WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of General Surgery> 2012> 27> 8

Volume: 27 Issue: 8

1. RNA interference silencing EZH2 gene strengths the sensitivity of human hepatic multidrug-resistant cancer cells to 5-Fu chemotherapy Page:660—663
2. The effect of goal-directed therapy on postoperative infections in high risk surgical patients: a Meta analysis Page:650—655
3. A Meta analysis for 4250 portal hypertension cases undergoing surgery in Chinese literature Page:643—649
4. Mammary ductoscopy for the evaluation and management of nipple discharge Page:632—634
5. Sentinel lymph node biopsy guided neck dissection in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma Page:627—631
6. Occult breast cancer, report of 62 cases Page:619—622
7. Endovascular treatment for TASC Ⅱ C/D femoropopliteal arterial disease Page:616—618
8. The significance of peripheral blood CK19 mRNA expression in breast cancer patients Page:656—659
9. The influence of internal sphincter deletions on postoperative fecal incontinence in rectal cancer patients undergoing intersphincteric resection Page:639—642
10. Single center's experience of ABO-incompatible liver transplantation in 20 cases Page:609—612
11. Upper-gastrointestinal polyps found in cases of familial adenomatous polyposis Page:613—615
12. Promoter hypermethylation of the RUNX3 gene in colorectal carcinogenesis and its prognostic significance Page:664—667
13. Clinical features of differentiated thyroid carcinoma diagnosed during pregnancy Page:635—638
14. Value of ultrasound detection of calcification in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma Page:623—626