WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Journal of Korean Oncology Nursing> > 9

Volume: 9

1. The Analysis of the Korean Nursing Research Trends on Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Cancer Patients. Page:67—75
2. Sexual Function of Breast Cancer Survivors and Healthy Women : A Comparative Study. Page:60—66
3. Perceived Family Support and Quality of Life in Patients with Cancer. Page:52—59
4. Development of Educational Program for Hospice Smart Patient Service Provider. Page:43—51
5. Ethnography on Isolation Unit for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Focusing on Patients. Page:31—42
6. Correlation between Mental Adjustment to Cancer and Anxiety. Page:23—30
7. Effects of Spiritual Well-being on Spiritual Nursing Intervention. Page:15—22
8. A Study on the Quality of Life and Sexual Function of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Recipients. Page:7—14
9. Needs of Hospice Care in Families of the Hospitalized Terminal Patients with Cancer. Page:1—6
10. The Effect of Laughter Therapy on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Patients with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy. Page:155—162
11. Patients' Experiences of Sensations After Breast Cancer Surgery in Korean Women. Page:145—154
12. Comparison of the Self-Care Behaviors according to Mental Adjustment to Cancer. Page:136—144
13. Psychosocial Adjustment, Marital Intimacy and Family Support of Post-mastectomy Patients. Page:129—135
14. Marital Intimacy and Quality of Life in Women With Breast Cancer. Page:122—128
15. An Exploratory Study of Hope Structures of the Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients. Page:114—121
16. Pain Management Knowledge and Attitude of Hospitalized Patients with Cancer and Their Family Caregivers. Page:104—113
17. Nursing Students' Attitude toward Death and Perception on Hospice Care. Page:95—103
18. Influencing Factors on Hope Among Patients with Breast Cancer. Page:86—94
19. Symptom Cluster Presented by Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients on Gefitinib Treatment. Page:77—85