43—47
24. Symptomatic Renal Artery Aneurysm Dealt with Aneurysmectomy and Patch Closure. Page:48—51
25. Analyze the Patency Rates according to Risk Factors and Comorbidities in Patients with Chronic Arterial Occlusive Disease in Lower Extremity. Page:61—67
26. Peak Systolic Velocity >125 cm/s Overdiagnoses Carotid Artery Stenosis >50% in Carotid Duplex Scan. Page:68—72
27. Endovascular Therapy to Salvage Hemodialysis Access. Page:73—78
28. Conservative Treatment of a Thoracic Aortic Graft Infection Using an Omental Flap without Graft Removal. Page:79—82
29. A Dissecting Aneurysm of the Common and Proper Hepatic Artery with Dissection of the Celiac Axis and the SMA. Page:83—87
30. Successful One-Stage Transabdominal Excision of Intravenous Leiomyomatosis with Extension into the Right Atrium. Page:88—91
31. Endograft Limb Occlusion after Endovascular Aneurysm Repair. Page:92—95
32. External Iliac Artery Endofibrosis in Marathoner. Page:96—99
33. Current Endovascular Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Page:109—114
34. Deep Vein as a Graft Conduit. Page:115—118