WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Medical Education> 1990> 21

Volume: 21

1. CME for practising physicians in the Jikei university school of medicine. Page:11—13
2. Problems in establishing the system of CME in university hospital. Page:14—16
3. Between university of Tsukuba and Ibaraki medical association. Page:17—18
4. CME for regional practising physicians in national hospitals. Page:19—21
5. CME and hospital-clinics functional tie-up in the regional med. assn. hospital (Almeida). Page:22—23
6. The functional tie-up between a central base hospital and clinics at CME. An effcctive program method of ongoing CME. Page:24—25
7. CME and hospital-clinics functional tie-up between a central base hospital and clinics in Okayama city. Page:26—29
8. Practice of the organized primary health care system in tajimi city. Page:30—31
9. The functional tie-up between hospitals and clinics in the CME of general practitioners. Page:32—34
10. CME in a local city of Hamamatsu. Page:39—40
11. The aim at a life-long education of a physician. Page:4—5
12. CME and functional tie-up between the public hospital and private clinics in Amagasaki city. Page:41—42
13. CME of practising doctor with reference our system of functional tie-up between hospitals and private clinics. Case of Himeji medical association. Page:43—44
14. Consciousness of members of the Kita-Kyushu medical association on CME. Page:45—48
15. CME through practitioner-hospital collaboration. Its future perspective. Page:49—50
16. Present status of CME of Japan medical association. Page:51—53
17. CME in U.S.A. Page:54—55
18. Objectives of post-graduate clinical training. Page:56—58
19. Continuing medical education (CME) for practising physicians in university hospital. Page:6—8
20. Staff development through workshop. Page:63—68
21. CME for practising physicians in national defence medical college. Page:9—10
22. Introductory Remarks. Page:3—3
23. Introduction of curriculum evaluation by students. Page:100—103
24. A plan of the curriculum of chemistry for medical students. Page:104—107
25. A discussion on a education method for basic bacteriology for medical students with computers. Page:108—112
26. Current trends in reform of medical education. Edinburgh declaration and declaration of Fukuoka. Page:113—121
27. Integrated lectures: Some proposals to substantiate their significance. Page:127—129
28. Proposal of promoting medical education research. Page:130—132
29. Experience of clinical clerkship at Harvard Medical School. Page:133—136
30. Medical education at Harvard Medical School. Experience of the new pathway program. Page:137—140
31. Medical education at Harvard Medical School. Page:141—145
32. The education of attitude by Balint group work. Page:146—150
33. Teaching surgical techniques of office minor surgery to medical students. Page:79—83
34. How to handle basal questions with high percent of correct answer in objective tests. Page:84—87
35. Experience with new community-based curriculum in environmental medicine. (3). Effective trial of co-medical workers' participation in improvement of medical education. Page:88—94
36. Indices using for evaluation of MCQ tests and their issues. With a proposal of a standard-setting method for the present national board examinations. Page:95—99
37. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on basic medicine. Anatomy. Page:172—174
38. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on basic medicine. Biochemistry. Page:175—176
39. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on basic medicine. Current state of graduate education of physiology. Page:177—179
40. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on basic medicine. Pharmacology. Page:180—181
41. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on basic medicine. Pathology. Page:182—183
42. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on social medicine. Health sciences and graduate school - Proposed biomedical graduate school of Hokkido university. Page:184—187
43. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on social medicine. Postgraduate educational institutions as "public health school". Page:188—191
44. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on clinical medicine. For educating clinically medical scientist. Page:192—194
45. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on clinical medicine. Graduate school in clinical medicine. Page:199—200
46. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on clinical medicine. From the standpoint of surgery. Page:203—204
47. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on clinical medicine. Clinical research-ploblems awaifing solution. Page:205—208
48. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on clinical medicine. Postgraduate course: Ophthalmology-past and present. Page:209—210
49. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Based on clinical medicine. Medical informatics and graduate school. Page:211—214
50. Present state and problems of the postgraduation. Graduate school in clinical medicine and residential institutions. Page:215—218
51. Introductory Remark Page:171—171
52. The Exercise in Response for Counselling Training Page:219—224
53. An attempt to integrate the general education and the specialized education in the seminar for medical students. Page:235—240
54. The role of the practice of medical team carc and introductory medical training system. Page:241—247
55. The evaluation of twelve years experiences of the practice of medical team care at the university of Tsukuba, school of medicine. Page:249—256
56. Again on lectures of "Igaku-gairon". Page:257—260
57. Clinical postgraduate school and clinical specialties. Page:265—267
58. An ex post facto evaluation of the 82nd and 83rd national examination for Physicians' license. Page:269—274
59. Report of the 8th conference on student selection. Page:275—282
60. Experiences of medical education which can never be seen in Japan: Our own experiences in the university of newcastle, faculty of medicine, Australia. Page:287—290
61. Our Experience at Jefferson Medical College Page:283—286
62. Three years' experience in learning evaluation by means of two-dimensional criteria (1986-1988). Page:375—380
63. Terminal care education in small group for nursing students. Page:381—385
64. Rerereeing at meetings: Responses to questionnaires. Page:387—394
65. Evaluation of the MCQ type examination by the percentage of correct answers and the discriminating index of phi coefficient. Page:395—400
66. Analysis of human genetics and related biological sciences in the curriculum of Kurume university school of medicine. Page:405—409
67. What medical student think of telling the truth to a cancer patient. Page:411—416
68. Experience at McMaster university as clinical clerk for 3 months. Page:417—420
69. Experiences of Australian heart and liver transplantations as a Japanese medical student. Page:421—425
70. Problems of Graduate School in Clinical Medicine Page:201—201