WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Biotechnology> 2010> 26> 2

Volume: 26 Issue: 2

1. Separation of magnetic bacteria by using a magnetic separator. Page:270—275
2. Surface display of GFP using CotX as a molecular vector on Bacillus subtilis spores. Page:264—269
3. Expression, purification and application of bla(TEM-116) extended-spectrum beta-lactamase. Page:256—263
4. High level expression of recombinant human kallistatin in Pichia pastoris and its bioactivity. Page:249—255
5. Stable expression and characterization of the von Willebrand factor cleaving protease. Page:244—248
6. Localization of polypeptides release factors and ribosome protein L11 in Euplotes octocarinatus. Page:237—243
7. Construction and expression analysis of the zebrafish heart-specific transgenetic vector based on Tol2 transposable element. Page:230—236
8. Enhanced production of taxuyunnanine c in cell suspension cultures of Taxus chinensis by methyl jasmonate elicitation and in situ absorption. Page:223—229
9. Development of a fed-batch process for TNFR-fc producing GS-CHO cells. Page:216—222
10. Eukaryotic expression and bioactivity determination of the fusion protein sTNFRII-gAD consisting of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor II and globular domain of adiponectin. Page:207—215
11. Expression, purification and renaturation of Pol P51 antigen of HIV-1 strain CN54 and its application in antibody detection. Page:201—206
12. Screening of collagenase-producing strain and purification of Bacillus cereus collagenase. Page:194—200
13. Biomass carbohydrates assimilation and lipid accumulation by Mortierella isabellina. Page:189—193
14. Breeding of ammonium-tolerant mutants of Actinobacillus succinogenes for succinic acid production and effect of ammonium. Page:183—188
15. Kinetic mechanisms of glycerol dehydrogenase and 1,3-propanediol oxidoreductase from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Page:177—182
16. Engineering and metabolic characteristics of a Clostridium tyrobutyricum strain. Page:170—176
17. Cloning, expression and evaluation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADH2. Page:165—169
18. Improving ethanol tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae industrial strain by directed evolution of SPT3. Page:159—164
19. Effect of cadmium, alone or in combination with CaCl2, on the growth, antioxidative enzyme activity and cadmium absorption of Solanum nigrum L. var pauciflorum hairy roots. Page:147—158
20. Regulatory networks of somatic embryogenesis in plant. Page:141—146