WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Korean Journal of Anesthesiology> 1989> 22> 6

Volume: 22 Issue: 6

1. Changes of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate during Endotracheal Intubation with Lidocaine and Fentanyl Pretreatment. Page:915—921
2. Plasma Concentrations of Lidocaine Associated with Epidural Anesthesia and Axillary Nerve Block . Page:910—914
3. Effect of Intrathecal Tetracaine (T-caine) and Bupivacaine (Marcaine) on Tourniquet Pain. Page:906—909
4. The Effects of Halothane, Enflurane, and Regional Anesthesia on SGOT and SGPT . Page:892—905
5. Change of Internal Jugular Venous Oxygen Content during Hypotension in Halothane and Isoflurane Anesthesia. Page:886—891
6. A Clinical Study of the Effects of Time - interval and Temperature Change on the Arterial Blood Gases and PH . Page:879—885
7. Anesthetic Induction with Fentanyl. Page:872—878
8. Uptake of Inhalation Anesthetics at the Different Inflow Rate in Semiclosed Circuit . Page:865—871
9. A Clinical Evaluation of Hypotensive Anesthesia for Maxillofacial Reconstruction and Plastic Sugery . Page:860—864
10. An Evaluation of 12,212 Pediatric Surgical Patients . Page:854—859
11. clinical Application of Pediatric Caudal Anesthesia . Page:849—853
12. The Effect of the Position of the Paturient on the Hemodynamics of the Paturients and the Apgar Scores and Gas Analysis of the Cord Blood of the Newborns . Page:842—848
13. Postoperative Pain Management with Epidural Anesthesia for Gynecologic Surgery . Page:836—841
14. The Hemodynamic Effects of Metocurine during Enflurane Anesthesia . Page:830—835
15. The Response of Succinylcholine from Blood Flow Occulusion . Page:826—829
16. Comparison of Right Internal Jugular or Subclavian Pressure and Central Venous Pressure during Anethesia. Page:821—825
17. Cardiovascular Responses during Fentanyl - O2 Anesthesia for Cardiac Valvular Replacement Operation . Page:813—820
18. The Dosage of Sodium Nitroprusside and its Effects on the Cardiovascular System for Deliberate Hypotension in Halothane Anesthesia. Page:806—812
19. Hemodyamic Effects of Verapamil on Canine Cardiovascular System Under Variable Concentrations of Isoflurane Anesthesia . Page:793—805
20. A Unilateral Blockade Following Caudal Anesthesia for Hemorrhoidectomy . Page:953—957
21. Anesthetic Management of a Patient with Pheochromocytoma - A case report. Page:946—952
22. Malpositions of Central Venous Catheter . Page:941—945
23. Anesthetic Management for Reconstructive Carotid Surgery Using of Electroencephalography . Page:937—940
24. Retrograde Tracheal Intubation through Cricothyroid Membrane . Page:934—936
25. Intraoperative Thrombelastographic ( TEG ) Monitoring and Treatment of Massive Transfused Patients . Page:926—933
26. A Negative Pressure Method Using a CVP Manometer for the Ascertainment of the Epidural Space . Page:922—925