WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion> 1997> 8> 2

Volume: 8 Issue: 2

1. Production and Assessment of Goat Antihuman Globulin Reagent. Page:177—185
2. Isoagglutinin Titer in Major ABO Incompatible Bone Marrow Transplantation. Page:167—176
3. Optimal Blood Ordering for Solid Organ Transplantation. Page:157—166
4. Clinical Usefulness of Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV)-1 p24 Antigen Testing. Page:149—155
5. Genotype Frequencies of Platelet Glycoprotein IIIa-Specific Antigens and Granulocyte Antigens In Korean Pregnant Women*. Page:137—147
6. Cryopreservation and Characterization of Umbilical Cord Blood. Page:125—135
7. Factors Affecting Blood Donation in University Students. Page:113—124
8. Malaria detection rate of donated blood and blood sample in risky area. Page:103—111
9. Fetal D positive blood detection by PCR in D negative preganant. Page:97—101
10. An experience of autologous transfusion by preoperative autologous blood donation. Page:89—95
11. The study of RHD gene mutation in weak D. Page:83—88
12. Evaluation of Treponema pallidum antibody test in blood donors. Page:75—81
13. Detection Rate of Hepatitis B Virus DNA among Blood Donors showing HBsAg Positivity or Negativity and relatedness with other hepatitis B viral markers. Page:61—73
14. A study on vasovagal reaction of high school students participating in group blood donation. Page:51—60
15. Use of blood components, irradiated and filtered blood products in Chonnam University Hospital. Page:43—50
16. Study on the Seroincidence of Hepatitic C Virus Infection among blood donors in Korea. Page:33—41
17. Platelet Activation and Storage lesions in Apheresis Platelet Concentrates. Page:23—31
18. Effectiveness of Supplemental Enzyme Immunoassay Using Abbott IMx HCV Kit for the Anti-HCV Positive Donors. Page:11—21
19. Occupational Distribution of Anti-HCV Immunoblot Positive Donors and Anti-HIV Westernblot Postive Donors in Korea. Page:1—9